
MSNBC Still Much Softer on Trump's Deportations Than Carson's Veracity

November 11th, 2015 4:49 PM
Veteran MSNBC watchers have surely noticed the Obama-loving network's extreme hostility to black Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson. These attacks and the pressure against Carson, compared to other Republicans in the race, has been intense. As a black conservative, Dr. Carson has taken extreme criticism and scrutiny for his words.

NBC Offers Dumbest Fact-Check of 2016 Campaign (So Far)

November 11th, 2015 1:07 PM
On Wednesday’s NBC Today, correspondent Peter Alexander actually attempted to discredit Marco Rubio’s rhetorical observation that “Welders make more money than philosophers.” Taking the comment literally, Alexander asserted: “That was one of the most memorable lines of the night, but it's also not true. Government statistics show that philosophers, philosophy teachers in this country, make on…

Nets Line Up to Hit Rubio on Immigration; GOP ‘Alienating’ Hispanics

November 11th, 2015 10:45 AM
On Wednesday, all three network morning shows interviewed Florida Senator Marco Rubio following Tuesday’s Republican presidential debate and grilled him on GOP opposition to illegal immigration. On NBC’s Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie proclaimed: “One of the most heated exchanges...came over immigration, and Trump's vow to deport 11 million illegal immigrants. Some on the stage suggested that is…

Mika Blasts Ben Carson: 'Slippery, Doesn't Tell Truth or Make Sense'

November 11th, 2015 7:21 AM
Two days ago, as we reported here, Joe Scarborough and Nicolle Wallace excoriated Ben Carson, accusing him of telling "one lie after another" and "bald-faced lies." Today, it was Mika Brezinski's turn to denounce the good doctor. On Morning Joe, Mika said "there's this slipperiness to him that nobody will just say. He's slippery. He doesn't tell the truth, and he doesn't make sense."

ABC Mocks Debate as 'Reality Show' Episodes Like Apprentice, Survivor

November 11th, 2015 2:59 AM
Without a hint of irony, the most superficial network news show in ABC’s Nightline mocked Tuesday’s Fox Business Network Republican debate on their early Wednesday morning installment as nothing more than a “reality show” along the lines of The Bachelor and Survivor “where the stakes couldn’t be higher.”

Liberal Media Call Huckabee ‘Sexist’ for ‘Yellin' Joke

November 10th, 2015 11:23 PM
The Fox Business undercard debate tonight was so balanced in comparison to CNBC’s debate moderated by, that liberal journalists used social media to re-ignite their tired “War on Women.” During the debate, Fox Business moderator Sandra Smith asked candidates what their opinion was on how well Janet Yellen was managing the Federal Reserve. Former Gov. Mike Huckabee responded with a lame joke…

Liberal Journalists Whine This #GOPDebate Wasn't Tough Enough

November 10th, 2015 11:05 PM
The latest GOP debate, hosted by The Wall Street Journal and the Fox Business Channel, focused almost exclusively on economic issues. Unlike the previous GOP debate hosted by CNBC, questions largely stayed on topic and did not veer into insults. That style wasn’t appreciated by the left-wing media who went on Twitter to bash Fox Business and the debate moderators.

Cruz Excoriates 'Mainstream Media’ for Illegal Immigration Coverage

November 10th, 2015 10:13 PM
Following his lambasting of the liberal media and the CNBC moderators during the last Republican debate on October 28, Republican Senator Ted Cruz took his latest swipe at the “mainstream media” in Tuesday’s Fox Business Network event for their coverage of illegal immigration and maligning those opposing amnesty. Cruz started his takedown by first pointing out that “when the mainstream media…

Megyn Kelly Slams CNBC Moderators Just Before FBN Debate

November 10th, 2015 9:24 PM
Just prior to Tuesday’s main Republican presidential debate on the Fox Business Network, Kelly File host Meygn Kelly panned the moderators from October 28's CNBC debate and predicted that she’s “hoping that we are going to hear what we thought we are going to hear in the last debate, which is, you know, a robust, substantive exchange over one of the most important topics to the voters which is…

Jeb Supporter on CNN Laments Lindsey Graham Being Excluded from Debate

November 10th, 2015 8:46 PM
Offering analysis of the first Fox Business Network Republican presidential debate on the 8:00 p.m. Eastern edition of CNN’s AC360, CNN political commentator and Jeb Bush supporter Ana Navarro lamented that Senator Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and his “passionate voice” was excluded from the undercard event.  

Matthews Thinks Blockbuster Around, Intros Woman as 'Haley Barbour'

November 10th, 2015 8:18 PM
You'd think that back in April when, as Ken Shepherd noted, Chris Matthews talked about Blockbuster being about all that's left in Rust Belt towns, one of his assistants would have gently taken him aside and explained that Blockbuster shuttered its stores some time ago. But on this evening's Hardball, there was Chris committing the exact same gaffe.  And in the very next segment, Matthews…

RNC Making Reporters Use ‘StopHillary’ as WiFi Password at GOP Debate

November 10th, 2015 11:24 AM
According to Benny Johnson at IJ Review, the Republican National Committee will require journalists use the password “StopHillary” in order to use WiFi at tonight’s GOP presidential debate on Fox Business in Milwaukee. Johnson remarked that the move by the GOP was a “brilliant troll” for the debate and the RNC agreed tweeting a picture of a pair of hands applauding the picture taken by IJ Review…

Hey WSJ: Amnesty is the Hugest Cronyism of All

November 9th, 2015 1:04 PM
The political definition of Cronyism is: government policy that favors one or more specific beneficiaries - at the expense of everyone else.  To wit: $80 billion of the 2009 “Stimulus” was wasted on “green energy” companies - 80% of whom were Barack Obama donors.  Amongst the parade of horribles contained therein: the government took money from energy companies - to fund competitors to their…

RNC Chair Tells Off Matt Lauer, Rips Media ‘Vendetta’ Against GOP

November 9th, 2015 9:51 AM
During an interview with NBC Today co-host Matt Lauer on Monday, Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus denounced the “crazy obsession” of the media over alleged inaccuracies in Ben Carson’s biography and pointed out a glaring double standard: “The fact is, you know, we kind of wish the media would be just as obsessed or half obsessed with Hillary Clinton's lies of many years and…