Univision Announces GOTV Event For 'Rising American Mainstream'

August 29th, 2016 11:46 AM
Univision and Fusion Media Group (FMG) have announced the creation of "Rise Up As One", a "celebration of music and unity" designed to help us "awaken to the power of a changing world". But from the way this event is billed and pushed, though, it has the look and feel of a GOTV event targeted at Univision and FMG's digital audience.

Stelter Attacks AP for Exposing Clinton Foundation Donor Access

August 28th, 2016 3:58 PM
On CNN’s Reliable Sources Sunday, host Brian Stelter who stuck up for Hillary Clinton last weekend did so again. This time he set his sight on the Associated Press for daring to publish a story which exposed how big money donors to the Clinton Foundation received special meetings with her while she was Secretary of State. Stelter questioned why they would even publish the story following a six…

Jorge Ramos Responds to MRC’s Call for Removal from Anchor Chair

August 28th, 2016 1:09 PM
On Sunday August 28 Univision’s Jorge Ramos appeared on CNN’s Reliable Sources to talk about Donald Trump, immigration, and respond to the Media Research Center’s call for him to be removed from the anchor chair. Because of Ramos’ active opposition to Trump, MRC Founder Brent Bozell put out a statement which said, “At the very least, Univision should remove Ramos from the network’s national…

Jorge Ramos on Reliable Sources: Preanalysis And Prebuttal

August 28th, 2016 10:45 AM
Univision/Fusion anchor Jorge Ramos joins Brian Stelter on today's edition of Reliable Sources, in order to discuss the controversy surrounding Ramos' incendiary column for Time magazine, which led to the MRC's call for his removal from the Univision anchor desk until after the election. Here's what to expect:

Jorge Ramos On Warpath Over Trump’s ‘Xenophobic’, ‘Anti-Immigrant’ Ad

August 27th, 2016 7:37 AM
Evidently getting a jump on the fall campaign, Univision’s Jorge Ramos has launched a full-scale attack on the Trump-Pence ticket’s first general election television ad, with a rant that removes any doubt that might still remain that Ramos is a full-fledged #ImWithHer partisan.

Univisión emplazada a remover a Ramos de silla de presentador

August 26th, 2016 3:56 PM
Durante una entrevista con Megyn Kelly de Fox News, el presentador de Univisión Jorge Ramos reiteró su posición a favor de que la clase periodística del país abandone su postura tradicional de neutralidad en su cobertura de la contienda presidencial estadounidense.

Karma for the Clintons at Last?

August 26th, 2016 3:22 PM
Hold on; we may finally be getting some fireworks in this lackluster presidential campaign -- as the Clinton Foundation scandal seems to be gathering steam. Could the Clintons finally have to face the music for their adult-lifetime of corruption? Is it possible that Hillary Clinton's lifelong scheme to be America's first female president could be derailed by this power couple's wanton venality?

MRC's Brent Bozell Demands Univision Remove Jorge Ramos as Anchor

August 26th, 2016 11:24 AM
On Thursday night’s Kelly File, Jorge Ramos doubled down on his recent defense that journalists should ditch neutrality in their coverage of the 2016 presidential election contest. Specifically Ramos defended his anti-Trump statements from his platform as an anchor at Univision and Fusion, condemning Trump as an anti-Hispanic, anti-immigrant racist.

Kelly Confronts Ramos on Trump Disdain, Not Branding Hillary a 'Liar'

August 25th, 2016 11:00 PM
On Thursday night, Fusion/Univision anchor Jorge Ramos met his match in Fox News Channel’s Kelly File host Megyn Kelly, who proceeded call out Ramos on his claim that journalists shouldn’t be neutral in their coverage of Donald Trump and wondered if he’d do the same for Hillary Clinton since many consider her to be a liar like some Latinos consider Trump a racist.

When Was Neutrality Ever Really 'An Option' For Jorge Ramos?

August 25th, 2016 12:06 PM
If these "Stuff Jorge Ramos Says" posts seem repetitive, it is because it is unprecedented for a national news anchor to go on the record with his opinions of a presidential candidate (published on multinational platforms), because the establishment media has aided and abetted this break with longstanding tradition, and because it is important to create preserve -consistent with the mission of…

TV hispana oculta detalles clave de postura de Trump sobre inmigración

August 24th, 2016 9:13 PM
Tras su reciente reunión con su nuevo Consejo de Asesores Hispanos, la especulación de que Donald Trump está cambiando su postura sobre la inmigración ha dominado continuamente la cobertura de noticias en las principales cadenas televisivas de habla hispana en el país.

Hispanic TV Conceals Key Details of Trump’s Stance on Immigration

August 24th, 2016 7:45 AM
Following his recent meeting with his new Hispanic Advisory Council, speculation that Donald Trump is changing his stance on immigration has continued to dominate the news coverage on the nation’s top Hispanic television networks.

Omisión: Univision cubre a medias lío de mails entre Clinton y Powell

August 23rd, 2016 2:57 PM
Los televidentes de la edición del viernes de Notciero Univision recibieron un ejemplo preciso de lo que es el sesgo noticioso por omisión, esto debido a que la cadena reportó tan solo un aspecto de la controversia por correos electrónicos entre los ex Secretarios de Estado Hillary Clinton y Colin Powell. A estas alturas, nadie debe de sorprenderse al saber cuál fue la versión que Univision…

AP Frets Over Obama's 'Vacation Glow,' Distorts Iran Ransom Points

August 23rd, 2016 1:57 PM

At the Associated Press Tuesday morning, Darlene Superville added another chapter to her rarely uninterrupted eight-year exercise in hero-worship coverage of President Barack Obama and his administration. Superville infamously gobbled up precious press briefing time at a White House briefing last year asking questions about the President's upcoming father-daughter weekend the day after Islamic…