
FACT-CHECK: MSNBC Host Omits Key Detail on Minimum Wage Study

January 19th, 2021 5:03 PM

On Sunday’s Weekends with Alex Witt, MSNBC host Alex Witt tag-teamed with New School professor of economics and urban policy and Institute On Race and Political Economy director Darrick Hamilton to eagerly promote Joe Biden’s economic agenda without a real grasp of the facts and some smokescreens. While discussing Biden’s proposal to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour, Witt…


CNN Historian Cheers Big Tech Censorship, Says Trump Is 'Toast'

January 12th, 2021 9:57 AM

It's obvious that if CNN has a historian on staff, that historian is going to toe the CNN line. In the wee hours of Saturday night, CNN Newsroom brought on liberal historian Douglas Brinkley to cheer Big Tech companies censoring "right-wing extreme apps" and proclaimed "Donald Trump is toast in American history" after the dreadful riots at the Capitol. 

MSNBC Morning Joe Joe Scarborough Willie Geist Sam Stein 1-8-21

Politico Hires Lib Sam Stein to Head WH Coverage, Morning Joe Thrilled

January 8th, 2021 12:20 PM

Morning Joe is thrilled by Politico's hiring of the openly-liberal Sam Stein to head its coverage of the Biden White House. Joe Scarborough, far from questioning Stein's impartiality in his new job, was "really excited" about the move, adding that Politico is "really humming" now that Stein is aboard. "You never lose investing in Sam Stein," said Willie Geist. 


Blitzer Ogles Over Santa Wearing a Mask On NORAD Tracker

December 27th, 2020 8:16 PM

Apparently, nothing is sacred at CNN when it comes to making everything in life match their narrative, even Santa Claus. On Christmas Eve’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, host Wolf Blitzer bizarrely ogled over the NORAD Santa tracker showing Santa wearing a mask.


MSNBC Analyst Lets Al Sharpton Wrongly Label Her as Still Republican

December 22nd, 2020 6:17 AM

In the last several weeks, now that the election is over, MSNBC production teams have been struggling to keep track of which of the network's pretend Republican analysts are actually still identifying as Republicans. On Sunday's PoliticsNation show, host Al Sharpton incorrectly identified MSNBC political analyst Elise Jordan as a "Republican strategist," as did the chyron, even though…


MSNBC: You Know What We Need? More Andrew Cuomo Leadership!

December 14th, 2020 7:15 AM

On Monday’s MSNBC Live with Stephanie Ruhle, host Stephanie Ruhle brought on director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Equity and a professor at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health Lisa Cooper to spout leftist talking points about healthcare and the U.S.’s COVID response. 


CNN Keeps Ignoring Hunter Biden, But Promotes Every Trump Allegation

December 11th, 2020 3:10 PM

Remember when the liberal media claimed that they couldn’t discuss the Hunter Biden story because it was unverified and potentially foreign interference? Apparently CNN doesn't. Throughout the three hours of Friday’s New Day, the partisan journalists repeatedly harped on the litany of allegations and investigations against Donald Trump without so much as a mention of Hunter Biden.


U TURN: CNN Attack Dogs Turn Into Cuddly Biden Puppies

December 10th, 2020 5:30 AM

Co-host John Berman’s interview with Democratic Senator Maggie Hassan during Thursday’s New Day further showcases CNN’s continued transformation into soft partisan puppies. Throughout the interview, Berman did not press for answers when the Senator dodged, and did not even try to get her off the talking points. Instead, the partisan journalist asked softball questions on the topics of…


Are You KIDDING? Hack Kimmel Asks Abrams Why Trump Hasn't Conceded

December 9th, 2020 10:16 PM

What do you get when a late night host asks Democrat Stacey Abrams if Donald Trump should concede? Hypocrisy is what Jimmy Kimmel showcased early Wednesday morning when Abrams joined in with mocking Trump for not conceding the election, despite the fact that she never conceded her own 2018 gubernatorial election. Despite being a late night entertainment show, Kimmel felt the need to trade in…


CNN UNITY: Net Compares Trump to Slavers During Civil War

December 9th, 2020 2:10 PM

As is often the case for the DNC TV CNN, Wednesday’s New Day compared Donald Trump to history's monsters. This time, it was when CNN hack John Avlon openly compared Donald Trump to slaveholders during the Civil War with warped views of liberty. Avlon describes people who have supported the President or believe his claims as: “Without knowing it, you bought into what Abraham Lincoln…


DNC CNN Swoons Over 'Experience' of Biden's Cabinet Picks

December 8th, 2020 5:19 PM

Not even trying to resemble honest reporting, leftist-aligned CNN closed out Tuesday’s New Day by swooning over Joe Biden while going out of their way to trash the President. Since Biden started to name his cabinet, the network has been reluctant to do anything but praise the nominees. This has been especially true of one of the most recent picks, longtime Democratic Party hack Xavier Becerra…


CNN Hacks Lob Softballs to Biden Adviser About Radical Cabinet Pick

December 8th, 2020 10:43 AM

In what has become common practice at CNN, Monday morning’s New Day gave a softball interview to Biden adviser Cedric Richmond, who will be leaving Congress to serve in the upcoming Democratic administration. Rather than ask questions about his own qualifications, or plans for his upcoming role, co-host John Berman allowed Richmond to recite his pre-planned talking points with no…


Partisan CNN Abandons Principles to Heap Praise on Biden

December 4th, 2020 7:28 PM

There is no other way to describe CNN’s reaction to Joe Biden's softball Thursday interview with anchor Jake Tapper than partisan exaltation. Throughout the course of the 180-minute New Day broadcast on Friday, the leftist network spent nearly 110 of those minutes gushing over the friendly exchange between Tapper, Biden, and Kamala Harris. The partisan hacks had nothing but praise for…


Bored Now: CNN Eager for Biden, 'Sick' Over 'Reckless' Trump

December 4th, 2020 9:20 AM

Despite everything the media has done to smear President Trump, Thursday morning’s New Day showcased that it would not be enough until he has left office. In fact, for the past few weeks, the partisan CNN has blatantly longed for Joe Biden to take office already. That was the feel co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman gave during the broadcast, with attacks on the Trump Christmas…