
MSNBC's Ruhle Frets Not Enough Abortion Talk by Democrats

September 13th, 2019 7:12 PM
On Friday's Velshi and Ruhle show, MSNBC host Stephanie Ruhle fretted over Democratic presidential candidates not taking the U.S. Supreme Court seriously enough as an issue, and particularly the Court's influence on abortion rights, as she devoted a segment to the issue. Correspondent Shannon Pettypiece worried that moderates might side with Republicans on late-term abortion if Democrats do not…

What Media Got Wrong About Jorge Ramos at Dem Debate

September 13th, 2019 4:51 PM
In addition to grading individual candidate performances, media often reverts to its favorite topic: the media. But many in the media have misread, and subsequently misinterpreted Univision anchor Jorge Ramos’ performance in last night’s ABC-Univision Democratic presidential debates.

MSNBC Bashes Castro for Hit on Biden's Health, Love Doing It to Trump

September 13th, 2019 2:16 PM

During MSNBC’s post-Democratic debate analysis on Thursday night and early Friday, former HUD Secretary Julian Castro was widely condemned for his attack on former Vice President Joe Biden for his false claim about his health care policy and suggesting the elderly Biden was mentally showing his age. But for anyone with a pulse, it’s amazing that the cast of characters were so enraged by Castro…


Frantic Joy Behar: Trump Is Destroying the Water, You Must Vote Blue!

September 13th, 2019 1:04 PM
The View co-host Joy Behar went on a rant on Friday’s show, urging the show’s liberal viewers to unite behind whomever the Democrat nominee will be. Behar painted a bleak dystopian picture of what America is like now under President Trump, warning liberals that to save the planet and their children, they must vote Democrat, no matter what, in 2020.  

CBS Hails Beto as ‘Candidate of Conviction’ for Gun-Grabbing Scheme

September 13th, 2019 10:18 AM
On Friday’s CBS This Morning, while analyzing Thursday night’s Democratic debate, correspondent Major Garrett praised left-wing contender Beto O’Rourke as a “candidate of conviction” for declaring that as President he would confiscate guns. The reporter marveled at O’Rourke’s “authenticity” on the topic.

MSNBC: Hillary Clinton Was Right About Trump Supporting ‘Deplorables!'

September 13th, 2019 10:14 AM
According to MSNBC, Hillary Clinton didn’t make a mistake in calling Trump supporters, “deplorables” in 2016, she was just ahead of her time. In the wee hours of the morning following ABC’s Democrat debate, MSNBC’s Joy Reid and former Clinton adviser Philippe Reines spent time ranting about how awful President Trump and his supporters were, instead of talking about the Democrat candidates, (have…

Scarborough Rant: Trump 'Wants to Destroy Your Right' to Health Care!

September 13th, 2019 8:19 AM
On Morning Joe, Joe Scarborough is angry at the Democrat presidential contenders for having, in last night's debate, focused on the details dividing them regarding health care. He suggests that they should instead paint the bigger picture: "the Democratic Party supports universal healthcare as a right for all Americans! Donald Trump wants to destroy your right to having health care as an American…

ABC’s Raddatz Gushes for ‘Really Real Authenticity’ from Dem Candidate

September 13th, 2019 1:42 AM
Running in tandem with ABC’s televised coverage of their Democratic presidential debate on Thursday, the network also streamed coverage and analysis online. And during that stream, chief global affairs correspondent Martha Raddatz gushed about the “really real authenticity” she felt from the candidates during their closing comments.

NYT Columnist to Noah: 'Democrats Actually Care About Stuff'

September 13th, 2019 1:34 AM
Just how low will the Democrats go? Nobody knows. In the unlikely event you missed Thursday night’s 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary debate, do not fret as liberal late-night sage, Trevor Noah, provided his eagerly anticipated analysis on The Daily Show immediately after the event.

MSNBC Panel Swoons Beto ‘Found His Voice,’ Hails Gun Confiscation Plan

September 13th, 2019 12:47 AM
After Thursday’s 2020 Democratic presidential debate, MSNBC’s assembled cast of liberals journalists and pundits gushed that the “authentic” Beto O'Rourke “found his voice,” “spoke with clarity,” and had a “passion and sincerity” to take away millions of guns by force should be applauded. Not only were those nutty claims made, but one panelist even hailed O’Rourke for giving room for “voluntary…

CNN Panel Unfazed By Beto’s Promise to Forcefully Confiscate Your Guns

September 12th, 2019 11:55 PM
One of the biggest takeaways from Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate on ABC, was that the radical left wasn’t shy about telling the public what their plans for guns were. At one point, former Congressman Beto O’Rourke (TX) was raging and promised: “Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.” It was a radical declaration that went under-discussed during CNN’s post-debate…

Five Questions Conservatives Will LIKE From the Democratic Debate

September 12th, 2019 11:45 PM
It’s actually possible to ask 2020 Democratic candidates questions that conservatives want answered. Thursday’s debate was proof that it can be done. To be clear, there were plenty of liberal questions, including wondering how forcible gun confiscation “will work.” Yet, ABC did manage some queries of interest to conservatives, including demanding answers on eliminating private health insurance,…

ABC's Focus: How 2020 Dem's Forcible Gun Grabbing ‘Will Work?’

September 12th, 2019 9:33 PM
ABC Democratic debate co-moderator David Muir on Thursday offered seven questions on guns and skirted around the main one: Will your plans violate the Second Amendment rights of Americans? For the most part, Muir simply wondered how forcible gun confiscation “will work.” 

Donny Deutsch Urges Democrat Debaters: 'Assault' Trump the 'Ogre'

September 12th, 2019 10:25 AM
On today's Morning Joe, Donny Deutsch urged the Democrats participating in tonight's debate to "assault" President Trump, whom Deutsch describes as an "ogre."  Deutsch claims nothing else matters because "our democracy is under siege."