
AP Journalist Wants Us to Believe Brexit 'Leave' Voters Didn't Mean It

June 26th, 2016 7:11 PM
An example of how unhinged press bias builds on itself was on display Sunday morning on CNN's Inside Politics. Associated Press reporter Lisa Lerer told other panel members who were criticizing Hillary Clinton for her lack of an in-person public statement on the the results of Thursday's Brexit referendum that they should doubt the legitimacy of the result. She did so by referring to "all the…

AP Standard For Claims By Trump: Not Credible If 'Widely Questioned'

June 23rd, 2016 1:37 PM
Though their report covering Donald Trump's Wednesday speech criticizing presumptive Democratic Party nominee Hillary Clinton's record has undergone subsequent revisions, the coverage of that speech by the Associated Press's Julie Pace and Jill Colvin has stuck with two common themes. One is that prospective Republican nominee Donald Trump has "struggled with the transition to a general election…

Press Celebrates 'Soda Tax' Advocates' Underhanded Passage Strategies

June 20th, 2016 5:52 PM
The establishment press is thrilled over the City of Philadelphia's enactment of a 1.5 cents-per-ounce "soda tax" last week. Monday morning, Mayor Jim Kenney signed the legislation which its City Council passed last week. Especially unseemly is the virtual euphoria over how so-called "public health" advocates gained their long-sought foothold into using the tax system to dictate personal…

AP Decries Supposed 'Intellectual News Ghettos,' Rewrites News History

June 17th, 2016 9:00 AM
In the course of presenting what is apparently one story in a series of several on a "Divided America," David Bauder at the Associated Press portrayed two Americans with largely different news consumption habits. Though the theme of Bauder's Thursday morning report was about how Americans are "retreat(ing) into tribes of like-minded people who get news filtered through particular world views,"…

Anti-Trump Spin Reaches New Heights on Azteca America

June 16th, 2016 11:00 PM
Once again, it’s Azteca America that takes the cake for the most consistently one-sided, over-the-top anti-Trump news coverage on U.S. Spanish-language television.

Jorge Ramos acusa de racismo a Donald Trump

June 15th, 2016 3:23 PM
Como era de esperar, como consecuencia del cuestionamiento del aspirante presidencial republicano Donald Trump a la imparcialidad del juez federal estadounidense de herencia mexicana que preside el juicio contra la Universidad Trump, Jorge Ramos de Univisión vuelve a la carga describiendo a Trump como un racista total.

Ramos Runs With Racist Charge Against Trump

June 14th, 2016 8:00 PM
Predictably, in the wake of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s public questioning of the impartiality of the Mexican-American federal judge who is presiding over a lawsuit against Trump University, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos is now off and running with his characterization of Trump as a God-awful racist.

NC Reporter Blames Christians, Bathroom Law Advocates for Orlando

June 14th, 2016 4:36 PM
The North Carolina media have been predictably out of control since the state passed and signed the transgender bathroom law, but their behavior sunk even further following the Orlando terror attack when WRAL chief political correspondent Laura Leslie suggested backers of the law were to blame for the shooting because of their “rhetoric” “in the wake of this horrific anti-gay crime.”

Skepticism Justified When It Comes to WashPost Trump Headline

June 14th, 2016 1:26 PM
As Scott Whitlock at NewsBusters noted Monday afternoon, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has revoked the Washington Post's press credentials for covering his campaign. Trump took special umbrage to the following headline at Jenna Johnson's coverage of Trump's reactions to the terrorist massacre in Orlando: "Donald Trump suggests President Obama was involved with Orlando…

Dateline: Shootings Are 'Undeniable Part of American Life' Due to Guns

June 13th, 2016 12:34 AM
As if media behavior concerning a motive of Sunday’s Orlando terror attack hadn’t already sunk towards the bottom, NBC’s Dateline vastly accelerated the spin not toward radical Islamists but gun control with correspondent Josh Mankiewicz lecturing the American people that Islam almost never related to mass shootings but “our long history” of people dying are instead.

AP Calls Orlando Terrorist Massacre 'Just the Latest Mass Shooting'

June 12th, 2016 12:13 PM
Hours after this morning's massacre in Orlando, Florida, the Associated Press is already brandishing the gun-control agenda. In a report with a time stamp of 9:16 a.m. Eastern Time, the AP, with its list apparently always at the ready, gave the following headline to its rundown of "some of the nation's deadliest rampages since 2012": "Florida nightclub attack just the latest US mass shooting."…

Has AP Become 'Actually Pravda' For Hillary's Campaign?

June 9th, 2016 6:21 AM
Until very recently, those of us who follow the routine instances of journalistic malfeasance committed at the Associated Press only thought that its writers are so enamored of the idea of a Hillary Clinton presidency that they simply accept her campaign's spin as the gospel truth and willingly dress it up as "objective news." That's obviously bad enough. But Monday night, that all changed for…

Clinton Win Prompts Celebratory Coverage on Univision, Telemundo

June 8th, 2016 7:39 PM
Hillary Clinton’s securing of the delegates necessary to obtain the Democratic Party nomination for President was the subject of fawning coverage on the nation’s top two Hispanic television networks, Univision and Telemundo.

AP Reporters Pretend to Struggle With 'Unexplained' Violent Crime Rise

June 8th, 2016 12:12 PM
If we're to believe the pose struck by five Associated Press reporters who contributed to a Sunday afternoon story on the topic, the spike in violent crime in the U.S. during the past nearly two years apparently needs its own episode of the old Unsolved Mysteries TV series. "Experts can't point to a single reason" for the rise. The increase "is stumping law enforcement officials." FBI Director…