
Preparing for War? CNN Says 'We Need to Remain Vigilant' on Trump

December 3rd, 2020 11:57 PM

Cable news daring, Resistance author, and President Trump's niece Mary Trump appeared on Wednesday's Cuomo Prime to warn that the “reckoning” against her uncle was not the 2020 election. Instead, she painted the need for there to be an ever-persistent war against him (and ostensibly his supporters): “[W]e need to be on our guard and continue not to put anything past him because, yes,…


HATEFUL CNN: Trump Deserved Our Treatment of Him

December 3rd, 2020 1:30 PM

CNN hack Chris Cuomo took the time during the Tuesday evening broadcast of Cuomo Prime Time to argue that Trump deserved the atrocious media treatment of him over the past four years. During the latter half of the show, the partisan anchor brought on former ABC News host Sam Donaldson, who endorsed several Democrats in 2020, to praise the left-wing press: “But the men and the women that had to…


Bitter Stelter Slams Fox's Bartiromo as 'Not a Journalist at All'

December 1st, 2020 9:38 AM

Propaganda. That was what CNN host Brian Stelter accused Fox News of spreading during Sunday's Reliable Sources. Stelter and his guests preached to the choir by attacking the Fox News Channel for hosting Trump for his first post-election interview on Sunday Morning Futures. Stelter said Bartiromo was "not a journalist at all." CNN analyst Amanda Carpenter called it "…


CNN Relieved By 'Adults' on Biden's Hacky Comms Team

November 30th, 2020 4:13 PM

In the midst of their constant praise for President-Elect Joe Biden and his picks for cabinet positions and senior officials, leftist CNN once again ignored the credentials of the nominees. On Monday morning’s New Day, co-hosts John Berman and Alisyn Camerota praised the "historic" nature of an all-female White House communication’s team. This ignored their past partisan hackery and the fact…


Velshi and Nikole Hannah-Jones Claim Biden Must Adopt Radical Leftism

November 29th, 2020 7:32 AM

On Saturday morning’s Velshi, MSNBC host Ali Velshi insisted that Biden’s administration needs an "all-of-government" solution not just to address COVID and climate, but to address "social inequities." Hannah-Jones spouted woke propaganda by declaring that “in that every aspect of our society we have inequality, racial inequality, gender inequality.”


CNN Praises Biden’s Pick of Yellen: Offers No Substantive Discussion

November 25th, 2020 11:08 AM

Critical, that is how CNN Newsroom co-host Poppy Harlow was describing Janet Yellen Tuesday, who President-Elect Joe Biden was planning to nominate for Treasury Secretary. Rather than give information about her qualification, past positions, and how she would steer the ship during the post-COVID economic recovery, the partisan network gushes over her past fights for inequality and her…


CNN Flacks Boasts Biden Has a ‘Repair Team’ to ‘Fix What’s Broken’

November 24th, 2020 4:50 PM

Information. At its most basic core, information is what any news organization should be focused on providing to its audience. Instead, we've gotten nothing but praise over Joe Biden’s cabinet picks instead of actual analysis from our so-called nonpartisan and pro-facts news media. On Tuesday morning, CNN Newsroom decided to accomplish the less-than-serious path with help from none…


CNN's Crazed Brinkley Claims Trump Will Form a 'Shadow Government'

November 23rd, 2020 10:22 PM

On Saturday morning’s CNN Newsroom, co-host Victor Blackwell and guest host Amara Walker collaborated with presidential historian Douglas Brinkley and political and David Sanger of the New York Times to push insane conspiracy theories about President Trump. Walker suggested that Trump is committing “sedition” and Brinkley crazily declared that Trump will “create a kind of…


Don Lemon: Can't Have Unity with GOP Opposed to 'Science' and 'Facts'

November 23rd, 2020 11:44 AM

Is there anything funnier than the idea of CNN suggesting it might be time now to come together as Americans? On Friday’s CNN Tonight, host Don Lemon chatted up CNN weekend host Fareed Zakaria to bash Republicans for daring to disagree with CNN. Lemon attacked Trump voters and Republicans as “people who don’t believe in science,” “facts,” and “reality.”

On Friday’s CNN…


Hysterical CNN: ‘Mad King’ Trump Will 'Scorch the Earth' of America

November 20th, 2020 5:00 PM

It’s time to call the banners and overthrow the Mad King. At least according to Carl Bernstein during his appearance on Friday morning’s New Day. It was not clear if Bernstein was trying to compare Donald Trump to the ‘Mad King Aerys’ from the popular television show Game of Thrones, but he made several strong comparisons nonetheless: “We are witnessing the Mad King in the…


CNN Mirrors Biden's Doom & Gloom: Trump Is Endangering the Country

November 19th, 2020 9:30 AM

Rather than reporting the news, CNN’s New Day decided to spend its Tuesday morning broadcast mirroring Joe Biden’s words on the transition and COVID. Once again, they warned of dangers both to the lives of American citizens and to the economy if Trump does not start the transition. As co-host Alisyn Camerota proclaimed to a pro-Biden guest: “We've had many segments already this…


Unhinged CNN: GOP Hates ‘Democracy,’ ‘Uncomfortable’ With Voters

November 17th, 2020 10:37 AM

CNN and the leftist-aligned media are demonizing the Republican party for ideas and actions they themselves advocated for in the past. It has a very ‘rules for thee but not for me’ vibe that belies their partisanship. CNN Analyst John Avlon appeared on Monday morning’s New Day for his regular “Reality Check”. Rather than report fairly, the leftist hack remarked: “Republicans are…


Partisan CNN Gushes Over 'Upset' Obama Blasting Trump

November 17th, 2020 9:30 AM

In two separate segments on Monday morning’s New Day, CNN hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman gushed over former President Obama being invited to trash President Trump during a pair of …


CNN's Cabrera and Leftist Professor Push Insane Conspiracy

November 15th, 2020 6:16 PM

On Saturday afternoon’s CNN Newsroom, host Ana Cabrera conspired with radical leftist Yale professor of history Timothy Snyder to spout insane conspiracy theories about President Trump. Cabrera proclaimed that she was “unsettled” by a tweet from Snyder in which he claimed that Trump “has attempted” a “coup d'état” and Snyder responded by crazily insisting that Trump is “going for it…