
MSNBC: Republicans Purging Minorities to Steal Election, Hack Results

September 4th, 2016 6:49 PM
MSNBC’s Joy Reid, who was swift to condemn Republican concerns of voter fraud, was equally as fast at accusing them of plotting to steal the election. Reid’s concern centered on a computer system called CrossCheck which was developed to find duplicate names on the voter rolls so they can be removed. But Reid and her guest Rolling Stone writer Greg Palast, who brought the issue to her attention,…

CNN Media Panel: Clinton vs. Trump Is Apple vs. 'Rancid Meat'

September 4th, 2016 2:47 PM
On his Sunday show Reliable Sources, host Brian Stelter brought out a panel made up a proverbial who’s who of Donald Trump opponents to whine about how the media are being “unfair” to Hillary Clinton and going easy on Trump. “All year long, I have been hearing one very specific description of the election coverage,” Stelter stated to start off the first segment, “No, it's not bias, but it's close…

Ramos contrariado por la exitosa visita de Donald Trump a México

September 4th, 2016 11:58 AM
"Peña Nieto no estaba listo para Trump", tuiteó Jorge Ramos de Univisión a raíz de la inesperada visita del candidato presidencial republicano estadounidense Donald Trump al presidente de México, Enrique Peña Nieto.

Una canción contra Trump es atracción principal en Azteca América TV

September 4th, 2016 11:10 AM
Como de costumbre, Azteca América se lleva el premio mayor por sus informes exagerados contra Trump en la televisión estadounidense en español.

AP Misreports Obama's 'Hallowed Ground' Reference to Midway Island

September 2nd, 2016 5:06 PM
It's hard to imagine a press report accomplishing the following three things at once: disrespecting U.S. servicemen, demonstrating fever-swamp presumptive support for the one-world "climate change" agenda, and vastly overstating a 2.4-mile atoll's significance to "native tradition." In a Tuesday morning dispatch, the Associated Press's Josh Lederman, in covering President Barack Obama's visit to…

Brent Bozell reprocha a Jorge Ramos por callar ante desafío a debatir

September 1st, 2016 9:12 PM
A principios de esta semana desafié públicamente a Jorge Ramos a sostener un debate sobre cuál es la función propia de los periodistas en nuestra sociedad libre. Ramos no ha respondido. Esto es así porque él sabe que no se pueden defender sus violaciones de las normas periodísticas.

MRC's Brent Bozell Blasts Jorge Ramos for Silence on Debate Offer

September 1st, 2016 4:38 PM
Earlier this week, I publicly challenged Jorge Ramos to a debate about what the proper role is of journalists in our free society. Ramos hasn’t responded. That is because he knows that his violation of journalistic standards is flat out indefensible.  

Ramos Freaks Out Over Trump's Successful Mexico Visit

August 31st, 2016 9:29 PM
“Peña Nieto was not ready for Trump,” tweeted Univision anchor Jorge Ramos in the wake of the Republican presidential candidate’s surprise visit with Mexican President Enrique Peña-Nieto.

Ramos Promotes Anti-Trump Crusade on CNN, Little Pushback from Cooper

August 31st, 2016 1:27 AM
Jorge Ramos appeared on Anderson Cooper 360 Tuesday night to discuss his favorite person to hate, Donald Trump. While on the program he promoted his anti-Trump crusade and called for journalists to put objectivity aside. Ramos argued, “I think for journalists our social responsibility, I think, is to question those who are in power and when we're confronted with racism, discrimination, corruption…

Anti-Trump Song Gets Top Billing on Azteca America TV

August 30th, 2016 7:20 AM
As usual, Azteca America takes the cake for the most over-the-top anti-Trump news on U.S. Spanish-language television. In its national evening newscast, the U.S. subsidiary of the Mexican television conglomerate devoted almost three minutes to what amounted to an extended anti-Trump ad in the form of a musical rant by Mexican singer-songwriter Serralde.

Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski: I Can't Be Objective About Trump

August 30th, 2016 6:22 AM
In what must be at least the twentieth media installment of "I can't be objective about this," MSNBC's Mika Brzezinski brought out her death stare as she reacted on Friday's Morning Joe show to Donald Trump's characterization of Hillary Clinton as a bigot — after several months during which Mrs. Clinton, her campaign and the press (but I repeat myself) have routinely called Trump or his rhetoric…

'I'm A Journalist Asking Questions': Ramos' Shield Becomes A Sword

August 29th, 2016 5:19 PM
As expected, Jorge Ramos went on CNN's Reliable Sources with Brian Stelter, justified his abandonment of neutrality with regard to Donald Trump, and evaded the question about MRC Founder Brent Bozell's call for his removal from Univision's anchor chair until after the election. The linguistic dodge that Ramos deployed in order to effectively to do so warrants additional analysis.

Jorge Ramos en pie de guerra contra el anuncio de Trump

August 29th, 2016 3:47 PM
Entrando evidentemente de lleno en la campaña política de este otoño, Jorge Ramos ha puesto en marcha un ataque en gran escala contra el primer aviso de televisión para las elecciones generales por el binomio Trump-Pence, con un discurso que elimina cualquier duda que aún pudiera haber de que él es partidario abierto de Hillary Clinton.

Brent Bozell desafía a Jorge Ramos a un debate

August 29th, 2016 2:16 PM
El presidente del Centro de Investigación Mediática, Brent Bozell, publicó la siguiente declaración desafiando al presentador de Univisión Jorge Ramos a debatir, un día después de que Ramos apareciera en el programa de CNN Reliable Sources para hablar sobre su capacidad para cubrir honestamente la elección presidencial de 2016. El presentador de CNN Brian Stelter le preguntó a Ramos en el…