
CBS Touts the Clinton Campaign’s GOTV Effort in Early Voting Iowa

September 29th, 2016 9:47 PM
With Election Day just 40 days way, 11 states have already opened their polls to those residents wishing to cast their ballot early. “And absentee ballots are being mailed now in 28 states and Washington, D.C.,” reported CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley, “Early access to the polls in Iowa was not lost on the Clinton campaign today.” And neither was it lost on CBS and their reporter Nancy…

For Univision, GOTV Practically Means 'Vote for Hillary'

September 29th, 2016 6:55 PM
A recent report on Univision’s principal national evening newscast leaves little doubt that the network's high-profile efforts to boost Latino voter registration and turnout are solely aimed to benefit Hillary Clinton.

A.J Delgado lleva mensaje claro y sin corrección política a Univisión

September 29th, 2016 5:54 PM
La edición más reciente de Al Punto, el programa semanal de asuntos públicos de Univisión, ofreció una sorpresa bienvenida: finalmente rompió con su rotación repetitiva de expertos opositores a Trump o expertos que aunque apoyan a Trump lo hacen sin entusiasmo.

ABC Is Enthralled by Clinton’s ‘Secret Weapon’ and ‘Famous Friends’

September 29th, 2016 12:20 AM
The highly superficial ABC let their viewers know how they really felt about Hillary Clinton’s campaign Wednesday evening during World News Tonight. “And tonight, one of Clinton's most powerful weapons, First Lady Michelle Obama, in Pennsylvania,” touted anchor David Muir leading into Cecilia Vega’s report, “And she did not hold back on the Trump.” Muir’s praise was accompanied with the…

A.J. Delgado Takes Anti-Politically Correct Message to Univision

September 27th, 2016 1:05 PM
The latest edition of Al Punto, Univision's weekly public affairs show, featured a welcome surprise: the show finally broke its recent repetitive rotation of either outright anti-Trump or less than enthusiastic pro-Trump pundits.

CNN Spends the First 30 Minutes After Debate Critiquing Trump

September 27th, 2016 1:42 AM
Within mere seconds of the first 2016 presidential debate ending Monday night, CNN’s post-debate analysis was dedicated to critiquing Donald Trump’s performance. The first round of critiques came from Jake Tapper who stated he felt that the first 30 minutes went well for Trump, while the following hour was dominated by Hillary Clinton. His colleagues Wolf Blitzer and John King agreed with both…

Politifact, on Black Jobless Rate Remarks: Bernie's OK! Trump's Wrong!

September 26th, 2016 2:04 PM
When will the highly left-politicized "fact checking" site known as Politifact evaluate a statement about the unemployment rate among young blacks as "Mostly True"? When Bernie Sanders says it. When will Politifact take a very similar statement and determine that it's "Mostly False"? When Donald Trump says it — even though, if judged consistently by Sanders' strange definition of "real…

AP Refuses to Accept Trump's True 'Hillary Started It' 'Birther' Claim

September 25th, 2016 10:32 PM
In a "Fact Check" published Wednesday afternoon, the Associated Press's Thomas Beaumont insisted that Donald Trump's September 16 statement that "Hillary Clinton and her campaign of 2008 started the birther controversy," namely that then-candidate Barack Obama was not born in the United States, "is as untrue as his original lie." Some readers who don't get past Paragraph 3 might even believe that…

Stelter Pushes Fact-Checking Moderators, Shot Down by Debate Veterans

September 25th, 2016 3:55 PM
With the first presidential debate right around the corner CNN’s Brian Stelter amped up his call for debate moderators to be fact-checkers, during Sunday’s Reliable Sources. Of course, most of his concern is focused on Donald Trump with Hillary Clinton being an afterthought, seeing as he lambasted NBC’s Matt Lauer for not doing it. “Does a unique candidate like Donald Trump require a different…

Ramos ataca a Trump por preservar la “tradición anglosajona” de EE.UU.

September 25th, 2016 3:44 PM
Jorge Ramos ha encontrado un nuevo ángulo del candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump que a él le parece lamentable.

CNN Panel: Clinton Knows Her Opponent Better than They Know Themselves

September 25th, 2016 12:17 PM
The Sunday before the first presidential debate of 2016 was filled with analysis and speculation about how the candidates were going to perform. It was the same on CNN’s Inside Politics were their panel touted Hillary Clinton’s ability to debate.  Host John King played a clip of Clinton leaving Senator Bernie Sanders speechless after slamming his questions about her speaking fees as a smear,…

Ramos Rips Trump for Wanting to Preserve USA's 'Anglo-Saxon Tradition'

September 24th, 2016 7:45 AM
There’s a new aspect of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump that Univision anchor Jorge Ramos finds deplorable. 

La obsesión con Trump de Univisión se extiende a Melania

September 21st, 2016 5:18 PM
La obsesión de Univisión contra Trump no se limita solamente al candidato presidencial. Últimamente se ha extendido también a quien podría llegar a ser la primera dama de Estados Unidos, Melania Trump.

Clinton Camp Pushed Birtherism; AP Claims It's Still Trump's Problem

September 21st, 2016 6:52 AM
Investigative reporters at the Associated Press have occasionally come up with meaningful nuggets putting Democratic Presidential nominee Hillary Clinton's conduct and record in a bad light. Examples include several scoops in the email/private-server scandal and its research finding that "More than half the people outside the government who met with Hillary Clinton while she was secretary of…