
PBS: Perhaps Nice Terrorist Was 'Disgruntled,' 'Upset With His Life'

July 16th, 2016 11:41 PM
We are so fortunate to have expert psychoanalyst Judy Woodruff on call at PBS. (That's sarcasm, folks.) Friday evening, Woodruff, apparently because whatever evidence there is of ISIS involvement in Thursday's terrorist massacre in Nice, France is in her view insufficiently direct, speculated that "It could have been the act of one person disgruntled, upset with his life."

Cincy Reporter Believes 220,000 Were Murdered in U.S. Last Year

July 16th, 2016 9:24 PM
UPDATE, July 17: The Enquirer corrected the error by removing the related sentence and placing the following "correction" below the article's boilerplate describing the paper's three-part series — "Correction: An earlier version incorrectly stated that 220,000 were murdered last year. The total was since Sept. 11, 2001." A Cincinnati Enquirer reporter and her editors thoroughly embarrassed…

BET, MTV Townhall Smears Police as Hunters, Must Be Defunded, Disarmed

July 11th, 2016 1:10 PM
On Friday night, BET and MTV convened an hour-long, commercial-free townhall on police-involved shootings of African-Americans with only distant mentions of what transpired the night before in Dallas but focused heavily on denigrating law enforcement as hunters and “a gang” meant to terrorize blacks from America’s founding, the need for white people to recognize privilege, and lobby for the…

NYT Finds Racist Dog Whistles in 'Death Panels,' 'All Lives Matter'

July 11th, 2016 9:37 AM
New York Times Midwest correspondent Julie Bosman learned an "alarming" new term from Kansas conservatives for Sunday’s edition: “The Right’s Wording for Public Education in Kansas: ‘Government Schools.’” Some other sneaky terms concocted by conservatives to pull the wool over voters eyes? “Tax relief.” “Pro-life.” “The Democrat Party.” “Death panels.” And another Times writer revealed how…

UK Media: 'Remain' Voters Turn to Therapy to Deal With Brexit Result

July 10th, 2016 11:45 PM
For over two weeks now, the press has insisted, based on almost no evidence, that many UK citizens who voted to leave the European Union weren't all that informed, didn't appreciate the implications of their vote, and now regret their decision. Two examples signify the press's desperation to cling to this meme. The first is their contention that post-referendum UK-based Internet search requests…

Líder hispano rechaza la diatriba de Jorge Ramos contra Trump

July 7th, 2016 11:29 PM
Jorge Ramos trató - pero fracasó espectacularmente - en su intento de conseguir que uno de los principales líderes evangélicos hispanos de la nación, el Reverendo Samuel Rodríguez, se incorporase a la incansable campaña de la izquierda de tildar de racista al virtual candidato presidencial republicano Donald Trump.

Daily Signal Writer Exposes ‘Alarming’ Bias at Journalism Conference

July 7th, 2016 12:05 PM
In an excellent piece on Monday for The Federalist, Daily Signal senior news producer Kelsey Harkness thoroughly detailed her time at the 2016 Investigative Reporters and Editors Conference (IRE) that led her to conclude that “the problem” in the journalism profession today “goes far beyond agreeing on the facts” after seeing media bias in panels about guns and women’s health.  

Hispanic Leader Rejects Univision Anchor’s Anti-Trump Rant

July 5th, 2016 10:28 PM
Univision’s Jorge Ramos tried - but spectacularly failed - to get one of the nation’s top Hispanic evangelical leaders, Rev. Samuel Rodríguez, to sign on to the left’s tireless campaign of calling presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump a racist.

NY Times Downplays, Delays and Spins Clinton-Lynch Encounter

July 4th, 2016 12:31 AM
The New York Times was extraordinarily slow to the draw in covering the controversial Phoenix airport meeting between U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch and former President Bill Clinton. Its first in-house recognition of the Monday evening meeting took place Thursday evening, over 48 hours after the first media reports of it had appeared. That report by Mark Lander was relegated to Page A17 of…

NYT Writer’s ‘Star Wars’ Analogy: U.S. Is the Empire vs. Iraqi Rebels

July 3rd, 2016 7:32 PM
Writing in the Sunday Review section of The New York Times, U.S. military veteran Roy Scranton admitted that he’s come realize that his time in Iraq with his fellow servicemen and women had morphed him into “the faceless storm trooper” while “the scrappy rebels were the Iraqis.”

AP: Egypt's Morsi Was 'Freely Elected President,' Ignores His Tyranny

July 2nd, 2016 1:46 PM
In its coverage of Egypt's declaration of a national holiday to mark the ouster of Islamist dictator Mohammed Morsi (also spelled "Mursi") three years ago, the Associated Press recast history. It completely ignored Morsi's assumption of de facto dictatorial powers only months after he was "freely elected" in 2012, his government's brutal repression while he was in power, and his Muslim…

On Brexit, CBS's Economic 'Experts' Show Partisanship and Ignorance

June 29th, 2016 11:58 PM
CBS broadcasts discussing the Brexit Leave vote on Sunday and Monday went to economic "experts" whose "analysis" betrayed partisanship and both feigned and real ignorance. On Sunday on Face the Nation, max 2015 Hillary contributor (as usual, not disclosed to viewers) Mark Zandi of Moody's Analytics predicted that that the UK economy "is going down the rabbit hole" as the result of the Leave…

Los ataques contra Trump alcanzan más intensidad en Azteca América

June 27th, 2016 3:32 PM
Una vez más Azteca América es la que se lleva el premio en la televisión en español de Estados Unidos por estar consistentemente de un solo lado en su cobertura de noticias exageradas contra Trump.

Giddy MSNBC Brings on Wendy Davis, Asks About Her Pink Sneakers

June 27th, 2016 1:06 PM
Moments after the Supreme Court handed down a ruling on Monday morning that struck down a pro-life Texas law, MSNBC Live host Thomas Roberts brought on none other than former Democratic Texas State Senator and liberal hero Wendy Davis to discuss how she “was fighting back tears” seconds before her live shot and inquired about “where those pink sneakers are” from her 2013 filibuster for abortion.