At Least Seven AP Reporters Violated Their Own Stylebook in Describing

August 19th, 2014 2:40 PM
Kudos to Ed Driscoll at PJ Media, Eddie Scarry at Mediaite, and likely others in pointing out that the Associated Press has frequently violated its own stylebook in describing Michael Brown, the 18 year-old who was fatally shot in a scuffle with police in Ferguson, Missouri, as a "teen" or "teenager." The AP's latest stylebook, in sync with the one I have from over a decade ago, states that…

Irresponsible: Old Media Outlets Release Info on Where Ferguson Office

August 18th, 2014 3:01 PM
Boy, it's a good thing that we don't have any bloggers, Twitter amateurs or Facebook fulminators going off half-cocked and helping people find out where Darren Wilson lives. Wilson is the Ferguson, Missouri police officer who reportedly shot and killed Mike Brown. I mean, if anybody knew that or could figure it out, his safety and that of any family members would be in jeopardy. Oh, wait a…

The New York Times Has Zero Idea How the Internet Works - Or Is Lying

August 18th, 2014 8:52 AM
It takes a special man to cram so much wrong into a mere 342 words.  Or an Old Grey Lady. The New York Times’ utterly ridiculous Editorial Board recently as one addressed Title II Internet regulatory Reclassification and Network Neutrality - and they did so in utterly ridiculous fashion.  They either have absolutely no idea what any of this is - or they are lying through their printing…

On Fox News Sunday, Williams Says Opposition to Obama Is 'Old, White

August 4th, 2014 6:46 PM
It would almost not be worth noting, because it's so predictable. On Fox News Sunday, Juan Williams, with strategic support at opportune times from National Journal's Ron Fournier, characterized the support within the Republican Party for impeachment as coming from "Tea Party opposition ... (with) no diversity, it's a white, older group of people." What makes it worthy of notice is the fact…

Paying a Price For Bias? MSNBC Drops to Fourth Place in Crucial Rating

July 30th, 2014 10:46 PM
Oh, how the pathetic progs have fallen. Earlier today, the Hollywood Reporter told readers that MSNBC had a horrible July rating period. For the four weeks ended July 27, the self-described "lean forward" network saw "its total day average among the news demo of adults 25-54" drop by "33 percent from July 2013," causing it come in "below HLN by 16,000 viewers for No. 4 status":

Unreal: Language in Offensive AP Tweet on Israel-Gaza-Congress Led Its

July 29th, 2014 10:14 PM
Earlier today, I gave the Associated Press an unwarranted benefit of the doubt. I figured that there was no way the language contained in an offensive AP tweet on the Israel-Gaza situation would appear in an actual story by an alleged professional journalist. Boy, was I wrong. The language in question was posted at 6 a.m. ET and is still present at the wire service's official Twitter account…

WaPo's Greg Sargent Thinks Obamacare's Senate History Absolves Sloppy

July 29th, 2014 7:52 PM
At the Washington Post's Plum Line blog this afternoon, Greg Sargent argued that the legislative history of Obamacare supports the argument that Congress intended that participants in federal exchanges be entitled to premium subsidies (alternatively referred to in some quarters as "tax credits"), and that the history should doom the Halbig suit, which contends that tax subsidies cannot be…

Official AP Tweet: Despite Gaza 'Horror,' U.S. Lawmakers 'Fall Over Ea

July 29th, 2014 12:30 PM
UPDATE, 11 p.m.: See this new post: "Unreal: Language in Offensive AP Tweet on Israel-Gaza-Congress Led Its Actual Story Early Tuesday" It would appear that the Associated Press is branching out into new avenues of bias and submission. Since President Barack Obama took office in January 2009, its journalists have worked feverishly to earn the wire service its U.S.-based nickname as the…

CBS Fails to Cite Immigration Expert's Favoritism in Liberal Media, Pa

July 25th, 2014 12:45 PM
The CBS Evening News reported Thursday night on the issue of children fleeing from Central America and crossing into the United States illegally and included an interview with an Fulbright scholar who conducts research on why these children are leaving in large numbers for the U.S. However, an important detail left out by CBS News correspondent Manuel Borjorquez was that the scholar has scores…

Aww: Politico’s Glenn Thrush Doesn’t Like ‘Abortion Barbie’ Ni

July 22nd, 2014 10:30 PM
Politico reporters are badly burning themselves on Twitter these days. Last night (as yours truly noted this afternoon), the web site's Roger Simon, apparently upset that Rick Perry is doing his job, tweeted that the Texas governor is "sending 1,000 National Guard troops to border to shoot small children." Yet 12 hours later, Glenn Thrush, another longtime Politico veteran, tweeted a plea for…

Politico's Simon: Perry Sending National Guard ‘to Shoot Small Child

July 22nd, 2014 6:57 PM
Roger Simon "joined Politico as its first chief political columnist" in 2006. A couple of items on his resume include being "the only person to win twice the American Society of Newspaper Editors Distinguished Writing Award for commentary," and a 2013 National Press Club humor-related award. Judges for that award said that "Simon's writing is witty, specific and based on sharp observations of…

Stephen Colbert Gives Nancy Pelosi Platform to Pitch 'Middle Class Jum

July 22nd, 2014 5:30 PM
Comedy Central host Stephen Colbert did Nancy Pelosi a solid by giving her a platform to promote her effort to energize Democrats to come out in force this November to return the Speaker’s gavel to her grasp. In the process he also sparked a nationwide run on mind-bleach with a crude joke involving a nude John Boehner. [See video below. Click here for MP3 audio]

Megyn Kelly Eviscerates Jon Stewart, Leftist Ideologues on Abortifacie

July 17th, 2014 2:32 PM
Fox News's Megyn Kelly has clearly had it up to here with the disinformation, misinformation, distortions and outright lies coming from the left in the wake of the Supreme Court's Hobby Lobby decision. A recent dishonest rant by Comedy Central's Jon Stewart (noted at NewsBusters by Jeffrey Meyer early Tuesday morning) and attempts by certain doctors to deny scientific truth caused Kelly to…

CBS Touts Archie Taking Bullet For Gay Friend; Inadvertently Reveals P

July 16th, 2014 11:33 PM
Anthony Mason spotlighted the death of comic book character Archie Andrews on Wednesday's CBS Evening News, and pointed out that "it all ends...when an adult Archie takes a bullet aimed by a stalker at a gay friend." Mason turned to the comics' publisher, Jon Goldwater, and wondered if he was "trying to make a political statement with this comic book" [MP3 audio available here; video below the…