NYTimes Prepares 'Autopsy Report' for 9-11-Type 'Disaster' of Perry Ca

November 11th, 2011 12:51 PM
Yet another media outlet is writing Gov. Rick Perry’s political obituary after his GOP debate flub Wednesday night. This time it's Ross Ramsey, managing editor for the Texas Tribune, a nonprofit news organization that provides content to the New York Times: “National Spotlight Might Shine Too Bright for Gaffe-Prone Perry.” The Times has certainly feasted on Perry’s flub, in which the Texas…

CNN Debate Moderator Runs Blooper Reel of GOP Debates

November 11th, 2011 12:40 PM
CNN's Wolf Blitzer – who will be moderating CNN's Republican presidential debate on November 22 – played a highlight reel of largely negative moments from the past GOP debates on Thursday afternoon's The Situation Room. The "Top 10" video consisted of bloopers, controversial statements, and heated exchanges, all of which Blitzer innocently deemed "memorable moments." Rick Perry's most recent…

CNN to Perry: Convince Us Your Campaign Isn't Finished

November 10th, 2011 1:00 PM
The same network that treated then-candidate Obama with kid gloves about Reverend Wright demanded Rick Perry to explain how his campaign wasn't finished, in his interview on CNN's American Morning on Thursday. Co-host Christine Romans scrutinized Perry over his forgetting one of the federal agencies he had promised to get rid of. However, she seemed to believe that his campaign was over…

NBC's Curry Tries to Bury Perry: 'Have You Thought About Ending Your C

November 10th, 2011 10:38 AM
Updated : More analysis and transcripts added. Interviewing Texas Governor Rick Perry on Thursday's NBC Today, co-host Ann Curry asked the Republican presidential candidate about a flub in Wednesday's CNBC debate and wondered: "One of your fundraisers told The Wall Street Journal, simply, 'He just ended his campaign.' Have you thought about ending your campaign? Are you staying in this race,…

Matthews: Republicans 'Look Hot and Horny for Executions in That Reaga

October 24th, 2011 7:13 PM
You have to wonder if a day has gone by since the September 7 GOP presidential debate without someone on MSNBC referring to audience members cheering when NBC's Brian Williams asked Texas governor Rick Perry about capital punishment in his state. Likely the most colorful description of this incident to date occurred on Monday's Hardball when host Chris Matthews said Republicans "look hot and…

CNN’s Cooper Regrets Teeing Up Cain to Blast OWS: ‘I Didn’t Real

October 22nd, 2011 3:00 PM
Catching up with an admission from just after Tuesday’s Republican presidential candidate debate in Las Vegas, CNN’s Anderson Cooper lightheartedly conceded that when he confronted Herman Cain with his earlier criticism of the Occupy Wall Street protests, a criticism Cain reaffirmed to rousing audience applause, Cooper hadn’t intended it as a softball but as an embarrassing mis-cue from which…

NBC: Occupy Wall Street a 'Civics Lesson' for Kids; GOP Debate an 'Ant

October 21st, 2011 5:48 PM
During a panel discussion on Friday's NBC Today, co-host Matt Lauer asked of the Occupy Wall Street protests: "What's the civics lesson in this for our kids as they're watching this on TV?" News anchor Natalie Morales argued: "...there's a huge civics lesson....the idea of having that civil discourse is important to teach our kids and it's something in history we've seen." In contrast,…

Steele: Perry Got 'Owned' When He Opened 'Whup

October 19th, 2011 7:38 AM
A lively GOP debate dissection on today's Morning Joe.  Mika Brzezinski really liked Romney's performance, saying among other things that he was "fabulous." She also had surprising praise for Michelle Bachmann. There was consensus that 9-9-9 was "deboned" and that Herman Cain hurt himself badly with his pre-debate answer on releasing terrorists from Gitmo. Meanwhile, Michael Steele had a…

Joe Klein: Romney Gave 'One of the Most Impressive, Impeccable Debate

October 16th, 2011 1:47 PM
This weekend's syndicated Chris Matthews Show spent the entire first segment talking about how America wants more centrist politicians looking to compromise with their political rivals. The host and his guests believe the Republican presidential candidate that best exemplifies this moderate stance is Mitt Romney, with Time's Joe Klein actually saying he gave on Tuesday "one of the most…

WaPo Writers, Mostly Libs, in Lockstop With Romney's 'Command' of GOP

October 13th, 2011 1:33 PM
Early this morning, I noted how two AP writers seemed to be hoping that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney will be the Republican Party's presidential nominee, in the process ignoring inconvenient facts like his failure to get over 25% in any poll covered at Real Clear Politics since mid-July while failing to even mention Herman Cain's name until the report's eleventh paragraph (a…

AP Laughably Argues Regulations Aren't Job-Killers, Because Companies

October 12th, 2011 1:55 AM
Somebody needed to give Calvin Woodward and Christopher Rugaber at the Associated Press Five-Hour Energy drinks or some other boost before Tuesday night's GOP debate. Their brains must have totally turned off late in the  afternoon without re-engaging before they filed their late-evening post-debate report. Behold how the AP pair "proved" that excessive government regulation doesn't kill jobs…

Bloomberg News Downplays Nature of Solyndra Scandal in Debate "Viewers

October 11th, 2011 6:40 PM
As a service to the 10 people who will somehow manage to find the Bloomberg Television channel on their cable box tonight in order to watch the network's GOP presidential debate, Bloomberg News today published and the Washington Post syndicated a "Viewers' Guide to Economic Jargon." While most of the article is helpful and unbiased, Bloomberg News seriously downplayed the scandalous nature of…

Open Thread: Have TV Debates Adversely Changed the GOP Race

October 10th, 2011 9:35 AM
After the debate tomorrow night, the crop of current GOP presidential candidates will have participated in four nationally televised debates in just over one month, attracting record audiences and affecting poll numbers drastically each time. According to a Wall Street Journal op-ed by Fred Barnes, the increased number of debates has had a major impact on the race, giving also-rans free…

CNN's Cafferty: 'Are Republican Debate Crowds Bloodthirsty

September 27th, 2011 8:30 PM
CNN's Jack Cafferty smeared entire crowds of people who attended recent GOP debates when he asked on Tuesday if they were "bloodthirsty." "For the third time in as many debates, crowd members have either booed or cheered at what some say are highly inappropriate moments," Cafferty stated. He slammed both the crowd behavior and the Republican candidates for not denouncing such antics. […