
Sharp Contrast in Univision Coverage of Pence, Kaine Rollouts

July 26th, 2016 9:21 PM
These past two weeks, Univision viewers have witnessed two strikingly different approaches to the initial coverage dedicated to the two major party candidates for Vice President of the United States, Indiana Governor Mike Pence and Virginia Senator Tim Kaine.

AP: DNC Now 'Positive,' Ignores Bernie Fans' 'Lock Her Up!' Chants

July 25th, 2016 11:38 PM
Though they haven't yet completed covering things up, Hillary Clinton's journalistic defense team at the Associated Press has swung into gear at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. The headline at the wire service's 10:00 p.m. Monday evening story by reporters Julie Pace and Ken Thomas — "AFTER DISPUTES, DEM STARS TURN THEIR CONVENTION POSITIVE" — falsely told readers that the…

NBC Hails Illegal Alien ‘Living the American Dream’ Speaking to DNC

July 25th, 2016 8:53 PM
Closing out Monday’s NBC Nightly News at the Democratic National Convention (DNC), national correspondent Peter Alexander found it pertinent to heap effusive praise on far-left activist and illegal immigrant Astrid Silva being able to address the DNC as someone “living the American Dream” but “all you’re missing is being an American” because she came across the U.S. border illegally. 

Azteca acusa a Convención Republicana de “sentimientos antimexicanos"

July 25th, 2016 5:01 PM
Azteca América se descarriló durante la cobertura de la Convención Nacional Republicana, describiendo la plataforma 2016 del GOP y el estado de ánimo en la convención como antimexicanos.

AP and BBC Fail to Report Munich Killer's Full Name

July 24th, 2016 10:41 PM
In Munich on Friday, 18 year-old Ali David Sonboly gunned down nine people, seven of them teenagers, and injured 35, before killing himself. Though there appears to be no direct connection to nationalist or Islamic groups, witnesses said he screamed "I'm German" and "Allah Akbar" during his killing spree. The previous paragraph tells readers far more about the massacre than certain news outlets…

Tavis Smiley Serially Excuses 'Disaffected Black Men' Like Gavin Long

July 22nd, 2016 11:01 PM
Early this week, in an MSNBC interview, Tavis Smiley said that there's far too much attention being paid to "cop killers" and not enough to "killer cops." Then, in a Tuesday USA Today column, he cast his sympathetic lot with Gavin Long, who killed three Baton Rouge police offices on Sunday before a police sharpshooter killed him. Smiley told readers that we should "Listen to the Baton Rouge…

NY Times Lauds 'Open-Minded' Silicon Valley That Punishes 'Deviations'

July 22nd, 2016 12:13 PM
New York Times reporter Farhad Manjoo and his editors apparently are so insulated in their politically correct bubble that they fail to recognize embarrassing text anyone outside of that bubble with two eyes and and ounce of sense can clearly see. In a Wednesday piece (Thursday print edition, Page B1) designed to portray Republican National Convention speaker, Donald Trump supporter and PayPal…

AP Helped Set Expectations For RNC Protest 'Chaos' in Cleveland

July 22nd, 2016 10:30 AM
The headline at Dan Zak's Arts & Entertainment column at the Washington Post early Thursday evening: "We were promised a riot. In Cleveland, we got a block party instead." (There were occasional exceptions.) Though his article's tone was generally positive, he did complain that "Cleveland is basically a police state this week." Gosh, I didn't know police states had so much freedom of speech…

Azteca Off The Rails: RNC 'Anti-Mexican Sentiment'

July 22nd, 2016 8:45 AM
Azteca América went off the rails during their coverage of the Republican National Convention, characterizing the 2016 GOP platform and the mood at the convention as anti-Mexican.

Colbert Prank Crashes RNC Stage, Introduces 'Hunger for Power Games'

July 20th, 2016 2:46 PM
CBS News has fancied itself as a serious, hard-news operation since the days of Walter Cronkite. For all of its heavily documented bias, and though it's now handicapped compared to its Big Three and Fox competition by not having a cable affiliate, it has generally covered and treated the major party conventions as important national events. So one would think that someone at what used to be…

Diferencias de Univisión y Telemundo al cubrir Convención Republicana

July 19th, 2016 8:30 PM
Al iniciar su cobertura de la Convención Nacional Republicana de 2016, Univisión y Telemundo trataron a los republicanos de manera muy diferente. Al Punto en Univisión, conducido por Jorge Ramos, continuó con su habitual diatriba contra Trump, mientras que Telemundo tuvo un enfoque más equilibrado.

Sharp Divergence in Spanish Nets' Opening Convention Coverage

July 18th, 2016 11:00 PM
Kicking off their respective coverage of the 2016 GOP Convention, Univision and Telemundo dealt with Republicans very differently. Univision’s Al Punto, led by Jorge Ramos, continued its usual anti-Trump tirade, while Telemundo actually a more balanced approach.

Tom Brokaw Bemoans 'Fear' and 'Hostility' the Press Helped Create

July 18th, 2016 10:03 AM

On Sunday's Meet the Press on NBC, former Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw seemed bewildered and frustrated that race relations in the U.S. haven't improved as much as he hoped they would by now. Brokaw didn't consider his own network's significant and largely dishonest contribution to this situation during the past nearly 11 years.

Pokemon Go Re-Reveals the Media’s Anti-Free Market Fetish

July 18th, 2016 9:40 AM
It’s almost as if “Net Neutrality” is a Leftist safe word - to be uttered when the free market growing freely causes them too much discomfort. Few things demonstrate the insular Media-Government Bubble better than this: