
Telemundo Anchor Sticks Pro-Clinton Narrative on to Unrelated Story

September 20th, 2016 8:30 AM
From a recent Noticiero Telemundo newscast, this is one of the stranger (and more grossly blatant) examples of media bias that you'll find. Here is how anchor María Celeste Arrarás introduced a story on how 1 out 4 Americans refuse to stop working while sick:

Univision’s Trump Obsession Extends to Melania

September 20th, 2016 7:00 AM
The anti-Trump obsession at Univision is not limited to the presidential candidate. It has also extended lately to the prospective future First Lady of the United States, Melania Trump.

Bee Whines About Support for ‘Used Hate Salesman’ Trump, Blames NBC

September 20th, 2016 2:02 AM
The ever pleasant Samantha Bee spent the first segment of Full Frontal Monday whining about how Hillary Clinton had taken a tumble in the polls, with Donald Trump pulling ahead in key battleground states. But for Bee, it couldn’t possibly be because Clinton had lied to the public about nearly everything, including about being a little sick. “Faced with the prospect of losing the presidency to a…

ABC’s Debate Moderator: ‘No Proof’ Clinton Campaign Used Birtherism

September 18th, 2016 2:41 PM
Governor Mike Pence appeared on ABC’s This Week on Sunday, where their presidential debate moderator, Martha Raddatz, relentlessly grilled him about Donald Trump’s involvement in the “Birther movement.” Under pressure, Pence defended himself by reminding Raddatz that members of Hillary Clinton’s 2008 campaign leaned on questions of citizenship to take jabs at then Senator Barack Obama. But…

CNN Panel: No 'Parallel' Between Trump and Clinton on Birther Issue

September 18th, 2016 11:24 AM
CNN’s Inside Politics tried to rewrite the history book on Sunday, by continuing the media’s new claim that Hillary Clinton’s campaign didn’t lean on birtherism in 2008 to fight then Senator Barack Obama. While anointing Trump the leader of the “Birther movement” they flat out denied Clinton had a hand in lending the conspiracy credence. Host John King hyped Donald Trump’s announcement that he…

AP Insists: 'No Evidence' Hillary Started Obama 'Birther' Rumors

September 16th, 2016 10:36 PM
The press continues to ignore reality by insisting that it's a settled matter that Hillary Clinton and conpany were never involved in fomenting and promoting the Barack Obama "birther" rumors. Even today, with damning new evidence that a campaign apparatchik started such an effort, and that a confidant whose relationship with the Clintons goes back to Bill Clinton's presidency pitched the story…

‘Daily Show:’ Wouldn’t Trust Trump’s Doctor ‘in a Game of Operation'

September 16th, 2016 1:57 AM
With the candidates health still in the news it was ripe for ridicule for Comedy Central’s The Daily Show and host Trevor Noah. But instead of focusing on Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton themselves, Noah’s initial desire was to hammer away at Trump’s doctor who he named “Dr. Lebowski.” “And look, I’m not saying that guy is qualified or not,” exclaimed Noah, “I’m just saying, I wouldn't trust…

MSNBC Runs Promo of Hillary Telling Mitchell She’s ‘My Kind of Woman!'

September 15th, 2016 5:07 PM
We at NewsBusters have chronicled some head-scratching promos in the last year by MSNBC but the most asinine and fawning one began airing recently featuring Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton telling MSNBC host/NBC News correspondent Andrea Mitchell at a press conference that she loves her and resembles “my kind of woman” who’s “indefatigble...I’ll tell you what.”

Donny Deutsch Takes the Low Road, Insinuates that Trump Has ED

September 15th, 2016 2:21 AM
With the news cycle focused so heavily on the candidates’ current health and medical records this week, both candidates opened themselves up Wednesday by releasing new health information from their doctors. And by all accounts, both Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are health for being 70. But on Bloomberg’s With All Due Respect, co-host Donny Deutsch took swings at his favorite punching bag. “I’…

Nets Slam Trump with Powell E-Mails, Omit Bill Clinton’s 'Bimbos' Line

September 15th, 2016 12:13 AM
Just as they did Wednesday morning, the liberal “Big Three” networks steered clear of any of the more deeply personal attack against the Clintons in former Secretary of State Colin Powell’s e-mails, while continuing to rail against Donald Trump that evening. Despite hyping Powell calling Trump a "national disgrace," ABC, CBS, and NBC all ignored how Powell accused former President Bill Clinton of…

Activismo electoral de Ramos enciende campaña “¡Ramos debe irse!"

September 15th, 2016 12:05 AM
En reacción a las repetidas declaraciones públicas del presentador principal de noticias de Univisión Jorge Ramos oponiéndose a la elección de Donald Trump, se ha puesto en marcha una campaña para denunciar la cobertura tendenciosa de Ramos y presionar a Univisión para que lo suspenda como presentador de noticias desde ahora hasta el día de las elecciones.

Univision Anchor’s Electioneering Sparks 'Ramos Must Go' Drive

September 14th, 2016 10:15 AM
In reaction to Univision chief news anchor Jorge Ramos’ repeated statements in the media opposing the election of Donald Trump, an effort is underway to both highlight Ramos’ compromised coverage of the election, as well as bring pressure to bear on Univision to remove Ramos from the network’s news anchor desk between now and Election Day.

‘Just What the Doctor Ordered:’ ABC, CBS Fawn Over Obama Stump Speech

September 13th, 2016 11:49 PM
While Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was resting off a case of pneumonia in her New York state home Tuesday, President Barack Obama was hitting the campaign trail on her behalf in Pennsylvania. And ABC and CBS evening newscasts gave the president’s performance rave reviews. “Today, President Obama appeared for her in Philadelphia, and he looked a little bit like a retired athlete thrilled to…

La tendencia liberal de Univisión causa protestas

September 13th, 2016 8:44 PM
La implacable tendencia liberal y el activismo político del gigante de televisión en español Univisión durante 2016 han desatado protestas finalmente frente a los estudios de la cadena en Doral, Florida.