ABC's Stephanopoulos Defends Contraception Question, Ties in 'Bet' Wit

January 12th, 2012 2:16 AM
Appearing as a guest on Wednesday's The Colbert Report on Comedy Central, ABC's George Stephanopoulos responded to host Stephen Colbert's question of why he - as debate co-moderator last Saturday - asked GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney about whether states have the constitutional power to ban contraceptives, as he argued that the question revolved around the "right to privacy." He then…

AP's Steve Peoples Hits Romney for Daring to Question Economy's Health

January 9th, 2012 12:37 PM
In an early-Sunday version of an Associated Press report which has since been revised to exclude the paragraph I'm about to cite, the wire service's Steve Peoples (authorship shown here) apparently had a hard time understanding how Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney could possibly have criticized President Barack Obama's economic stewardship in Saturday's New Hampshire debate in…

In NBC GOP Debate, Questions Hit Candidates From Left by 8 to 1 Margin

January 9th, 2012 11:09 AM
Out the 41 questions directed to the six Republican presidential candidates during Sunday's NBC News/Facebook debate on Meet the Press, 25 of them were from the left, 13 questions were neutral, mainly about the campaign horse race and electability, and only three questions pressed the candidates from the right. Early in the debate, moderator David Gregory demanded to know how much "pain" the…

In Debate, ABC's Stephanopoulos Presses Romney on 1965 Contraception R

January 8th, 2012 9:12 AM
During Saturday's Republican presidential debate in New Hampshire, hosted by ABC, co-moderator George Stephanopoulos bizarrely pressed candidate Mitt Romney on whether the former Massachusetts governor believes the U.S. Supreme Court should overturn a 1965 ruling that a constitutional right to privacy bars states from banning contraception. (Video below)  

Gingrich Calls Out Media's Liberal Bias on Gay Rights

January 7th, 2012 11:20 PM
During Saturday's GOP presidential debate in New Hampshire hosted by ABC, after two of the moderators - World News anchor Diane Sawyer and local ABC affiliate anchor Josh McElveen - had devoted six minutes to a discussion of what the candidates would say to a gay couple "sitting in your living rooms" about same-sex marriage and adoption, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich highlighted the double…

Surprising Morning Joe: Bachmann Praised, Sachs To Right Of Ron Paul

December 16th, 2011 8:38 AM
Christopher Hitchens, RIP, would likely have loved the rough-and-tumble of today's Morning Joe.  The first half-hour was a jolting fix for political junkies.   If the goring of Newt Gingrich was predictable, there was much that was not.  Michelle Bachmann's debate performance was roundly praised.  Lefty Jeff Sachs put himself to Ron Paul's right on the Iranian threat.  Joe Scarborough and…

Anderson Cooper Smacks Gingrich, Romney for Attacking Each Other

December 14th, 2011 2:54 PM
Anderson Cooper found yet another way to scrutinize Republicans, as on Tuesday he spotlighted GOP candidates attacking each other's record after each promised to run positive campaigns – even though verbal spars happen during every single election. The segment's title of "Keeping Them Honest" insinuated that the subject is being deceitful or dishonest, and Cooper decided to call the…

NBC's Nancy Snyderman Declares Romney Bet 'A Disastrous Move

December 13th, 2011 11:41 AM
During a panel discussion on Tuesday's NBC Today, NBC chief medical editor Nancy Snyderman decried Mitt Romney proposing a $10,000 bet in the latest Republican debate: "I watched it live, and it was one of those moments where I immediately went [gasp] and you could just – even in your own living room, everything came to a halt. It was a disastrous move." Advertising executive Donny Deutsch…

Rick Santorum on Moderators: Trump Wouldn't Be Any Worse 'Than What We

December 6th, 2011 1:00 PM
The media are all in a tizzy about the idea of real estate tycoon Donald Trump moderating a Republican presidential debate. On Tuesday, one of the candidates, Rick Santorum, told KLIF substitute radio host Steve Malzberg, "I can't see in some cases where Donald Trump would be any worse than what we get from the mainstream media" (video follows with transcript):

Open Thread: Donald Trump to Moderate GOP Debate

December 5th, 2011 12:15 PM
Later this month, running up to the Iowa caucus, Newsmax is hosting a debate in the Hawkeye State to be moderated by businessman, former potential candidate, and reality TV star Donald Trump. However, two candidates have already turned down the debate -- Rep. Ron Paul and Gov. Jon Huntsman. According to the Paul campaign, "The selection of a reality television personality to host a presidential…

In Same Day CNN Puts Bachmann Through Wringer, Puffs Huntsman Up

November 22nd, 2011 6:03 PM
Was Brooke Baldwin's kid-glove treatment of candidate Jon Huntsman a harbinger of things to come in CNN's Tuesday night debate? The CNN host tossed the liberal media's favorite GOP candidate softball after softball in a Tuesday afternoon interview – while conservative candidate Michele Bachmann was asked Tuesday morning if she regretted running for president. In an cushy interview during the…

Debate Host Harwood Tells the Tale of Rick Perry's 'Oops' Moment, and

November 15th, 2011 9:55 AM
John Harwood, chief Washington correspondent for CNBC, co-hosted the GOP debate in Michigan last Wednesday, and had a hand in Perry’s infamous debate “oops” moment, when the Texas governor was unable to list all three of the federal agencies he planned to eliminate as president. On Monday Harwood revealed that a CNBC producer helped prod Perry’s long, awkward moment by shouting a directive into…

CBS Email Shows Michele Bachmann Was Intentionally Asked Few Questions

November 13th, 2011 10:05 AM
Those watching Saturday's Republican presidential debate in South Carolina might have noticed that Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) didn't get a lot of questions. According to a CBS News email message sent to the Congresswoman's communications director, this was intentional (photo courtesy AP, vulgarity warning):

Newt Gingrich Schools CBS's Pelley on Killing American Born Terrorists

November 13th, 2011 9:24 AM
During Saturday's Republican presidential debate in South Carolina, CBS Evening News anchor Scott Pelley arrogantly argued with former House Speaker Newt Gingrich about the "rule of law" concerning killing American born terrorists overseas. By the end of the exchange, Pelley, with a smug, condescending expression on his face, looked quite foolish as the audience applauded and one of Gingrich'…