
Shriver: We Must Pause in Awe of Hillary's 'Unprecedented' Nomination

June 7th, 2016 6:22 PM
With MSNBC Live host Thomas Roberts holding serve from Santa Monica, California on Tuesday afternoon, he brought on none other than NBC News special correspondent and former California First Lady Maria Shriver to demand the American people “ think about how this is historic and unprecedented” for Hillary Clinton to become the first female presumptive presidential nominee.

Jorge Ramos de Univisión expresa su apoyo al suicidio asistido

June 5th, 2016 10:19 AM
Jorge Ramos mostró su apoyo al suicidio asistido durante una entrevista reciente con un paciente enfermo terminal de cáncer en Puerto Rico que está tratando de poner fin a su vida en sus propios términos.

Pew's Middle-Class Study Pretends Obama-Era Trend Started in 2000

June 3rd, 2016 10:51 PM
A Pew Research report published three weeks ago on America’s Shrinking Middle Class presented a fundamentally misleading narrative which the press was only too eager to relay and continues to use, namely that the middle class has been seriously shrinking since the turn of the century. Christopher Rugaber at the Associated Press typified the initial press coverage, writing: "In nearly one-quarter…

WashPost's Gearan Boosts Hillary's 'National Security' Speech

June 2nd, 2016 9:13 AM
Demonstrating a remarkable ability to ignore the obvious, Anne Gearan at the Washington Post, covering plans by Democratic presidential frontrunner Hillary Clinton to deliver "a major foreign policy address" on Thursday, wrote that "National-security issues offer Clinton a way to play up her experience in contrast to (Donald) Trump." To make that laugh-out-loud clause appear credible, Gearan,…

Assisted Suicide Cause Gets Boost from Jorge Ramos

June 2nd, 2016 8:30 AM
Univision’s Jorge Ramos showed his pro-assisted suicide colors during a recent interview with a terminally-ill cancer patient in Puerto Rico who is seeking to end his life on his own terms.

Sad: Liberals Tweet Gun Control Rants Minutes After UCLA Shooting

June 1st, 2016 2:29 PM
In a sad but entirely predictable turn, the far-left seized on the horrible shooting at UCLA to tout on Twitter their gun control agenda and attack lawful gun owners as well as people of faith for praying in this dire time. 

Katie Coward? 'Individual' Says She Regrets 'Poor Decision' in Gun Doc

May 27th, 2016 9:25 AM
Those poor, naive folks who have been expecting a mea culpa from Katie Couric for the deceptive insertion into her Under the Gun documentary of a long silence following a question directed at Virginia gun-rights supporters will be disappointed at what has transpired since the controversy arose. As of Thursday afternoon, no one was genuinely apologizing for anything. Stephanie Soechtig, the film’…

AP Says Freddie Gray Verdict 'Failed to Hold Police Accountable'

May 24th, 2016 11:43 AM
Seldom have there been more clear-cut examples of bias than those found in Juliet Linderman's Associated Press story yesterday on the acquittal of Baltimore Police Officer Edward Nero on all charges relating to the death of Freddie Gray last year. The first half of Linderman's first sentence reads: "Prosecutors failed for the second time in their bid to hold Baltimore police accountable for the…

AP Story Waits 17 Paragraphs to ID Little Sisters in HHS Mandate Case

May 22nd, 2016 11:07 PM
On Tuesday at, 2015 Noel Sheppard Blogger of the Year recipient Mollie Hemingway pointed to several outrageous examples of poor press coverage of the Supreme Court's unanimous move to send Obamacare's HHS contraception mandate case back to the lower courts. Hemingway's core observation was that usually plaintiff-sympathetic establishment press outlets "suddenly have trouble…

Louisville Paper Covers 'Dozens' Trying to 'Counter' NRA Convention

May 22nd, 2016 7:12 PM
Friday morning, the Louisville Courier-Journal gave the Kentucky chapter of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America priceless free publicity by promoting the group's "event on gun violence Saturday at Spalding University in Louisville." Reporter/promoter Deborah Yetter relayed the group's hype that "Due to limited space, organizers are asking people to register in advance for free tickets."…

Facebook Tags Patricia Heaton's Pregnancy Center Tweet 'Anti-Abortion'

May 21st, 2016 10:33 AM
On Thursday, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell, following a meeting the previous day between some of the nation's top conservative leaders and company officials at Facebook, including CEO Mark Zuckerberg, "told Fox Business Network’s Neil Cavuto ... that he 'left encouraged' that the site wants to fix the 'erosion of trust' set forth by allegations of censoring conservative news topics…

Paglia on NY Times Trump Hit: 'Agenda Journalism' 'Caught Red-Handed'

May 20th, 2016 9:16 AM
In a Thursday morning column at, leftist and longtime social critic Camille Paglia found it amusing that the New York Times thought that its supposedly major exposé about "a boastful, millionaire New Yorker (who) liked the company of beautiful women" was going to be considered big, game-changing news. In Paglia's view, the fact that the people at the Times believed they had something…

Sorpresa: Ramos entrevista partidario de Trump de origen mexicano

May 19th, 2016 2:26 PM
Casi un año después de que Donald Trump anunció el lanzamiento de su campaña presidencial,  Jorge Ramos finalmente decidió hacerle una entrevista a un partidario del hombre que lidera la contienda interna por la nominación desde el verano de 2015 y que ahora ha surgido como el virtual candidato republicano a la Casa Blanca.

AP's '2-for-1' Hillary and Bill Story Revises Political History

May 19th, 2016 12:18 PM
Three offensive elements pervaded the Associated Press's Monday coverage of Hillary Clinton's statement that she will put her husband "in charge of revitalizing the economy." The first was how AP reporters Lisa Lerer and Catherin Lucey decided to resurrect the infamous "2-for-1 offer" then-presidential candidate Bill Clinton campaigned on in 1992 — an especially weak move, given its real-world…