Liberal on Liberal Violence: MSNBC’s Fineman Slams ‘Useless’ Jim

October 4th, 2012 2:11 AM
MSNBC contributor Howard Fineman lamented how the president was on the defensive in his first bout with Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Jim Lehrer, who moderated the October 3 debate, has a history of bias that is usually cloaked with his soporific disposition. However, Fineman seemed agitated to the point of calling Lehrer “useless” and equated his moderating of the debate to “criminal…

On CBS, Time's Foroohar Spins Debate: 'You Have to Wonder Whether Romn

October 4th, 2012 12:33 AM
Time's assistant managing editor Rana Foroohar could have been mistaken as an Obama campaign flack during CBS's post-presidential debate coverage on Wednesday night, with her claim that "the key issue is, really, taxes, and I think that you have to wonder whether Romney's math adds up." She asserted, "There's a bigger math issue here, and that's whether or not lowering tax rates actually…

Dem Debate Meltdown: Stumbling Obama Surrogate Speaks Of 'President Ro

October 3rd, 2012 11:33 PM
How resounding was Mitt Romney's rout of Barack Obama tonight?  In the post-debate spin room, a hopelessly muddled Martin O'Malley, Dem guv from Maryland and supposedly an Obama surrogate, wound up referring to "President Romney"! Freudian slip, anyone? For good measure, pressed by MSNBC's Larry O'Donnell—clearly dismayed by Obama's dismal performance—to suggest what he'd recommend the prez…

Chris Matthews Blasts Obama for Debate Performance, Urges Him to Get T

October 3rd, 2012 10:48 PM
An angry Chris Matthews sharply denounced President Obama's performance in the presidential debate tonight, implying his knowledge of the facts was "first grade." Matthews also urged Obama to tune in to MSNBC so he could learn a thing or two from the supposedly non-partisan hosts and guests on the channel. "I don't know what he was doing out there," the normally effusively pro-Obama former…

MSNBC Asks Disgraced Dan Rather If Obama Video Smacks of GOP 'Desperat

October 3rd, 2012 5:31 PM
On Wednesday’s Jansing & Co., MSNBC anchor Chris Jansing tried to establish that there is one question “we can all anticipate and not be surprised by,” and that is a question to Mitt Romney about the 47 percent comments, because it had a “very negative effect” on voters. Jim Lehrer must repeat Obama's TV ads in a question? But what about the “other race speech” video of Obama from 2007?…

Pre-Debate, New York Times Defends Obama from 'Bad Hand' Dealt by Bush

October 3rd, 2012 1:50 PM
On Wednesday, New York Times political reporters Jackie Calmes (pictured) and John Harwood offered a pre-debate fact-check which predictably leaned in Obama's favor (and blamed former President Bush): "A Closer Look at Assertions the 2 Sides Have Made on Economic Issues."

Flashback: Debate Moderator Jim Lehrer’s History of Favoring Democra

October 3rd, 2012 9:01 AM
Mitt Romney recently told CBS’s Scott Pelley that a leader would “say which of those things that you should take out of the budget that are no longer essential,” and when pressed to be specific, Romney nominated "the subsidy for PBS,” and subsidies for Amtrak, the NEA, and the NEH. This raises one obvious question. In moderating tonight's first general election debate of 2012, can longtime PBS…

CBS Highlights Kerry's Debate Prep Help for Obama; Omits He Lost '04 E

October 2nd, 2012 3:22 PM
Talk about missing the elephant (or is it donkey?) in the room – on Tuesday's CBS This Morning, Nancy Cordes reported that Senator John Kerry is "playing Mitt Romney in mock debates" with President Obama before Wednesday's debate. But she didn't once mention that Kerry's debate skills didn't help him in 2004, when he lost a presidential race to President George W. Bush. Cordes did note that…

Open Thread: Questions You Won’t Hear at Presidential Debates But Sh

October 2nd, 2012 10:11 AM
Even if an elite journalist is actually committed to being fair, unless he actively fights to overcome the worldview of the vast majority of his colleagues, bias is going to creep into coverage. It’s only natural since reporters are humans. But what if we had a news media where you actually had questions which were contrary to the liberal Democrat worldview? Hard to imagine, granted, but our…

ABC Warns Debate Winner May Need to Excel in a ‘Cares About You Mome

October 2nd, 2012 6:48 AM
On Friday's World News on ABC, substitute anchor David Muir filed a report which warned that the winner of the first presidential candidate debate may have to take advantage of a "'cares about you' moment," as the report seemed more preoccupied with Mitt Romney as the candidate more likely to fail in such a moment. Muir set up the report by harkening back to an audience question in 1992 that…

MSNBC Hypes Earliest Possible Voting Initiative in Ohio: Advocates for

October 1st, 2012 5:40 PM
Election Day is still six weeks away, but the all important battleground state of Ohio will begin early voting -- both in-person and via absentee balloting -- on Tuesday, Oct. 2. At least a third of likely voters in the Buckeye State are reportedly expected to cast their ballot before Nov. 6.  So in an attempt to drum up support and enthusiasm, as well as sympathetic press, Democratic…

CBS Hypes Romney's 'High Negatives'; Wonders if Obama Will Be 'Competi

October 1st, 2012 3:49 PM
Norah O'Donnell made it clear on Monday's CBS This Morning that her job as anchor is to repeat her stick-a-fork-in-Romney mantra and boost President Obama. On the issue of the upcoming debates, O'Donnell asserted, "We already know he [Romney] has high negatives - perhaps, a likeability problem." She later asked if "we see the competitive President Obama...or will we see the cool, constitutional…

MRC's Tim Graham Makes Weekend Appearance on C-SPAN: Engages in Media

October 1st, 2012 12:49 PM
MRC director of media analysis Tim Graham appeared on C-SPAN's Washington Journal on Saturday morning to discuss the letter  MRC president Brent Bozell and more than 20 other conservative leaders and media personalities wrote to executives of ABC News, CBS News, CNN and NBC News. "I would simply say we have a news media that doesn't hold the Obama Administration accountable. It's trying to…

NBC's Gregory: With Romney's 'Back Now Against the Wall,' 'Is the Race

October 1st, 2012 11:18 AM
At the top of Sunday's NBC Meet the Press, moderator David Gregory announced Mitt Romney was backed "against the wall" in the presidential race and proceeded to ask both New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and Obama advisor David Plouffe: "Is the race over?" [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] After Christie rejected the notion and suggested Romney's performance in the…