
Synergy: GMA Promotes ‘Scandal’ President Campaigning for Hillary

December 13th, 2015 5:54 PM
On Sunday, ABC’s Good Morning America served as the latest example of shameless corporate synergy by touting in its lead 2016 report how actor Tony Goldwyn from the network’s lead drama Scandal spent Saturday giving Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton “a big boost” by campaigning for her Iowa.

PP Admits Sending Aborted Babies to Landfills; AP Plays Defense

December 12th, 2015 10:47 AM
The callousness towards human life at Planned Parenthood is such that it believes that the remains of preborn babies killed during abortions are just like any other "medical waste," and that sending them to landfills — or, perhaps even incinerators — is therefore "humane." That's what one must conclude from reading an Associated Press report Friday evening which strived mightily to play defense…

As Usual, AP Report on Deficit Omits Far Larger National Debt Increase

December 11th, 2015 5:37 PM
For a change, Martin Crutsinger's coverage at the Associated Press of the federal government's November Monthly Treasury Statement wasn't completely full of rose-colored baloney. Crutsinger managed to note how auto-pilot entitlement programs like Social Security and Medicare are bankrupting the country (not in those words, of course). That said, he somehow thought that highlighting a rare and…

Time Names Merkel 'Person of the Year,' Lauds 'Leading From Behind'

December 9th, 2015 11:58 AM
In an announcement which deservedly carries far less weight than it has in the past, Time Magazine (1997 circulation, 4.2 million; current circuation, 3.3 million) has named German chancellor Angela Merkel its 2015 Person of the Year. The stated reason for her selection: "Not once or twice but three times this year there has been reason to wonder whether Europe could continue to exist, not…

AP Offers Predictably Uncritical Coverage of Obama's Sunday Speech

December 7th, 2015 2:04 AM
At the Associated Press Sunday evening, White House Correspondent Julie Pace's coverage of President Obama's Oval Office address was predictably weak. One could cite at least a half-dozen problems with Pace's story, but two of them were particularly disingenuous.

Even Politifact Criticized New 'Definition' of 'Mass Shooting' in Oct.

December 6th, 2015 6:07 PM
As shown early this morning, the press's redefinition of the term "mass shooting" has turned into a nearly omnipresent meme virtually overnight in the wake of Wednesday's Islamic terrorist massacre in San Bernardino, California. Under the new, demonstrably indefensible definition which not only breaks with past practice but also pretends it never existed, there have been 355 "mass shootings" so…

Even Mother Jones Spurns Stat of 355 Mass Shootings This Year; It's 4

December 6th, 2015 1:06 AM
At the Washington Post's Wonkblog on Wednesday, Christopher Ingraham claimed that the San Bernardino massacre, which we now know was an act of Islamic terrorism, was the "355th" mass shooting "this year." A Google search on "355th mass shooting this year" (not in quotes) indicates that the stat has become a media meme, repeated at places like the Today Show, PBS, NPR,, and too many…

Dan Rather Urges for Gun Control After Shooting; ‘Terrorized' by Guns

December 2nd, 2015 8:12 PM
Since he’s been off of network TV for over a decade, disgraced former CBS News anchor Dan Rather took to Facebook and Twitter on Wednesday to call for the pass of gun control legislation to combat the claim that the U.S. is being “terrorized daily by gun violence” akin to how the U.S. “spend[s] trillions to defend ourselves” from “foreign terrorists.”

Network Evening Shows Spend 15 Mins Hyping Climate Change Agenda

November 30th, 2015 9:56 PM
Seeking to boost President Barack Obama and backers of the Paris climate change summit, the “big three” networks of ABC, CBS, and NBC devoted on Monday night over 15 minutes of airtime across six segments touting the summit, a Discovery Channel documentary on climate change, a hashtag campaign, and climate scientists in the Arctic Circle -- to name a few examples. CBS anchor Scott Pelley: "…

As Paris Talks Loom, AP Goes Full-Bore Over 'Trying to Save' Earth

November 30th, 2015 7:46 PM
From time to time over the past nine years, I have written about "globaloney," a shorthand term for the pseudo-science behind “climate change,” and “globalarmism” to describe the enviro-hysteria over "global warming" and the misguided public-policy prescriptions arising from that hysteria. Since the Paris climate talks have just begun, the press hysteria has reached a fever pitch. At the…

Doris Kearns Goodwin Gushes over ‘Ambitious’ Former Boss LBJ

November 29th, 2015 6:29 PM
Speaking as part of a panel about presidential books during Sunday’s Face the Nation, author Doris Kearns Goodwin couldn’t help but devote a few moments of her time to heaping praise on the “ambitious” man who she first worked for in politics in then-President Lyndon B. Johnson from the 1960's.

Suspended CNN Reporter Appears to Have Coordinated Tweets w/State Dept

November 24th, 2015 11:38 PM
Thanks to some fabulous work by American Commitment’s Phil Kerpen digging through on Tuesday e-mails from Clinton State Department staffer Philippe Reines, he found that suspended CNN global affairs correspondent Elise Labott had communicated with Reines on multiple occasions to the point of taking marching orders over what she tweeted.

'Islamophobia Victim' 3 Years Ago Arrested in Turkey as Part of ISIS

November 24th, 2015 9:49 PM
There are plenty of problems with the government's "no-fly list," and especially the plans by some congressmen and senators to abuse it. That said, it appears, almost three years later, to have gotten one name right. In late 2012 and early 2013, leftists like Chris Hayes at MSNBC, Glenn Greenwald and Kevin Drum at Mother Jones were upset that Saadiq Long, a U.S. Air Force veteran who was living…

Time Warner's 'News' Spins Gun Turn-in Which Got One 'Gun' As Positive

November 23rd, 2015 9:46 AM
Time Warner Cable is trying to be in the news business, and is currently engaging in such efforts in 22 locations in five states. Unless it wants to be yet another unreliable, hopelessly biased news source, it needs to try harder. Take this November 14 report from north-central North Carolina's Triad area on the city of Greensboro's effort to get residents to turn in unwanted guns. Keep in mind…