
Halperin: NYT ‘Putting Their Finger on the Scale Against’ Trump

October 14th, 2016 12:38 AM
Ever since The New York Times published numerous sexual assault accusations against Donald Trump on Wednesday the GOP nominee has been threatening the file a lawsuit against paper. In a response to Trump’s threats, the paper’s legal team put out a declaration basically saying “bring it on.” Mark Halperin, the managing editor for Bloomberg Politics, took exception with the Times’ message on…

ABC, NBC Fawn Over Michelle’s ‘Raw and Powerful Takedown’ of Trump

October 13th, 2016 10:48 PM
First Lady Michelle Obama was in New Hampshire Thursday to campaign for Hillary Clinton. While there she unloaded on GOP nominee Donald Trump, “And I can't believe that I'm saying that a candidate for president of the United States has bragged about sexually assaulting women.” Both ABC and NBC couldn’t get enough of it. “And right before Donald Trump took the stage today, we heard from First Lady…

Cobertura despareja de las revelaciones sobre Trump y Clinton

October 13th, 2016 3:20 PM
El patrón de la cobertura noticiosa de la filtración en el mismo día de los comentarios vulgares de Donald Trump sobre las mujeres en comparación con los comprometedores mensajes de correo electrónico provenientes desde adentro de la campaña de Clinton, ilustran el alcance impactante del sesgo político que sigue dominando los programas noticiosos de las dos cadenas de televisión en español más…

MRC’s Bozell: NBC Is ‘Complicit in a Cover-Up’ of Holding Trump Tape

October 13th, 2016 1:49 PM
On Thursday afternoon, Media Research Center president Brent Bozell was outraged by the report from TMZ that multiple sources in the NBC circle said the network “top network execs knew about the video long before they publicly said they did, but wanted to hold it because it was too early in the election” and instead “roll out the tape 48 hours before the debate so it would dominate the news cycle…

Spanish Nets Offer Lopsided Split in Trump Video, Clinton Revelations

October 12th, 2016 7:45 PM
The pattern of news coverage following the same-day leak of both Donald Trump’s off-color, 2005 hot mic comments alongside compromising emails from within the Clinton campaign illustrates the staggering extent of the political bias that continues to dominate the morning and evening news programs on the nation’s top two Spanish-language television networks.

CBS Dredges Up Anita Hill Accusations, Steers Clear of Bill Clinton’s

October 12th, 2016 12:18 AM
In an attempt to demonstrate how pervasive sexual assault was in politics Tuesday, CBS Evening News went back to the 90’s for a heinous example. No, they didn’t cover the plethora of examples swirling around former President Bill Clinton. Instead, they chose one of their favorite conservative punching bags, Justice Clarence Thomas. “While these stories are being shared across social media today,…

CBS, NBC Hype 'GOP Civil War,' Predict Loss of House and Senate

October 11th, 2016 12:51 AM
Following the leaked tape of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump making lewd comments about women over the weekend, members of the Republican Party started to distance themselves. And NBC seemed quite giddy about it as they kicked off NBC Nightly News Monday with “Civil War” emblazoned across the screen. As if he was announcing the latest Marvel blockbuster Anchor Lester Holt declared, “With…

MRC's Rich Noyes Calls Out Debate Moderators on Lopsided Interruptions

October 10th, 2016 11:12 PM
The Media Research Center’s Rich Noyes appeared on Fox Business Networks’ Risk and Reward Monday to discuss the bias of Sunday’s presidential debate moderators. Noyes noted that the moderators Martha Raddatz of ABC and Anderson Cooper of CNN interrupted Donald Trump by a roughly 2-1 margin. “But it was more than interruptions. You know, they were challenging Donald Trump,” he continued, “They…

CNN Chats with Clinton Campaign Chair, Grills Kellyanne Conway

October 10th, 2016 2:26 AM
Soon after the end of Sunday’s presidential debate, CNN’s senior political correspondent Brianna Keilar rushed to the event’s spin room to lob softball questions to John Podesta, Clinton’s campaign chair. “Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton the devil but also made a threat that if he were in charge of the laws of the country that he would jail her, that he would imprison her. What's the campaign…

CNN Misquotes Trump, then Says He Sounds Like ‘Stalin or Hitler’

October 10th, 2016 12:38 AM
During the second presidential debate Sunday, GOP nominee Donald Trump declared that he would appoint a special prosecutor to look into the Hillary Clinton e-mail situation because he felt the original outcome was suspect. Clinton soon after remarked that she was glad someone like him wasn’t in charge, to which Trump replied that she would be in jail. From there CNN went off the deep end with…

NPR Reporter Amazed That College-Educated Voters Ever Supported GOP

October 9th, 2016 10:49 AM
They try, they really do, but those earnest sorts at state-run media known as National Public Radio can't hide their true colors. This is especially true when the media outlet's reporters, editors and assorted hangers-on talk among themselves, as on the NPR Politics podcast.

ABC Skips Controversial Clinton Ad Buy, Focuses on Her Little Girl Hug

October 6th, 2016 9:13 PM
The Hillary Clinton campaign was caught in a rather humiliating blunder Thursday, as it was discovered that they bought air time on the Weather Channel in battleground states effected by Hurricane Matthew. Out of the only two networks to cover politics that evening only CBS had mentioned it, while ABC ignored it. “Clinton’s camp had to sidestep an embarrassment of its own. Reversing a recent move…

Spinning ‘That Mexican Thing’ on Univision and Telemundo

October 6th, 2016 6:45 PM
“That Mexican thing” - Republican vice presidential candidate Mike Pence’s phrase expressing his exasperation at Senator Tim Kaine’s repeated crassly dishonest, incomplete reference to remarks made by Donald Trump upon announcing his presidential campaign – is itself now being distorted and negatively characterized by the chief news anchors of the nation’s top two Spanish-language television…

MRC Launches Website to Expose Liberalism in Nonprofit Journalism

October 6th, 2016 9:03 AM
RESTON, VA — Media Research Center (MRC) Vice President of Business Dan Gainor issued the following statement announcing the launch of Buying Bias, a new website that exposes the web of funding behind billionaire foundations and nonprofit journalism outlets, which have insinuated themselves into traditional media outlets.