
On MSNBC, Fournier Slams 'Disgusting' GOP Debate, Sees 'Dog Whistling'

December 17th, 2015 1:43 AM
Appearing as a guest in the final segment of Wednesday's MTP Daily on MSNBC, Ron Fournier of the National Journal slammed the previous night's GOP presidential debate as "disgusting" as he claimed to see "dog whistling" and "fearmongering" from the candidates.

Bernstein Attacks GOP for 'Bellicosity' and 'Recklessness' in Debate

December 16th, 2015 10:29 PM
Chiming in with his latest ramble against conservatives, CNN political commentator and former Washington Post reporter Carl Bernstein took to the airwaves of Wednesday’s AC360 to denounce the GOP candidates for “their bellicosity” in Tuesday’s debate that featured “a recklessness that was astonishing.”

Lefty Blogger: ‘Real Winner’ of GOP Presidential Debate? ISIS

December 16th, 2015 9:57 PM
Many of the lefty writers who analyzed Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate at the Venetian suggested that had the event been promoted as if it were a Vegas show, the marquee might have read “Fright Night,” or perhaps “Be Afraid…Be Very Afraid,” given how much the candidates hyped the threat of jihadist terrorism.

MSNBC Guest: GOPers Want to 'Mass Murder Civilians' to Fight ISIS

December 16th, 2015 7:42 PM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's MSNBC Live, Linda Sarsour of the Arab-American Association of New York received no pushback from host Jose Diaz-Balart over her inflammatory assertion that some of the Republican presidential candidates "think they can mass murder civilians across the world" to defeat the ISIS threat. She also absurdly claimed that the U.S. killed 650,000 civilians in Iraq,…

The View’s Raven-Symone: Climate Change ‘Equal Threat’ to Terrorism

December 16th, 2015 4:14 PM
View co-host Raven-Symoné took to Twitter last night to blast GOP candidates on foreign policy and, in particular, climate change. The actress and one-time Disney star scolded former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee for saying terrorism is a bigger threat than climate change.

NBC, CBS Tout Divided GOP Convention; Pushed Dem ‘Dream-Ticket' in '08

December 16th, 2015 12:13 PM
Interviewing Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus on Wednesday, the hosts of both NBC’s Today and CBS This Morning pushed the idea that the 2016 Republican field was so divided that there would have to be a brokered convention to pick the party’s nominee. In 2008, instead of discussing a possible brokered convention, all three morning shows excitedly promoted the idea of unifying…

WashPost Reporter: GOP Debate Is ‘Old White Men Yelling At Each Other'

December 16th, 2015 9:51 AM
So much for neutral journalism. Ishaan Tharoor, Foreign affairs reporter for The Washington Post, went on a tirade on Twitter Tuesday evening, bashing the GOP debate in multiple tweets, but perhaps his worst statement was calling the undercard debate “a bunch of old white men yelling at each other.” Not exactly original coming from a liberal -- but neither is it something a reporter from one of…

Morning Joe Loves Graham for Ripping Republicans on Muslim Rhetoric

December 16th, 2015 8:42 AM
When tagging items at NewsBusters, one of our Media Bias sub-categories is "Sudden Respect." The notion is that to win the affection of the MSM, all a Republican or conservative needs to do is turn against members or positions of his party. A great illustration of the phenomenon comes from today's Morning Joe. During last night's undercard debate, Lindsey Graham repeatedly ripped fellow…

ABC Blasts ‘Bloody’ GOP Debate; Chides Christie on Bus Stop Remark

December 16th, 2015 3:16 AM
The early Wednesday morning edition of ABC’s Nightline provided the first look at the network reaction to Tuesday night’s Republican presidential debate and featured correspondent David Wright ripping it as a “bloody” affair with help from liberal comedians and scolding Chris Christie for remarks about Los Angeles mothers placing their children on school buses only to have classes canceled due to…

Van Jones: Rubio Was ‘Rattled’ in Debate; ‘He Lost His Cool’ When Hit

December 16th, 2015 12:40 AM
Giving viewers his initial thoughts concerning Tuesday’s 2016 GOP presidential debate on the 11:00 p.m. Eastern edition of AC360, CNN political commentator and former Obama administration adviser Van Jones opined that Marco Rubio seemed “rattled” for “the first time” and “lost his cool” as he faced “competition” from fellow Senators Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.

Begala Whines GOP’s ‘Dominant Emotion’ of ‘Fear’ Has Hurt Americans

December 16th, 2015 12:08 AM
Offering his initial thoughts on Tuesday’s GOP presidential debate on the 11:00 p.m. Eastern edition of CNN’s AC360, CNN political commentator and Hillary Clinton super PAC head Paul Begala complained that Republicans possess “dominant emotion” of “fear” that they’ve somehow used to instill fear in Americans following recent terror attacks in Paris and San Bernardino. 

Is Trump Using Polling As ‘Surrogate’ for ‘Penis Size’? Reporter Asks

December 15th, 2015 11:44 PM
The British press has gone from topless models to penis jokes about presidential candidates. At least that junior high humor stays largely on Twitter, where the filters come off and journalists’ truly biased viewpoints come out.  

Nation’s Zirin: Fiorina a ‘Bloodthirsty Barbarian'

December 15th, 2015 11:30 PM
Dave Zirin, sports editor for The Nation, had particularly harsh words for the GOP candidates on stage during CNN’s debate Tuesday night. Perhaps not surprising as he has a history of bashing conservatives and Christians,  like when he bashed Scott Walker earlier this year or his multiple attacks against openly-Christian Tim Tebow.  

Blogger: Global-Warming Deniers Are Traitors to the Planet

December 15th, 2015 4:55 PM
When it comes to global warming, Esquire’s Charles Pierce implies, it’s now conservative Republicans and a few hidebound Democrats versus pretty much everyone and everything else, including the world’s non-human animals and its plant life. Meanwhile, New York magazine’s Jonathan Chait opined that the Paris climate deal was “probably the [Obama] administration’s most important accomplishment."