
Nets Hypocrisy: Berated ‘Binders of Women,’ Flippant on ‘Food Groups’

October 19th, 2016 12:51 AM
As the torrent of Hillary Clinton campaign e-mails continued to pour out of WikiLeaks Tuesday, a peculiar e-mail surfaced sent from Clinton Campaign Chairman John Podesta. The e-mail discussed Clinton’s possible vice presidential choices with different blocks of candidates distinguished mainly by their race and gender, or as Podesta dubbed them, “food groups.” As offensive as such classifications…

Nets Blackout Damaging Undercover Video Exposing Underhanded Liberals

October 18th, 2016 10:52 PM
Late Monday, Project Veritas dropped a series of videos exposing the underhanded tactics of liberal political operatives, which has already has led to people losing their jobs. “Tonight, a rare look inside the dark side of politics,” reported Fox News’ Bret Baier Tuesday on Special Report, “A conservative group is shining some light on how pro-Hillary Clinton forces at least plotted to circumvent…

Politifact Claims NRA 'Mostly False' Directly Quoting Hillary on Guns

October 18th, 2016 3:22 PM
The latest installment of Stupid Fact Checks involves Politifact, the heavyweight champion of dishonest "fact checkers." The web site's clear mission is to make false leftist claims look credible while discrediting valid statements made by those on the center-right.

Ex-NYT Editor Aghast That Anyone Thinks Times Reporters Make Stuff Up

October 18th, 2016 3:11 PM
GOP nominee Donald Trump is alleging the game is rigged against him from a disturbing combo of inevitable voting fraud and slanted media coverage of the campaign. Predictably, media stalwarts blithely dismiss Trump's allegation as paranoid and delusional. Perhaps they should not be so quick to laugh it off, given the media's track record when it comes to fiction fobbed off as journalism.

Críticas a Trump y a EE.UU. en evento de Univisión

October 18th, 2016 9:49 AM
En lo que pareció ser el mitin por Hillary Clinton más grande realizado hasta ahora de la campaña presidencial, Univisión y su cadena hermana en inglés Fusion volvieron a apoyar abiertamente a su candidata predilecta. Lo hicieron con un evento para promover el voto que fue televisado durante tres horas.  El mitin, con una concurrencia estimada de 15.000 personas (aunque es posible que algunos no…

ABC, NBC Downplay Quid Pro Quo, Tout Clinton Campaign Expansion

October 18th, 2016 12:29 AM
A brand new chapter in the Hillary Clinton personal e-mail server saga opened up Monday, as newly released FBI notes revealed a possible quid pro quo between the agency and the State Department. According to the notes State Department official Pat Kennedy wanted a classified Clinton e-mail to be marked unclassified in exchange for the FBI to expand their overseas presence. But ABC and NBC decided…

NBC Slams Republicans as Violent Following GOP Office Firebombing

October 17th, 2016 10:31 PM

Liberal NBC finally dedicated a serious amount of time to the “political terrorism” committed against the North Carolina Republican Party over the weekend, in the form of a firebombing of an HQ office. But instead of focusing on the heinous act, they decided to paint Republicans as the ones stoking the violence. “Tensions have been rising all year in a campaign that's seen undertones of…


Trump, U.S. Border Trashed at Univision GOTV Event

October 17th, 2016 6:45 PM
In what appeared to be the biggest pro-Hillary rally yet of the fall campaign (with an estimated crowd of 15,000, though it’s likely more than a few in attendance were non-citizens, and thus ineligible to cast a vote), Univision and its sister English-language network, Fusion, once again delivered for their network’s preferred candidate, with a three-hour televised Get-Out-the-Vote extravaganza,…

Univisión oculta opinión pro-Trump de sastre presidencial

October 17th, 2016 2:23 PM
Historias de inmigrantes exitosos en los Estados Unidos obtienen cobertura frecuente y bienvenida en Univisión.

CNN’s Stelter Blames Firebombing of NC Republican Office on Trump

October 16th, 2016 7:21 PM
Horrible news broke Sunday afternoon as details emerged of the vicious firebombing of the Orange County GOP Head Quarters in North Carolina. Nobody was killed in the attack, which is being described as a “political terrorism,” although the office itself was lost. According to authorities “Nazi Republicans get out of town or else” was spray-painted on a building close to the attack, but that didn’…

Stelter: It’s ‘False’ and ‘Ludicrous’ that Media Colluded with Clinton

October 16th, 2016 3:54 PM
Following the recent reporting from major news sources about Donald Trump’s alleged sexual assaults against numerous women, he has railed against the media for colluding with Hillary Clinton campaign. In spite of Media Research Center data which shows how lopsided recent coverage of the candidates had been, CNN’s Brian Stelter denied any such effort by the media to sway the election on Reliable…

MSNBC Guest: GOP Leaders Threaten Women’s ‘Very Lives’ with Policies

October 16th, 2016 11:06 AM
In light of the numerous women who have come forward to accuse GOP nominee Donald Trump of sexually assaulting them, many in the media have questioned why leaders of the party continue to endorse him. The National Organization for Women President Terry O’Neill appeared on Politics Nation with Al Sharpton Sunday to discuss their petition to get them to unendorse their nominee. “Are you surprised…

Univision Hides Conservative, Pro-Trump Views of Presidential Tailor

October 16th, 2016 9:39 AM
Profiles of immigrant success stories in the United States are frequent, welcome features on Univision. A recent one featured the legendary holocaust survivor Martin Greenfield, who as a teenage boy famously asked the Jewish rabbi who accompanied the U.S. Army soldiers who liberated him from the Buchenwald concentration camp the haunting question “Where was God?" - and who would later go on to…

Behar: Bill Accusers 'Tramps,' But Hillary Knows 'He Did Those Things'

October 14th, 2016 1:35 PM
Much is being made of The View host Joy Behar's outrageous smear earlier this week of three women who have accused Bill Clinton's sexual assault and unwanted sexual advances as "tramps." The blowback is richly deserved, especially because compelling evidence indicates that these women are the victims, not only of Bill Clinton, but of Hillary Clinton's enabling behavior and actions.