Lame: AP Claims 'Gun at Head' Photos of Cruz Had No Bad Intent

June 22nd, 2015 12:09 PM
The Associated Press, although it has apparently removed the primary photo involved from where it was posted last night at its web site, is showing no remorse over having published what it has now admitted are five photos of 2016 Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz containing "guns seen on a wall in the background so that it appeared a pistol was pointed at Sen. Cruz’s head…

Really, AP? Wire Photo Has Gun Graphic Pointing at Ted Cruz's Head

June 21st, 2015 11:53 PM
The Associated Press currently has a photo for sale at its site showing a graphic of a gun pointing at Ted Cruz's head. It has been there since early Saturday evening. It would appear that Charlie Neibergall, the person who snapped this photograph, had to patiently wait for the "right" moment to take the photo in question.

AP History of Black Church Attacks Shows No Murders in Over 50 Years

June 19th, 2015 12:38 AM
While emphasizing that it's (supposedly) only a partial list, it appears that the Associated Press felt compelled today to try to claim that there's a long and recent history of murderous racist attacks on black churches (or predominantly black churches) in the U.S. Somehow, the wire service forgot that a genuine trend needs to continue uninterrupted or at least have some consistency before it…

AP Does Bogus 'Fact Check' of Jeb Bush's 4 Percent Growth Goal

June 17th, 2015 11:41 PM
It seems as if the establishment press has ruined virtually everything connected with journalism. The whole idea of "fact-checking" is certainly no exception. The thoroughly misnamed Politifact pioneered this particular form of disinformation. The Associated Press, apparently determined to give that web site a run for its money, devoted a writeup to "fact-checking" (i.e., virtually ridiculing) a…

WashPost's 'Synthetic' Claim: 1994 Connecticut Gun Law Saved Lives

June 14th, 2015 9:56 PM
On Friday, the Washington Post's Jeff Guo hyped a study published in the American Journal of Public Health by four people with the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. The study contends that "Connecticut’s handgun permit-to-purchase law (passed in 1994) was associated with a subsequent reduction in homicide rates" involving firearms. Readers wondering if there is a connection to…

Politico: Obama Nearly 'Lame Duck'; Reax to Trade Defeat 'Implausible'

June 12th, 2015 7:40 PM
Even the leftist apparatchiks at the Politico seem to have a limit to their tolerance for the doublespeak the White House and President Obama routinely disseminate. Reporters Edward-Isaac Dovere and Sarah Wheaton appear to hit that limit this afternoon after Obama's effort to pass Trade Adjustment Authorization (TAA) went down in flames by a shocking margin of 126-302. Since TAA had to pass for…

Media Fail: Weak First Qtr. Economies Have Been a Democrat Phenomenon

June 8th, 2015 11:13 AM
The business press has gotten really excited about the possibility — some of them are even treating it as a probability — that the first-quarter's recently reported annualized economic contraction of 0.7 percent will go positive if it gets revised for so-called "residual seasonality." "Residual seasonality" is "the manifestation of seasonal patterns in data that have already been seasonally…

Straw-Man Argument at Houston Chron: Frackers Want 'No Regulations'

June 7th, 2015 10:12 PM
After the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency issued a draft report on Thursday declaring that, in his own words, "The government has no public safety justification to ban" hyrdraulic fracturing, or fracking, Houston Chronicle business writer Chris Tomlinson falsely claimed that the industry believes it "needs no regulation." Tomlinson formerly toiled at the Associated Press, and it shows. One…

AP: Perry's Reference to God-Given Rights Is 'A Nod to the Tea Party'

June 5th, 2015 11:50 PM
On Thursday, the Associated Press's Will Weissert demonstrated that the ignorance of our nation's founding documents exhibited by Meredith Shiner at Yahoo Politics in March is not isolated to her. Readers may recall that Shiner, reacting to Ted Cruz's presidential announcement speech, tweeted: "Bizarre to talk about how rights are God-made and not man-made in your speech announcing a POTUS bid?…

Foreign Affairs Writers: Stop Saying 'ISIS Is on the Rise'

June 4th, 2015 12:26 AM
Foreign Affairs is "a multiplatform media organization with a print magazine, a website, a mobile site, various apps and social media feeds, an event business, and more." It is published by the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), an influential organization which has caught flak for decades, predominantly from the right, for undermining and misrepresenting U.S. interests. One doesn't have to be…

AP Notes No Hurricanes for 9 Years; But What About Global Warming?

May 31st, 2015 10:24 PM
In a report on the relative infrequency of hurricanes in the U.S. during the past decade nationwide, and many decades in certain coastal areas, the Associated Press's Seth Borenstein detected a problem. The problem is that those who contend that human-caused global warming is ruining our planet believe that hurricane frequency should be increasing, but it's not. So Borenstein tried to cover his…

Schieffer: Lack of Collegiality a Greater Danger Than Terrorism

May 31st, 2015 10:47 AM
Friday morning, Kyle Drennen at NewsBusters covered retiring Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer's appearance on CBS This Morning. Schieffer went into the same predictable whines seemingly every retiring establishment press reporter does as they're about to leave: there's too much money in politics, we can't control the news like we used to, congressional gridlock has never been worse, blah-blah-…

NPR Bewails Texas's 'Unqualified No' to Medicaid Expansion

May 29th, 2015 5:42 PM
Friday's Morning Edition on NPR did its best to try to promote the liberal cause of expanding Medicaid in Texas. Wade Goodwyn lined up six soundbites from pro-expansion talking heads, versus only two from former Texas Governor Rick Perry, an opponent. Goodwyn played up that "in hating the Affordable Care Act, the state is leaving on the table as much as a hundred billion dollars of federal money…

Paper on ‘Changing Minds’ on Same-Sex ‘Marriage’ Retracted (Part 2)

May 28th, 2015 5:16 PM
As noted in my previous related post, one of the authors of a late-2014 study which made the nonsensical claim that “a single conversation (can) change minds on divisive social issues, such as same-sex marriage,” causing "a cascade of opinion change," issued a retraction last week, because the data supporting it was faked. Since it was published in Science Magazine — and because it conveniently…