'View' Co-Hosts Lack Economic Knowledge

September 29th, 2008 3:46 PM
"The View" co-hosts, who seemingly have difficulty understanding the Constitution, have demonstrated their lack of understanding in economics. Recapping Friday’s presidential debate on the September 29 edition of "The View," co-host Sherri Shepherd wondered how we can raise taxes. Whoopi Goldberg replied "it’s not going to happen. We are in too much financial trouble. We can’t."A very brief…

CBS: ‘Some Conservatives’ Want Palin Off the Ticket

September 29th, 2008 1:11 PM

MRC's Bozell Analyzes the Debate Coverage on Fox News Channel

September 29th, 2008 12:19 PM
Media Research Center President and NewsBusters Publisher L. Brent Bozell, III appeared this morning on the Fox News Channel's Fox & Friends to discuss the media's nearly unanimous acclamation of Illinois Senator Barack Obama as the winner of last Friday's Presidential debate.Mr. Bozell noted one of the few press exceptions, Newsweek, who gave the nod to Arizona Senator John McCain, but…

Debate Leaves Dowd in Dumps

September 28th, 2008 7:39 AM
Barack Obama's desultory debate performance has left Maureen Dowd in the dumps.  Her weekend column is a laundry list of Sunday-morning quarterbacking.  Dowd's biggest beef is Obama's failure to have goaded McCain into a damaging display of ill-temper.  Just for fun, let's meander through Maureen's musings.The president . . . is so insecure that he could only choose a vice president he knew would…

SNL Parodies Obama Scandals Ignored by News Media

September 28th, 2008 3:37 AM
When the latest installment of Saturday Night Live parodied Friday’s presidential debate, the NBC comedy program gave attention to Barack Obama’s connections to convicted criminal Tony Rezko, corrupt Chicago politics, and Obama’s recent attempts at "playing the race card," which notably are all matters that the mainstream news media have given little attention to. While the show also took a…

Liberal Media’s Debate Spin: No Winner, So Obama Won

September 27th, 2008 12:22 PM
Watching Saturday’s network morning shows, the talking heads seemed to agree that Friday night’s debate did not produce “a clear winner” or any “knockout punch,” and that it was unlikely that any “needle was moved” among undecided voters. Yet those same networks tried to also argue that Obama had really won the debate, superficially suggesting that McCain’s “disdainful” body language poorly…

Andrea's Pro-Obama Editor's Cut

September 27th, 2008 7:52 AM
Andrea Mitchell gave it the old Hollywood try for Obama this morning.  Summarizing the debate on Today, Mitchell managed to cobble together a video clip that showed McCain's only stumble, while snipping out what many including her colleague Chris Matthews saw as the debate's most salient feature: the multiple times Obama expressed agreement with McCain.And so it was that Andrea treated us to…

In 'Nightline Report Card' Stephanopoulos Gives Obama the Win

September 27th, 2008 7:10 AM
Awarding Barack Obama two grades of A-minus and one B-minus while presenting John McCain with two grades of B-plus and one B-minus, at the end of his “Nightline Report Card” segment on Friday night, ABC's George Stephanopoulos declared Obama the “winner” -- with a big illustrative check mark on screen:Bottom line, the winner is Barack Obama. He comes into this race where the country wants change…

'I've Got a Bracelet, Too

September 27th, 2008 3:01 AM
In recent memory, every presidential debate eventually distills down into a few catchphrases. Al Gore became known for his sighs and love of lockboxes. John Kerry actually served in Vietnam. Dan Quayle was no Jack Kennedy.Barack Obama has a bracelet, too.That inartful comeback will likely filter out through the political ether in the days ahead. What might not filter through our partisan press is…

MSNBC Rues Obama Not Tougher; CBS Shows Only Obama Backer

September 27th, 2008 2:37 AM
In the 20 minutes of post-debate analysis before the broadcast networks ended coverage and the cable channels moved on to other shows Friday night, on MSNBC Chris Matthews and Andrea Mitchell fretted that Barack Obama wasn't tough enough in attacking John McCain on the economy as Mitchell also hailed Obama -- “But, boy, he did show a command of foreign policy in terms of the nuts and bolts of it…

Matthews Mad Obama Agreed So Much With McCain

September 26th, 2008 11:50 PM
How disappointed was Chris Matthews with Barack Obama's debate performance tonight? How angry was Matthews at Obama for agreeing so much with John McCain?  Enough that Matthews unleashed the ultimate Dem insult, saying Obama reminded him of . . . Richard Nixon.Matthews first vented his frustration at Obama adviser Linda Douglass.CHRIS MATTHEWS: Linda, my friend, why did your candidate agree so…

Post-debate Thread

September 26th, 2008 11:14 PM
Now that the dust has settled the spin is starting.Post any of the more egregious examples of bias you encounter here.

Obama Campaign Urges Fans to Watch CNN

September 26th, 2008 8:24 PM
I've written in the past how despite MSNBC's attempts to make itself into the network of choice for liberals, it simply isn't going to work since most Democrats simply like CNN better.Is part of that inertia a top-down phenomenon as well? Are top-level Democrats giving preferential treament to CNN over other news channels and shows? That's seeming more and more to be the case. Earlier today, the…

Presidential Debate Thread

September 26th, 2008 6:18 PM
The debate is on. Despite some earlier talk of calling it all off, John McCain and Barack Obama are debating tonight in Mississippi. The program starts at 9pm ET.Use this thread to discuss the event or, if you are a registered NB user, take part in our live chat. Don't forget to vote in our debate poll as well.