Left's Rule No. 1 in Covering Sex Harassment: Don't Mention Clintons

December 30th, 2015 11:50 PM
Liberals and "progressives," who are supposedly big on dealing with "root causes," are apparently not interested in the root cause of their now-acknowledged problem of sexual harassment and abuse in their ranks. At Acculturated.com, Carrie Lukas, managing director of the Independent Women’s Forum, contended that "liberals treat women worse" than do others in positions of power on the ideological…

AP Claims Christmas 'Spending' Up 8 Pct. — On Number of Transactions

December 28th, 2015 5:27 PM
As I noted in a pre-Christmas post, "The desperation is palpable at the Associated Press, aka the Administration's Press, over how the Christmas shopping season is going." Desperation has clearly descended into outright deception at the wire service, where an unbylined story claims that spending is up 8 percent, but that the source involved "does not include spending by dollar amounts." As will…

IBD Notes Three Global Warming Stories The U.S. Press Has Ignored

December 27th, 2015 10:17 AM
Yesterday, I noted that Associated Press reporter Karl Ritter actually wrote, and AP actually published, a story about how complying with the Paris climate agreement would require greenhouse gas emissions "To Drop Below Zero." Perhaps Ritter, whose beat includes "cover(ing) climate change, from UN negotiations to Arctic melt," looked around and realized that if he didn't put out something…

IBD Decries Media Blackout of FitzGibbon Sex Harassment Scandal

December 23rd, 2015 8:59 PM
On Monday, I posted on the virtually complete lack of establishment press interest in the story of Trevor FitzGibbon, the former owner of far-left PR firm FitzGibbon Media. Fitzgibbon folded on Thursday after allegations of serial sexual harassment and sexual assault were reported in the Huffington Post. From there, the establishment press did virtually nothing with the story. It will surprise…

Politico Falsely Portrays Cruz's Response to Shameful WashPost Cartoon

December 22nd, 2015 11:31 PM
As Curtis Houck at NewsBusters reported this evening, the Washington Post published "a disgusting GIF early Tuesday evening depicting (Ted) Cruz’s young daughters as toy monkeys being played with" accompanied by a pathetic two-paragraph justification by cartoonist Ann Telnaes as to why Cruz's daughters "were fair game." The Post withdrew the cartoon and the justification within a few hours, but…

CNBC Changes Shopping Headline From 'Cut Deep' to 'Can It Be Saved?'

December 22nd, 2015 3:26 PM
Yesterday, CNBC's Krystina Gustafson opened her article about the state of the Christmas shopping season by reporting that "procrastinators around the U.S. provided a much-needed boost to retailers" last weekend, but that "the lift was likely too little too late to salvage a slow start to the holiday shopping season." The story's headline: "Retailers cut too deep to save the holiday season."…

NY Daily News Posts Black Site's Vid As It Ridicules 'White Meatheads'

December 21st, 2015 8:41 PM
Rosalind Brewer is CEO of Sam's Club, the wholesale division of Walmart. Sam's claims that it is "committed to being the most valued membership organization in the world." Brewer is apparently "committed" to a cause which has become quite a distraction from Sam's core commitment. Last week, she told CNN of a meeting she had with a supplier. Was she interested in getting the best prices and terms…

Doris Kearns Goodwin Fawns Over Hillary’s ‘Amazing Confidence'

December 21st, 2015 1:06 PM
Liberal historian and former Johnson administration staffer Doris Kearns Goodwin was on Sunday’s Meet the Press panel and to the shock of no one, sang the praises of Hillary Clinton by proclaiming how she projected an “amazing...internal confidence” in the debate and has become “a better candidate now than she was six months ago” and from 2008.

Clueless Cosmo: Buying a Gun in Mo. Is Easier Than Getting an Abortion

December 18th, 2015 1:22 AM
The people who run Cosmopolitan Magazine's Twitter account really stepped in it today — and they're so utterly clueless that they doubled and tripled down on their ignorance. Cosmo's tweeters have thrown themselves behind legislation drafted by Missouri State Representative Stacey Newman. Newman, a Democrat, actually believes that it is more difficult to get an abortion in the Show Me State than…

Fortune Whines At Time 'Person of Year' Merkel 'Reversing Course'

December 15th, 2015 3:00 PM
The year isn't even over, and German Chancellor Angela Merkel, Time's 2015 Person of the Year, has begun to act against the primary reason why the magazine chose her. To refresh from a NewsBusters post last week, Time's Nancy Gibbs cited three reasons for the choice. The clearly most important one, from their perspective, was Merkel's virtually unilateral decision that Germany "would welcome…

Amanpour Blames Blair for Terrorism; ‘Do You Feel Responsibility?'

December 14th, 2015 7:47 PM
On her eponymous CNN show on Thursday night, Christiane Amanpour verbally harassed former U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair over his involvement in the Iraq War and specifically whether he and former U.S. President George W. Bush “feel pain” and “a sense of responsibility” for the war having supposedly caused recent Islamic terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino.

Jerry Brown's Fondness For 'Coercive Power' Gets Little Attention

December 14th, 2015 2:42 PM
Imagine a Republican or conservative governor boasting of his or her use of "the coercive power of government" to accomplish center-right policy goals. The political and media backlash would be furious — and justified. Such statist rhetoric is becoming ever more commonplace on the left, and is rising to ever higher political levels. The establishment press is mostly ignoring this development,…

Reporters Wildly Cheer As 'Climate Change' Agreement Announced

December 14th, 2015 1:40 AM
Apparently a generation of "journalists" has been raised to believe that the matter of human-caused global warming is "settled science," and that anyone who doubts the agenda-driven, redistributionist "climate change" movement is an enemy of civilization. Additionally, these people clearly don't understand the orchestrated, false-drama nature of diplomatic gatherings such as the one in Paris…

NY Daily News Editor Offers Lame Defense for Inflammatory Front Pages

December 13th, 2015 8:08 PM
Look no further than the front page of the New York Daily News for the desperate state of newspapers today. Whereas the motto of broadsheet rival New York Times is "All The News That's Fit to Print," the motto of the Daily News has become "Hell, Whatever Sells Papers."  It's gotten to the point that CNN media critic Brian Stelter on today's Reliable Sources asked Daily News editor-in-chief Jim…