
AP's Werner Channels CBS's Cordes in Covering New House Members

November 9th, 2014 10:40 AM
Saturday morning, Erica Werner at the Associated Press, aka the Administratino's Press, channeled her inner Nancy Cordes to play "gotcha" with Republicans who won election to the House on Tuesday. Werner's report essentially regurgitated Cordes's petulance in the CBS reporter's question directed at House Speaker John Boehner on Thursday. Cordes identified supposedly stupid or ill-advised things…

AP Couldn't Bring Itself to Say 'Walker Won' in Wisconsin Tues. Night

November 6th, 2014 10:00 PM
That the folks at the Associated Press have had it in for Scott Walker for over 3-1/2 years has been quite obvious. The wire service's reporters, particularly Scott Bauer, have made their personal opposition quite clear, sometimes quite bitterly and often dishonestly, to Walker's Act 10 and other policies in their supposedly "objective" reports. So it wasn't any surprise, or really even a…

NPR's Hockenberry on Youth Football: 'Are Republicans Pro-Concussion'?

November 5th, 2014 11:33 PM
Participation in youth football is down. As economic ignoramus David Leonhardt of the New York Times explained yesterday at the paper's "The Upshot" blog, this is particularly pronounced in "the highly educated Democratic-leaning areas of major metropolitan areas." Yesterday, as he was interviewing Leonhardt about his post on NPR's "The Takeaway" program, John Hockenberry asked, "Are you…

Is It the Weather Channel, or Politics Channel?

October 31st, 2014 5:59 PM
New Jersey Governor Christie rebuked a heckler during his visit to the area affected by Superstorm Sandy on Wednesday. His rebuke is still a major headline item at ... the Weather Channel. The headline ("Gov Loses It During Speech") also makes a claim not supported by the circumstances, or Christie's history of dealng with such critics:

'Neutral' Todd 'Physically Ill' Over Comment's Harm to Grimes Campaign

October 21st, 2014 9:53 PM
On Friday in a Facebook hangout, in a statement noted Saturday afternoon by Tim Graham at NewsBusters, MSNBC's Chuck Todd described himself as "stubbornly neutral." Sunday, Mr. "Stubbornly Neutral" attacked the NRA on "Meet the Press" for having the nerve to oppose President Obama's Surgeon General nominee, a man who is obsessed with gun control.

As CDC, NIH Cry Over Money, Press Ignores Their Waste

October 15th, 2014 11:58 PM
For years, government watchdog groups have chronicled numerous instances of waste and abuse — at the very least — at the Centers for Disease Control and its National Institutes for Health. An establishment press corps doing its job, upon hearing the director of the National Institutes for Health claim that "if we had not gone through our 10-year slide in research support, we probably would have…

NPR Spins: 'Vehement Hardliners' Vs. 'Progressives' at Vatican Meeting

October 6th, 2014 1:19 PM
NPR's Sylvia Poggioli promoted the cause of dissenters inside the Catholic Church on Sunday's Weekend Edition, as she covered the beginning of special meeting of bishops at the Vatican. She featured seven soundbites from four such dissenters (and didn't identify three of them as such), and none from orthodox Catholics. The correspondent also played up the "vehement response" from five cardinals…

ABC Ignores Karl's Column Naming 3 Officials Who Warned of ISIS Threat

September 29th, 2014 11:45 PM
ABC's Jonathan Karl is on a tear — and his editorial bosses at ABC seem determined to ignore him. As Scott Whitlock at NewsBusters noted earlier today, Karl on Friday "grilled White House press secretary Josh Earnest ... about claims that al Qaeda had been 'decimated,'" mainly because it hasn't been. Instead, it seems like there are at least ten times as many versions. The network televised none…

Tech Titan Bezos' Wash Post: Trouble Reporting Tech

September 29th, 2014 11:02 AM
Jeff Bezos is a transcendent Internet entrepreneur.  He understands the way the Web works in a  way few others do.  He sees around the curve of the Earth just a little further than do most of us. To wit: Bezos started in 1994

CNN's Brian Stelter Hints Liberal Anthony Weiner is Non-Partisan

September 22nd, 2014 6:46 PM
On Sunday's Reliable Sources, CNN's Brian Stelter touted a disgraced former representative as a non-partisan pundit and as an expert on media bias: "Now, I could bring in two partisan commentators now to argue about the media, but I'd rather from someone who's been in the glare of the news media – someone who's all too familiar with what happens when you go from darling to bad boy – then, maybe,…

AP Falsely Claims Reported Poverty Drop is 'First Since 2006'

September 18th, 2014 12:09 AM
As been its habit since Barack Obama took office in 2009, the Associated Press has, whenever possible, considered the impact of news developments on the President and his party as far more important than what's actually happening in the lives of real people. The latest example is the wire service's coverage of Tuesday's Census Bureau report on income, poverty and health insurance coverage in the…

Politico Lead Story: 'Is It Time to Ditch the Star-Spangled Banner?'

September 13th, 2014 11:59 PM
There is apparently no more important story or issue right now at the Politico than Ted Widmer's question about our national anthem: "Is It Time to Ditch the Star-Spangled Banner?" It is currently the lead item at the web site, complete with a huge picture of the American flag. The "beheading by ISIL of a British aid worker" and Wisconsin's court-granted ability to implement voter-ID in the fall…

PBS to Broadcast Documentary With 'Deeply Humanizing' Portrayals of La

August 27th, 2014 9:42 AM
On Monday, the PBS series "POV" will air "After Tiller." The show's web page promoting the film describes it as "a deeply humanizing and probing portrait of the only four doctors in the United States still openly performing third-trimester abortions in the wake of the 2009 assassination of Dr. George Tiller in Wichita, Kansas." Who knew that these murderers of late-term pre-born babies — Dr.…

O'Reilly: Al Sharpton 'Almost Single-Handedly Has Corrupted NBC News

August 27th, 2014 8:58 AM
On his show Monday night, Fox News host Bill O'Reilly declared that MSNBC host and Ferguson, Missouri activist Al Sharpton "has become so controversial in America that it's hard to explain how a news agency, NBC, can even have him on the payroll." Mediabuzz host Howard Kurtz agreed, labeling Sharpton's employment with the network "a travesty." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the…