AP: 'Obama Backs Away From McCain's Debate Challenge

August 3rd, 2008 12:19 AM
What's going on at the Associated Press?First, it publishes an article about how the McCain campaign feels the New York Times editors are like a blogger "sitting at home in his mother's basement and ranting into the ether between games of Dungeons & Dragons."Then, a few hours later, it publishes a piece about presumptive Democrat presidential nominee Barack Obama being afraid to debate McCain…

Fred Barnes: Obama Falsely Claims Banking Committee Membership

July 25th, 2008 3:44 PM
It seems Barack Obama had a "senior moment" on Wednesday during his trip to Israel regarding which Senate committees he is a member of. On the same day's Special Report with Brit Hume, during the "Fox All Stars" segment, the Weekly Standard's Fred Barnes called out Obama for his claim, which the Illinois Senator made while trying to impress Israeli reporters, that he is a member of the Senate…

McClatchy Worries Obama Will Lose Height Advantage in Sit-down Debates

June 26th, 2008 4:48 PM
McClatchy Newspapers won the MRC’s 2008 Dan Rather Award for the Stupidest Analysis for its article spinning the success of the troop surge in Iraq as bad news for Iraqi gravediggers. Apparently the editors are aiming for a repeat performance at next year’s program. In his June 26 article, writer Stephen Thomma, on the recently released debate proposal by the Commission on Presidential…

Katie Couric Won't Get Her Debate

April 22nd, 2008 11:26 AM
Poor Katie Couric. She's been stuck in a ratings rut since taking over the "CBS Evening News" anchor slot and has been rumored to be departing the Eye network. Now comes more bad news for the former morning star: Barack Obama has begged off on CBS's North Carolina debate.That leaves Couric as the sole broadcast news anchor who hasn't moderated a debate this cycle. That isn't likely to change…

Olbermann Frets at 'Imperial' Hillary's Pledge to Defend Israel vs. Ir

April 22nd, 2008 4:56 AM

Essay: The Post-ABC Debate Media Meltdown

April 21st, 2008 1:48 PM

NYT Whines About No Global Warming Debate Questions Despite ABC Poll

April 19th, 2008 11:57 AM
When it comes to news, much as comedy, timing is everything -- and it's clear the good folks at the New York Times don't have it.On Saturday, the Times published an op-ed by graphics director Charles M. Blow carping and whining about the now infamous Democrat presidential debate broadcast on ABC Wednesday, and, in particular, that no time was spent talking about climate change.Well, Charles,…

Derrick Z: Stephanopoulos, Gibson 'Tried to Eviscerate Obama

April 19th, 2008 7:10 AM
The left-wing blogosphere's outrage against ABC ["Boycott Fig Newtons!"] over its allegedly unfair questioning of Obama during Wednesday's debate has seeped over into the MSM in the form of Derrick Z. Jackson's Boston Globe column of this morning. While the headline moots the matter in the interrogative "Tough questions or just plain bias?", there's no doubt as to the answer in Jackson's mind.…

MoveOn.org Creates Petition to Protest ABC's Debate

April 18th, 2008 5:05 PM
The liberal outrage over Wednesday's Democrat presidential debate on ABC continues to mount.On Friday, billionaire George Soros's MoveOn.org published a petition at its website, along with a video (embedded right), asking Americans to protest "[debate] moderators [that] abuse the public trust every time they ask trivial questions about gaffes and 'gotchas' that only political insiders care about…

ABC's Walters Praises ABC's Debate Performance

April 18th, 2008 3:37 PM

BET Founder: 'Liberal Media' Want Obama to Win

April 18th, 2008 11:47 AM
The continuing left-wing furor over George Stephanopoulos's perfectly valid question about Barack Obama's associations with a known terrorist reminded me of something I wanted to blog earlier in the week before it erupted: an admission of a leftward bias on the part of the media from BET founder Bob Johnson.Interviewed by the Charlotte Observer Tuesday, Johnson said that the "liberal media" want…

Hume Recites How 'ABC News Getting Hammered By Liberal Media

April 18th, 2008 11:18 AM
Reporting that “ABC News is getting hammered by the mainstream and liberal media,” as if they aren't the same, FNC's Brit Hume led his Thursday “Grapevine” segment with examples of the left-wing outrage over Barack Obama being pressed at Wednesday's debate on subjects the media consider off limits. Hume highlighted how “the left-leaning Washington Post TV writer Tom Shales said anchors, quote '…

Kossacks Plot Laughable Boycott of ABC and Disney

April 17th, 2008 10:21 PM
Recycle videos, buy used cars, eat non-Nabisco cookies, and drink microbrewery beer. These are among the highly laughable suggestions promoted at the Daily Kos as part of their proposed boycott of ABC and Disney because Barack Obama was finally asked some tough questions at Wednesday's Democrat debate in Philadelphia. It was only 23 minutes into the debate before the boycott thread was posted at…

Obama and Liberals Whine: ABC Contrite and CBS Shares His Pain

April 17th, 2008 9:42 PM
In a bunch of presidential debates this season the Republicans have come under tougher scrutiny than the Democrats, but the mainstream media didn't care. However, when Barack Obama and some left-wing journalists complained about questions to him during Wednesday's debate on ABC, the network evening newscasts found the kvetching newsworthy. CBS plastered “Debate Backlash” on screen as Katie Couric…