
After Tenn. Massacre, AP Asks Earnest About 'Father-Daughter Weekend'

July 20th, 2015 12:46 AM
On Friday, White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest held his first press briefing after the massacre of then-four, now-five Americans "at a military recruiting office and a Navy-Marine operations center a few miles apart" in Chattanooga, Tennessee. A mere three minutes into that briefing, thanks to the Associated Press's Darlene Superville, he was already on another topic: President Obama's…

Perry Turns Planned Parenthood Scandal Back on MSNBC's Halperin

July 17th, 2015 12:09 AM
As usual, much of the press has responded to scandalous behavior by leftist sacred cows by making the story about Republicans criticizing the actions instead of the scandal itself. On the one hand, are we really supposed to believe that only pro-lifers are horrified by the evidence that Planned Parenthood, aka Planned Parthood, sells the body parts of aborted preborn babies? Gosh, I hope not. So…

CNN, Leftist Hacks Attack Garrett For Asking Obama Tough Questions

July 15th, 2015 8:28 PM
Journalists and lefitsts (but I repeat myself) are hopping mad. They're not mad at President Obama for failing to make freeing American hostages held by Iran an issue in negotiations with that nation. Instead, they're furious at Major Garrett of CBS News for daring to ask Dear Leader a question about it, even though in the process Garrett got a clearly irritated Obama to make news by admitting,…

NYT Blames Roof's Gun Purchase on 'Loopholes' in System, Law

July 11th, 2015 11:54 PM
Apparently nothing is ever the government's fault during the Obama era — even a clear failure by authorities to prevent an alleged mass-murderer from acquiring a gun, and their failure to retrieve it once he obtained it. Earlier today, before it went down the paper's frequently used memory hole, reporter Michael S. Schmidt wrote in his second paragraph that alleged mass murderer Dylann Roof got…

CNN, Others Go Light on Hillary's 'Not Subpoenaed' Lie

July 9th, 2015 10:57 PM
One would think that a presidential candidate falsely claiming that she never was subpoenaed would be bigger news story than people in the opposing party criticizing that candidate after the fact for her obviously false statement. As Tim Graham at NewsBusters noted late this afternoon, that's not the case. This post contains several more examples. At CNN, the network's own Brianna Keilar, who…

Former Clinton Official on CNN: Trump Remarks 'Will Incite Violence'

July 2nd, 2015 1:04 PM
On Thursday's New Day on CNN, former Clinton administration official Ana Maria Salazar blasted Donald Trump's recent comments on illegal immigration, and predicted that it would lead to racist violence: "This is hate language. This will incite violence – not only against Mexican-Americans, Mexicans – but also against migrants."

Bob Costas Rips Cubs Pitcher, Unmasks Intense Anti-Religious Hostility

June 29th, 2015 8:57 AM
To be clear, professional sports broadcasting is thankfully long past the time when the announcers would annoyingly sugarcoat dismal player performances. (Though I would prefer that those who actually played the game engage in this criticism, and that play-by-play announcers who haven't try to stay away from it.) So it would have been somewhat acceptable if veteran NBC broadcaster Bob Costas, as…

MSNBC's Hayes Misstates O'Reilly's Confederate Flag Stance, Apologizes

June 28th, 2015 5:57 PM
This item is only worthy of note because it's about an apparently genuine apology from a leftist — something rarely seen from the "I'm sorry you were offended" crowd — and because the chances are that very few have actually seen the apology. Early last week, MSNBC's Chris Hayes claimed that Bill O'Reilly had asserted, as if it was the Fox News host's opinion, that the Confederate flag "…

PennLive Whines As It Reverses Pro-Traditional Marriage Comments Ban

June 28th, 2015 3:37 PM
On Friday, Curtis Houck at NewsBusters reported that "the Harrisburg, PA newspaper The Patriot News announced that both they and their online site 'will very strictly limit op-Eds and letters to the editor in opposition to same-sex marriage.'" As of three years ago, the newspaper claimed weekly circulation of 476,000. Its current hype to advertisers boasts of "500,000 unique…

Politico Mag Writer Says 'It’s Time to Legalize Polygamy'

June 26th, 2015 1:48 PM
The left routinely ridicules "slippery slope" arguments from sensible people who recognize that when you establish a dangerous principle or precedent in one area, the fallout will spread to others. The long since sadly vindicated prolife argument made 40 years ago warning that legalizing abortion would lead to wider acceptance of euthanasia is one such example. Most advocates for same-sex "…

EPA Chief: Climate Skeptics Are Not 'Normal People'; Press Snoozes

June 25th, 2015 11:58 PM
Though such instances are quite rare, especially from conservative and Republican office-holding politicians and bureaucrats, we've been told time and again by the left that it's people on the right who demonize and dehumanize their opponents. Well, I don't recall George W. Bush, anyone in his administration, or any Republican congressman or senator serving at the time of his tax cuts or during…

O'Reilly Calls Out Press For Not Challenging 'White Supremacist' Meme

June 25th, 2015 3:32 PM
In his "Talking Points" opening monologue Wednesday night, Fox News's Bill O'Reilly lit into the establishment press for allowing the notion that America is a "white supremacist nation" to go "largely unchallenged." He further accused the press of allowing itself to be "intimidated," leaving Fox as the only channel, in his view, "standing up for the truth." I have been told that O'Reilly's…

NPR Calls Hillary's 'All Lives Matter' Statement a '3-Word Misstep'

June 24th, 2015 10:56 PM
The politically correct speech police are everywhere these days. Many members of the leftist establishment have taken it upon themselves to aid in their enforcement efforts. No one is safe — not even the person they want us to believe is destined to be the Democrats' 2016 presidential nominee. Yesterday, at a Florissant, Missouri church only five miles from Ferguson, Hillary Clinton uttered the…

Jonathan Who? AP, NY Times Set the Stage For Gruber News Blackout

June 23rd, 2015 10:55 PM
Two recent NewsBusters posts have demonstrated that the major broadcast networks other than Fox News have failed to cover new information reported Sunday evening at the Wall Street Journal. Newly available emails reveal that MIT's Jonathan Gruber "worked more closely than previously known with the White House and top federal officials to shape" the Affordable Care Act, aka Obamacare. Monday…