'Today' Finds 'Undecided' Voters Against Palin

October 3rd, 2008 2:34 PM
Despite "Today’s" earlier praise of Sarah Palin’s debate performance, Amy Robach managed to assemble seven "undecided voters" (and reported that five voted for Bush) who did not express high opinions of the Alaska governor. On the October 3 edition, Robach found women voters she identified as undecided and from key battleground states. Although the discussion began with two of the women offering…

NBC’s Today: After Week of Knocking Palin, No Debate ‘Melt Down

October 3rd, 2008 1:41 PM
All week leading up to Thursday night’s debate between Joe Biden and Sarah Palin, NBC’s Today show suggested that the Republican vice presidential nominee could be a disaster on stage, pointing out how “conservatives question her qualifications;” “the McCain campaign is worried;” “Palin stumbled again;” and “not ready for prime time.”But on Friday morning, after Palin proved the hand-wringers…

Biden Being Biden

October 3rd, 2008 8:32 AM
Remember the furor and the comedic punch lines as a result of Sarah Palin’s statement, implying that she needed someone to clarify the role of the Vice President? Well, brace yourselves for a similarly overwhelming media reaction to Joe Biden’s solution on where one can locate the definition of the Vice President’s role – Article I of the Constitution. Problem being, it’s actually Article II. To…

Curry Concerned Biden Victim of 'Double-Standard

October 3rd, 2008 8:20 AM
Poor Joe.  Ann Curry is concerned that the senator from Delaware was the victim of a double-standard during last night's debate that caused him to hide his light under a barrel.  The Today show co-anchor [subbing for Meredith Vieira] expressed her misgivings this morning to Obama supporter Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.)ANN CURRY: But he restrained himself to some degree. I mean, she called him "…

Vice Presidential Debate Thread

October 2nd, 2008 8:26 PM
Who will win tonight's vice presidential debate? Will openly liberal moderator Gwen Ifill be fair to GOP candidate Sarah Palin? Tune in via web or TV starting at 9pm ET to find out. Post your comments and observations on the questions here or, if you are a registered NewsBusters member, join our live discussion. Update 22:10. Live chat was bogging down the server. It's disabled temporarily.

McCain on Fox News: 'I Wish They Picked A Different Moderator

October 2nd, 2008 6:30 PM
This morning, Republican presidential candidate, John McCain, appeared on Fox News's Fox & Friends to answer a few questions about tonight's vice presidential debate between Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and Delaware Senator Joe Biden.Grabbing the headlines the past few days has been the news that Gwen Ifill, debate moderator, has written a book subtitled "The Age of Obama" which is set to be…

Joy Behar: Gwen Ifill Should 'Get Out' as Moderator

October 2nd, 2008 4:42 PM
Surprise! Joy Behar thinks Gwen Ifill, with her conflict of interest, should step aside from moderating the vice presidential debate. Could it be Joy attempting to establish herself as an independent thinker? Not likely. Joy explained, on the October 2 edition of "The View," that Ifill should not give "Palin’s side any excuse to not step up to the plate."Earlier in the broadcast, when each…

Will Gwen Ifill Challenge Joe Biden’s Iraq ‘Expertise

October 2nd, 2008 4:07 PM
While the networks scrutinize Republican Sarah Palin’s every comment for evidence that she’s a dimwit unqualified for the vice presidency, there’s been barely any discussion of how alleged foreign policy expert Joe Biden was dreadfully wrong in 2006-2007 in his fierce objection to the troop surge strategy in Iraq, which has led to a massive reduction in U.S. and Iraqi casualties and prevented a…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Tough on Palin, But Mentions Biden Gaffes

October 2nd, 2008 4:02 PM
At the top of Thursday’s CBS Early Show, correspondent Jeff Glor reported on the upcoming vice presidential debate by declaring: "35-year Senate veteran Joe Biden versus the upstart from Alaska, Sarah Palin, the surprise VP pick, whose credentials have been questioned after a series of attention-grabbing interviews." Despite referring to Palin as an "upstart," Glor also pointed out Biden’s…

Flash Back Photo Open Thread

October 2nd, 2008 1:23 PM
Due out from Random House Publishing:Breakthrough: Politics and Republicanism in the Age of DeweyAuthors: The Editors of the Chicago Daily Tribune.Publish Date: January 20th, 1949.Thoughts from the authors:

Gwen Ifill: Pro-Obama and Anti-Palin

October 1st, 2008 2:44 PM
Friday’s Washington Post carried an ad from PBS touting their two TV debate moderators: "Objective. Impartial. Independent. The NewsHour’s Jim Lehrer and Washington Week’s Gwen Ifill bring PBS’s tradition of integrity to the most important conversations in America – so you can make up your own mind."Sadly, that ad is not accurate. Even before addressing whether "independence" is demonstrated by…

PBS Debate Moderator Writes 'Breakthrough' Book About 'Upstanding' Oba

October 1st, 2008 6:58 AM
There's one good reason Gwen Ifill, the host of the PBS show Washington Week, is moderating the vice-presidential debate: she has a forthcoming book about Barack Obama (and other black Democrats) called The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama. Ifill talks about the book project on YouTube here. In addition to her portrait of Obama, Ifill will also investigate Massachusetts Gov.…

Did SNL Steal Obama Race Card Joke From Conservative Blogger

September 30th, 2008 6:07 PM
The wording may be a tad nuanced, the referenced two-bit dictator from a different country, but the idea behind the following jokes involving Barack Obama and the race card seems too similar for mere happenstance. Judge for yourself. On September 19, conservative blogger Jim Treacher wrote the following fictious exchange between "President" Obama and Iran's Mahmoud Ahmadinejad that seems eerily…

MRC's Worst of the Week: MSNBC's Debate Night

September 30th, 2008 2:39 PM
MSNBC may have dropped Chris Matthews as “news anchor” of major political news events, but he was a major presence during coverage of Friday’s debate between John McCain and Barack Obama. Immediately following the debate and in a special Hardball that aired at midnight EDT, Matthews insulted John McCain as “troll-like” and insisted the Republican nominee showed “contempt” for Obama by looking at…