
NBC Promotes NYT Calling on Chris Christie to Drop Out after Debate

October 29th, 2015 9:09 PM
In the second of three segments on Thursday reporting on the fallout from Wednesday’s CNBC Republican presidential debate, NBC Nightly News touted an editorial by The New York Times calling on Governor Chris Christie (N.J.) to drop out of the 2016 field. 

Bozell: GOP Candidates Made 'Mince Meat' of Biased CNBC Moderators

October 29th, 2015 6:09 PM
Appearing on the Thursday edition of FBN's Risk & Reward with Deirdre Bolton, Media Research Center founder and president Brent Bozell hailed how the GOP presidential candidates spontaneously banded together and "made mince meat" of the biased moderators conducting the debate.

Blogger: I’ll Buy Harwood a Beer For Questioning Rubio on Taxes

October 29th, 2015 5:38 PM
Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio put media bias on the front burner at CNBC’s Republican presidential debate, but conservatives and liberals differed sharply on whether what was in the pot smelled appetizing. Several lefty bloggers turned up their noses at the idea that in last night’s event and in general, the media favor Democrats.

Even Left-Wing Salon Thinks CNBC ‘Did a Terrible Job’

October 29th, 2015 3:44 PM
While conservatives have almost uniformly denounced CNBC for its biased and sloppy questioning throughout Wednesday’s Republican presidential debate, even left-wing website Salon has joined in panning the network’s poor performance: "There’s no getting around it: The network did a terrible job. From the moment people tuned in at 8 p.m. and saw a bunch of barely articulate anchors jabbering…

CNN's Cuomo Claims GOPers 'Pandering' on Media, Rubio Cites Benghazi

October 29th, 2015 3:14 PM
On Thursday's New Day on CNN, after host Chris Cuomo charged that GOP presidential candidates had gone "a little bit too far into pandering" in attacking the media during the CNBC presidential debate, Florida Senator and GOP presidential candidate Marco Rubio shot back by recalling the dominant liberal media heaping praise on Hillary Clinton after her Benghazi testimony, in spite of evidence she…

Chuck Todd: GOP ‘Premeditated Attack’ Against Debate Moderators

October 29th, 2015 12:10 PM
Despite the incredibly biased performance of the moderators of CNBC’s Republican presidential debate, on Thursday’s NBC Today, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd portrayed his business network colleagues as victims of a GOP plot: “Look, in many ways this was a premeditated attack. There had been some leaked ideas that, you know, beforehand, they were going to go after the moderators and say, ‘…

Whoopi Goldberg to GOP: ‘Grow Some Nuts’

October 29th, 2015 11:56 AM
Following Wednesday’s CNBC Republican presidential debate, View co-host Whoopi Goldberg defended the network from criticism and told the GOPers on stage to “grow some nuts” rather than complain about a lack of substantive questions. After Goldberg initially asked “who answered one substantive question” last night before she lectured the Republicans who complained about the biased moderators: “So…

Rubio Slams CNBC Debate Moderators for Trying to ‘Embarrass’ GOP

October 29th, 2015 11:36 AM
During an appearance on Fox & Friends Thursday morning, Senator Marco Rubio slammed CNBC’s Republican presidential debate, specifically the moderators who “can't wait for their chance to show off in front of their buddies by asking some question they think is going to embarrass, especially Republicans.”

NBC’s Savannah Guthrie Hits Marco Rubio: ‘Should You Resign?’

October 29th, 2015 9:32 AM
Even after telling Florida Senator Marco Rubio that he had the “breakout performance of the night” during Wednesday’s Republican debate, on Thursday’s NBC Today, co-host Savannah Guthrie urged the GOP presidential candidate to resign from the U.S. Senate: “...once and for all, answer The Sun Sentinel’s question, should you resign, would you resign? Why not leave your Senate seat and just remove…

CBS’s Charlie Rose Desperately Tries to Lecture Rubio on Benghazi

October 29th, 2015 9:29 AM
Following Wednesday night’s CNBC Republican presidential debate, on Thursday’s CBS This Morning, co-host Charlie Rose repeatedly tried to lecture Senator Marco Rubio over Hillary Clinton’s role in the 2012 Benghazi attack. After Rubio stated that he had not engaged in personal attacks throughout this campaign, Rose immediately rushed to defend Clinton and proclaimed that on the issue of Benghazi…

Scarborough Calls Harwood 'Embarrassing,' Says 'I'll Get in Trouble'

October 29th, 2015 8:29 AM
Tuning into Morning Joe today, the question on this NewsBusters' mind was whether—given that MNSBC and CNBC are corporate cousins—Joe Scarborough would have the guts to go after John Harwood. He did.  In at least three segments this morning, Scarborough criticized Harwood for what he called his "embarrassing" performance as moderator of the GOP debate last night. Scarborough's repeated criticism…

After Debate, Harwood Ducks Rubio Lie as Epperson Trashes Fiorina

October 29th, 2015 3:14 AM
Just a few hours after their atrocious performance in the third Republican presidential debate, two of the co-moderators from CNBC joined MSNBC’s Chris Matthews to double down on their liberal stances with John Harwood refusing to admit he lied regarding Senator Marco Rubio’s tax plan while Sharon Epperson trashed Carly Fiorina and how Republican candidates supposedly “don't really care about the…

AP Reporter: It's 'Media's Job' to Act As CNBC Panel Did in GOP Debate

October 29th, 2015 2:37 AM
Wednesday night, an Associated Press reporter told us that it's the press's job to ask "tough, impertinent" questions like the ones moderators at Wednesday night's CNBC-hosted Republican debate were asking. Ken Dilanian, who is apparently the AP's Intelligence Writer — seriously — really needs to consult a dictionary before he makes such a complete fool of himself. Here is what Dilanian tweeted…

CNBC's Harwood Lies About Rubio's Tax Plan — Again

October 29th, 2015 1:41 AM
The competition for the worst moderator moment of Wednesday night's GOP debate is fierce. John Harwood's rephrasing of an old and discredited charge that Marco Rubio's tax plan disproportionately benefits the top 1 percent has to be in the running. That's especially true because Harwood himself had to back away from a simialr contention two weeks ago, yet still brought up the same issue with a…