
NBC Touts Hillary’s ‘Preemptive Strike’ Against GOP Before Debate

December 15th, 2015 11:50 AM
After covering the upcoming Republican presidential debate on Tuesday, NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer promoted Hillary Clinton preparing to attack her GOP rivals: “Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton is planning a preemptive strike against the barrage of criticism that she's expecting from her Republican rivals on that stage tonight. So today she’ll make her case on how she’d take on the ISIS…

Purged! Morning Joe Drops Ted Cruz from Vegas Debate Image

December 15th, 2015 7:18 AM
UPDATE: Scarborough just discussed blooper on air, mentioning NB and this NewsBusters. Video clip below! ---------------------------------------------------- Ted Cruz: MSNBC's modern-day version of Nikolai Yezhov! Yezhov was the head of Stalin's secret police who fell into disfavor and was executed during a purge. A photo of him standing next to Stalin was famously airbrushed to remove his…

CNN Touts CAIR Accusing GOPers of Inciting Attacks Against Muslims

December 14th, 2015 11:35 PM
On Monday's Erin Burnett OutFront, CNN National Correspondent Jason Carroll delivered a heavily one-sided report highlighting charges by the Council on American-Islamic Relations that GOP presidential candidates -- specifically naming Ben Carson, Chris Christie and Donald Trump -- have been partly to blame for inspiring a recent spate of attacks against Muslims in the U.S.

Crunching the Numbers: What to Watch For at the Next GOP Debate

December 14th, 2015 8:15 AM
After a five-week hiatus, the Republican presidential candidates meet tomorrow night for their next prime time debate, moderated by CNN’s Wolf Blitzer. Based on how the various networks handled the first four debates, viewers of Tuesday's CNN debate should expect: 1) the questions will be aimed at getting the candidates to fight with one another; 2) Donald Trump will take more airtime than any of…

'SNL' Mocks Defunding Planned Parenthood, Pushes Need for Gun Control

December 7th, 2015 1:46 PM
On the December 5th airing of Saturday Night Live, fake-news anchor Michael Che called out the Republican Senate for scheduling action to defund Planned Parenthood, despite the recent shooting in San Bernardino. The reality of the Senate activity however is that the bill, known as the Restoring Americans’ Healthcare Freedom Reconciliation Act, was scheduled for Thursday, December 4, back on…

Salon Pundit: Has GOP Rhetoric Already Inspired a Terrorist Attack?

December 6th, 2015 12:17 PM
In a column posted last Monday, two days before the San Bernardino massacre, Heather Digby Parton warned of Americans with “violent desires” who might find “inspiration” to stage mass-casualty attacks not in jihadist propaganda, but in rhetoric used during “a Republican presidential debate.” Parton linked the fatal shootings at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs to remarks by GOP…

Mark Ruffalo Tweets Out The Nation: 2nd Amendment Not for Individuals

December 4th, 2015 3:33 PM
In response to the San Bernardino shootings on Friday, leftist actor Mark Ruffalo, best known for playing the Hulk in The Avengers movies, tweeted “Begin again…The Second Amendment Was Never Meant to Protect an Individual’s Right to a Gun” and an image and link from the article of the same name from The Nation. The article Ruffalo tweeted is about why District of Columbia v. Heller was ruled…

MSNBC Feminists Roll Out Plush Carpet for Planned Parenthood

November 30th, 2015 4:31 PM
Planned Parenthood executives appeared twice on MSNBC on Monday with female interviewers who acted more like facilitators than journalists. Planned Parenthood boss Cecile Richards appeared on Andrea Mitchell Reports. Meanwhile PP's Executive Vice President, Dawn Laguens, was on MSNBC Live with Tamron Hall.

Goldberg: Japanese Internment Racist; Denying Syrians Rational

November 25th, 2015 1:10 PM
Tuesday Night on The O’Reilly Factor, Bill O’Reilly and Bernie Goldberg discussed the ‘morality play’ created by NBC's Harry Smith on the Syrian refugee crisis, complete with Bible verses, as was previously documented on NewsBusters. Smith had tried to compare the Japanese internment with the refugee crisis. Bernie set fire to the idea when he said, “He [President Roosevelt] only interned…

Krauthammer: Obama 'So Exposed, So Naked on the World Stage'

November 24th, 2015 1:51 PM
On Monday night on The O’Reilly Factor, Charles Krauthammer discussed with Bill O’Reilly the growing rhetoric of the White House and its attempt to downplay or diminish the threat that radical Islam is on the world. Shortly after a clip of President Obama criticizing the media for conflating ISIS’s power, Krauthammer opened up on the President. 

Vox Writer: Right Prefers ‘Martial Rhetoric’ to Actually Bombing ISIS

November 17th, 2015 9:27 PM
Last week, ex-Bill Clinton adviser Paul Begala snarked on CNN that during the most recent Republican presidential debate, the candidates mentioned Hillary Clinton so often that they came off as “creepy…in a stalker sort of way…Maybe it's affectionate…Maybe they’re like junior high schoolboys.” Vox's David Roberts has joined Begala in likening the GOP contenders to middle- or high-schoolers, but…

Mika Brzezinski: There Is Vetting Despite No Records to Verify

November 17th, 2015 1:56 PM
Morning Joe featured on Tuesday, an interview with Congressman Peter King. Early into the segment, Mika Brzezinski began a war of words with Congressman King. After Brzezinski introduced the topic, King stated, “I'm extremely concerned because what the President is telling us is not true.” Brzezinski interrupted the Congressman, saying that “there is vetting,” and arguing that he was wrong. What…

Pundit: GOP Presidential Field ‘Ignorant, Insulting, and Dangerous’

November 15th, 2015 10:26 PM
Over the past several years, many former or reformist conservatives have wondered how the Republican party might be reclaimed from its volcanically angry, Fox-News-and-talk-radio-driven base. One ex-conservative, The Week columnist Linker, suggests that righty intellectuals ought to catalyze the process. In a Friday column, Linker wrote that he couldn’t understand “how an intelligent, well-read…

Keilar: Hillary’s 9/11, 1960's Remarks ‘Certainly Didn’t Go Over Well'

November 15th, 2015 7:37 AM
Reporting from inside the spin room following Saturday’s Democratic presidential debate, CNN’s senior political correspondent Brianna Keilar minced no works in describing Hillary Clinton’s comments on 9/11 and her coming of age in the 1960's to two moments that “certainly didn’t go over well” with aides frantically working to “clean-up” after her.