CBS This Morning Brings On Howard Dean, Spurring Sanctimonious Lecture

October 5th, 2012 3:16 PM
The sole political guest on Friday's CBS This Morning was Howard Dean, the ultraliberal failed presidential contender who was once the governor of Vermont.  Co-host Norah O'Donnell asked him to comment on the vice president's statement on Thursday insisting the Democrats absolutely want to raise a trillion dollars in taxes on the rich. Biden had "some comments that people are calling a gaffe…

The Thrill is Gone: NBC Touts Jon Stewart Mocking Obama and Chris Matt

October 5th, 2012 2:25 PM
In a display of just how badly President Obama performed in Wednesday's presidential debate, Friday's NBC Today played a clip of Daily Show host Jon Stewart ripping into Obama: "There is no red America. There is no blue America. There is only the America that can't believe how bad this guy did in the debate. Romney won with the sound up....Romney won with the sound off." [Listen to the audio or…

Ed Schultz on 'Today': Obama Thrown Off by 'So Many Lies' From 'Corpor

October 5th, 2012 11:18 AM
Appearing on Friday's NBC Today, left-wing MSNBC host Ed Schultz desperately tried to explain away President Obama's bad debate performance: "I think that there were so many lies coming across that stage, and so many inaccuracies, it was hard for the President to comprehend it and decide which one he wanted to attack first." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Co-host…

Late Show Runs Cymbalta Depression Ad Parody of Obama

October 5th, 2012 2:03 AM
David Letterman is a Barack Obama sycophant (he once fawned over Obama’s “great courage and great intelligence”), but even he couldn’t deny Obama’s poor debate performance. Thursday’s Late Show featured a clever parody of Lilly’s ad for their anti-depression drug, Cymbalta, a spoof with scenes of Obama during Wednesday’s presidential debate dropped into the real TV ad.

Norah O'Donnell Jabs Romney on Big Bird Line: 'Silly Thing to Bring Up

October 4th, 2012 5:47 PM
On Thursday's CBS This Morning, just hours after Mitt Romney's "crisp" debate performance, Norah O'Donnell stuck to her fixation on playing up the Republican's supposed negatives. O'Donnell maligned how Romney phrased his opposition to the federal government's subsidization of PBS: "This may have been the first time in a presidential debate that Big Bird was mentioned. It seems kind of like a…

NBC's Gregory Declares 'Math Simply Doesn't Add Up' in Romney Tax Plan

October 4th, 2012 4:54 PM
On Thursday's NBC Today, in an attempt to deflect from Mitt Romney's strong debate performance, fill-in co-host David Gregory grilled Romney advisor Ed Gillespie on the Governor's tax plan: "...he wants to extend the Bush tax cuts, he wants to have further tax cuts beyond that, he wants to increase military spending and he rejected a 10 to 1 ratio when it came to cutting spending and raising…

Al Gore Blames 'High Altitude' in Denver for the President's Poor Deba

October 4th, 2012 3:54 PM
Something odd happened to the liberal media after the first presidential debate on Wednesday. They couldn't for the life of them put any postive spin on the president's lackluster performance. There was nothing they could say that could take away from Mitt Romney's clear victory, but then came the excuses. Some blamed Jim Lehrer for his inability to moderate properly, others cited what must've…

Norah O'Donnell Thinks Obama Left 'Greatest Hits' on 'Cutting Room Flo

October 4th, 2012 1:04 PM
President Obama left his "greatest hits on the cutting room floor" for Wednesday night's debate, claimed CBS This Morning co-host Norah O'Donnell after the debate. According to her, "contraceptive rights" and "free mammograms" in ObamaCare are some of the President's "greatest hits." "There was no mention of Bain," she said on Wednesday night's Charlie Rose. "There was no mention of the auto…

Bummed By Debate, Morning Joe's Meacham Fantasizes About Romney's Poli

October 4th, 2012 12:45 PM
Watching Mitt Romney last night as he revived his campaign while demolishing President Obama was surely a bitter pill for Jon Meacham to swallow.   On Morning Joe today, the former Newsweek editor sought to console himself.  Meacham—twice—pointed out that although Mark Twain famously wrote that rumors of his death were greatly exaggerated, Twain did eventually die.  Nice analogy, Jon!  View…

As Other Outlets See Romney Debate Win, NYTimes Plays It Neutral: 'Fee

October 4th, 2012 11:21 AM
The first Obama-Romney presidential debate of 2012 ran under this less-than-informative banner headline in Thursday's New York Times: "Obama and Romney, in First Debate, Spar Over Fixing the Economy." The actual headline to the story by Jeff Zeleny and Jim Rutenberg also failed to capture the sense, overwhelming even among the liberal press, that Romney had helped himself with a sharp,…

Chris Matthews Continues Tantrum Over Romney's 'Etch-A-Sketch' Debate

October 4th, 2012 10:55 AM
Picking up where he left off Wednesday night, on Thursday's NBC Today, MSNBC's Chris Matthews continued to whine over President Obama's poor debate performance and ranted that Mitt Romney has "been accused of etch-a-sketch, last night was his greatest achievement. Everything he said within days ago, he's ignored." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump] Prior to Matthews'…

Stop the Presses: Lawrence O'Donnell Tells Politico 'I Liked the Job J

October 4th, 2012 8:54 AM
As Matt Vespa at NewsBusters noted earlier this morning, MSNBC's Howard Fineman was extremely unhappy with Jim Lehrer's performance as moderator in last night's first presidential debate. Vespa reports that Fineman "seemed agitated to the point of calling Lehrer 'useless' and equated his moderating of the debate to 'criminal negligence.'" In what may be seen as a surprise, the same network's…

Carville: Obama 'Gave a Sense That He Wasn't Happy to Be There

October 4th, 2012 8:43 AM
Appearing as a panel member on CNN's post-debate coverage on Wednesday, Democratic strategist James Carville gave President Obama a poor grade for his debate performance, asserting that 'I did everything I could not to reach it, but I had to reach it, and it looked like Romney wanted to be there, and President Obama didn't want to be there."

Stephanopoulos Breaks Pro-Democratic Streak - 'Crisp' Romney to Get 'B

October 4th, 2012 2:37 AM
ABC's George Stephanonopoulos carried a eight-out-of-nine record of declaring the Democratic presidential candidate the winner into Wednesday night's Obama-Romney presidential debate. Surprisingly, the Clinton administration veteran affirmed that Mitt Romney scored points on President Obama: "I think Governor Romney definitely more crisp in his presentation tonight....he was able to be…