
Notable Quotables: CNBC's Deplorable Debate Debacle

November 9th, 2015 9:12 AM
This week, after CNBC's moderators assault the GOP candidates with a barrage of offensive attack questions, liberal reporters decry Republican complaints about the debacle: "This got a little revolting tonight," MSNBC's Chris Matthews sneered, while ABC daytime host Whoopi Goldberg advised the candidates: "Grow some nuts." And: CBS and PBS host Charlie Rose tells socialist candidate Bernie…

Ignatius Hits GOP: No One Wants POTUS Who 'Whines About Media Coverage

November 8th, 2015 1:30 PM
Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation Sunday, Washington Post columnist David Ignatius blasted the GOP presidential candidates for daring to complain about the biased questions asked during last month’s CNBC debate. Moderator John Dickerson teed up Ignatius by playing a clip of President Obama mocking the Republicans' debate complaints which prompted the Post columnist to declare the American public…

Rich Lowry: ‘Negative’ Media Coverage Is ‘Gold’ for GOP

November 8th, 2015 11:35 AM
During an appearance on ABC’s This Week, National Review editor Rich Lowry dismissed the media obsession with Ben Carson’s personal biography and stressed that the constant attacks on the GOP presidential candidate will only serve to bolster his campaign. Lowry stressed that the media critiquing Carson is “going to help him” and pointed out that “in this Republican race that media coverage is…

‘SNL’ Mocks MSNBC’s Democratic Forum

November 8th, 2015 8:18 AM
Saturday Night Live used its cold opening to mock MSNBC’s Democratic presidential forum with cast member Cecily Strong portraying moderator Rachel Maddow. Strong described the forum as a “debate that no one watches.” After SNL’s Maddow briefly spoke to Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, portrayed by Taran Killam, Kate McKinnon appeared on set as Hillary Clinton and the SNL cast member hilariously…

Rachel Maddow Dismisses Criticism of CNBC’s Republican Debate

November 5th, 2015 2:52 PM
During an interview with the Charlotte Observer to preview MSNBC’s Democratic presidential forum on Friday night, host Rachel Maddow strongly downplayed criticism leveled against CNBC for its handling of the Republican presidential debate. 

Mika Tries to Force Scarborough to Say He Respects John Harwood

November 5th, 2015 7:21 AM
It was like a mother trying to lead her naughty son through an apology . . .  Last week, Joe Scarborough predicted he would "get in trouble" for calling John Harwood's biased performance as debate moderator "embarrassing." On today's Morning Joe, Mika Brzezinski tried, in what seemed perhaps to be a pre-arranged mea culpa, to force Joe to say "I really respect everyone I work with." Joe didn't…

Nets Thrilled By Obama ‘Mocking’ GOP Debate Complaints

November 3rd, 2015 12:10 PM
On Tuesday, all three network morning shows happily touted President Obama attacking Republicans at a Democratic fundraiser Monday night over GOP presidential candidates objecting to CNBC’s biased debate. At the top of NBC’s Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie proclaimed: “The Republican candidates, briefly unified, splinter again over their debate demands as President Obama takes a swipe, mocking…

Frank Rich: ‘Fascistic’ GOP Debate Letter Was 'Drafted by Stalin'

November 3rd, 2015 12:57 AM
Appearing on the Monday edition of MSNBC’s The Rachel Maddow Show, New York magzine writer-at-large Frank Rich denounced the letter written by numerous Republican presidential campaigns to media organizations concerning the format of future debates as “fascistic” and written by “scared little children” but “seem[s] to have been drafted by Stalin.”

Joan Walsh: GOP ‘Running Against Reality, Not Against the Democrats’

November 2nd, 2015 9:19 PM
Those who hope that Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, and Mark Levin get to moderate a Republican presidential debate include Hannity himself, Ted Cruz, and Walsh. As they (almost) used to put it on Sesame Street, one of these persons is not like the others. Walsh, who recently joined The Nation after more than a decade and a half at Salon, argued in a Friday article that such a debate would benefit…

View Crew: How Dare Fiorina Defend Herself Against Our Nasty Attacks

November 2nd, 2015 4:53 PM
In a stunning display of arrogance on Monday, the cast of ABC’s The View not only refused to apologize for calling Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina “demented” following the latest GOP debate, but co-host Whoopi Goldberg actually further attacked Fiorina for criticizing the talk show over the vicious smear.

NBC: ‘Blaming the Media’ a ‘Longtime Winning Strategy’ for GOP

November 2nd, 2015 11:42 AM
On Monday’s NBC Today, MSNBC political analyst Nicolle Wallace explained the Republican Party’s long-term distrust of the press: “At the core is a massive generational distrust with the mainstream media and it bubbled over in the debate last week.”

Scarborough: No Republican Hosted Sunday Show or Newscast in 50 Years

November 2nd, 2015 8:24 AM
In the wake of the CNBC debate debacle, Joe Scarborough went on an epic rant on liberal media bias on today's Morning Joe. He summed things up this way, in challenging the panel: "you can't do it and nobody here can do it: name the single Republican that has hosted a Sunday show, that has been an anchor of a news network for the big three networks over the past 50 years: you can not do it." …

Lefty Professor: ‘Transparency Threatens’ the Power of Conservatives

November 1st, 2015 2:16 PM
In the week when a new James Bond film is coming out, it’s fitting that two lefty writers are both shaken and stirred by recent Republican blasts at media bias. In a Sunday article for Salon, Boston College history professor Heather Cox Richardson charged that “since the 1950s, Movement Conservatives have fought the fair examination of their ideas. They embrace a worldview in which a few wealthy…

Dan Rather Deflects Criticism of CNBC Debate, Blames GOP Instead

November 1st, 2015 1:14 PM
During an appearance on CNN’s Reliable Sources Sunday, disgraced CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather did his best to excuse the criticism of CNBC’s Republican presidential debate and instead chose to blame Republicans for fueling such hatred towards the press. While Rather briefly admitted that CNBC “didn’t do it perfectly” the liberal journalist quickly blamed the GOP presidential candidates…