105 Celebs Sign Letter Demanding NBC Move Trump Town Hall

October 15th, 2020 12:34 PM

The President of The United States being given a chance to speak before the American people is a crime that cries out for vengeance in the eyes of Hollywood.



Lemon Condemns NBC for Trump Town Hall, Demands Maddow Interview

October 14th, 2020 11:42 PM

During the Wednesday handoff between CNN’s Cuomo PrimeTime and CNN Tonight, the host of the latter, Don Lemon went on a tirade against NBC for allowing President Trump to address voters’ questions at a town hall event at the same time as Democratic nominee Joe Biden, on Thursday. Over time, his whining transitioned from just wanting the event to be held on a different night…


UNIVISIÓN: Mike Pence es basura, '¡Suerte, Kamala!'

October 12th, 2020 3:36 PM

Mike Pence es basura. Al menos eso fue lo que la teleaudiencia de Al Punto, en Univisión, escuchó a todas voces el domingo pasado


Univision: Mike Pence Is Garbage, ‘Good Luck, Kamala!’

October 12th, 2020 2:43 PM

Mike Pence is trash. At least that’s what you heard loud and clear if you were watching last Sunday´s Al Punto, on Univision. Just four days after the only debate between vice presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Mike Pence, Univision anchor Jorge Ramos gave a free hand to his “comic” sidekick, César Muñoz, to verbalize the insult, albeit mollified within the lyrics of a song…


CNN FREAK OUT: Camerota Brings on Pence Aide Just to Scream at Him

October 10th, 2020 2:59 PM

In the wake of the coverage from leftist hacks about Wednesday’s Vice President debate, Vice President Pence's chief of staff Marc Short appeared on CNN’s New Day to give analysis of the debate. This turned out not to be the case as co-host Alisyn Camerota took the opportunity to attack the administration and President Trump. Camerota began yelling during the segment “What you didn't mention…


ABC Covers for Biden on Court-Packing, Push Harris’s Abe Lincoln LIE

October 8th, 2020 8:33 PM

To his own dismay, former Vice President Joe Biden made headlines Thursday when he echoed Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) ObamaCare pitch and told voters they needed to elect him to find out his position on packing the Supreme Court with liberals. The comments made ABC chief White House correspondent Jon Karl proclaim “This doesn’t make any sense” on Twitter. But later that evening, senior…


Univisión falla en ataque contra estrella latina pro Trump

October 8th, 2020 5:41 PM

El interminable lloriqueo de la élite de Hollywood y su consagración en contra de los llamados privilegios blancos, pasó a un segundo plano con la participación de la exitosa estrella mexicana, y ahora activista político, Eduardo Verástegui, durante una entrevista con Univisión donde logró cancelar la consabida retórica a pesar de las constantes interrupciones de la periodista Pamela Silva…


Billy Crystal Sucker Punches Pence on Kimmel: He Is a ‘B.I.G.O.T.’

October 8th, 2020 4:21 PM

A legendary Hollywood comedian appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to talk about the 2020 Vice Presidential and whaddaya know, the commentary focused on calling Vice President Mike Pence a creep and a “bigot.”



Crazy for Kamala: 'View' Gloats Dem Won Against Sexist Bully Pence

October 8th, 2020 3:15 PM

Despite coming across as unprepared at times, frequently lying and refusing to answer important questions, the media declared the Democrat Senator from California the winner of the debate. The hosts of The View opened their show Thursday in unanimous agreement.


Republican Senator Triggers Joy Behar With FACTS on 'View'

October 8th, 2020 1:39 PM

Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) appeared on The View Thursday to tout her new book and discuss the vice-presidential debate last night. While there, she debunked the liberal talking points from the hostile hosts on the economy and coronavirus, leaving them fumbling, fuming and even resorting to childish name-calling.

Mika Brzezinski and Susan Page

Bitter Mika Wanted Susan Page to Shut Down Pence, ‘Cut His Mic’

October 8th, 2020 12:11 PM

On MSNBC’s Morning Joe Thursday, co-host and Democratic Party shill Mika Brzezinski was outraged that Vice President Mike Pence “kept going” and “was not stopped” during Wednesday night’s vice presidential debate. Talking to the debate’s moderator, USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page, Brzezinki wailed that her media colleague did not “cut his mic” during the match-up…


Obama Pal Gayle King Bemoans Pence, Thinks Fly Had Symbolic Meaning

October 8th, 2020 5:37 AM

CBS was unamused Wednesday night, tearing into Vice President Mike Pence as a disaster and lacking respect for Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA) by interrupting her during their vice presidential debate. Led by Democratic donor, Obama family friend, Cory Booker friend, and CBS This Morning co-host Gayle King, the network painted a picture of a losing effort by a Vice President, who was…


LAME: ABC Hails ‘Spicy’ Harris Hitting ‘Evasive,’ ‘Mansplaining’ Pence

October 8th, 2020 3:00 AM

Just as NBC rallied to the defense of Senator Kamala Harris (D-CA), ABC was similarly energized Wednesday following her debate with Vice President Mike Pence, gushing over the “spicy” “prosecutor” assuming the role of “fact-check[er]” against the “evasive” and “mansplainer” Pence who, based upon speculation over a pinkish eye, might have coronavirus.


MSNBC’s Cackling Coven: ‘Flaccid’ Pence Was ‘Limp and Lame’ in Debate

October 8th, 2020 1:40 AM

MSNBC’s post-vice presidential debate analysis was apparently being beamed in Wednesday from an alternate universe, because according to their cackling coven of network hosts (Rachel Maddow, Joy Reid, and Nicolle Wallace), Vice President Mike Pence was “flaccid,” “anemic,” “very low energy,” and “just looked limp and lame.” That conflicted with CNN’s shoddy analysis which found Pence to be a…