Jim Lehrer: Not a 'Bias-Free' Moderator

September 26th, 2008 4:30 PM
Long-time PBS anchor Jim Lehrer, the first host of the 2008 fall presidential debates, is dead serious about his utter lack of bias. Appearing November 27, 2006 on Comedy Central’s The Colbert Report, Lehrer insisted with a very straight face that “I am bias-free....Bias is what people who hear or read the news bring to the story, not what the journalist brings to the reporting.” When Colbert…

Knight on Fox News: CMI Debate Study Shows that Character Counts

September 26th, 2008 2:40 PM
CMI Director Robert Knight appeared on Fox News Live on Friday morning to discuss the key role that character played in the presidential primary debates, a major finding from CMI's latest report, "‘Character,' the Most Important Issue in the Presidential Debate." Knight stated: "Character was the big factor. A third of the questions were directed at trying to find out whether the candidates had…

Whoopi Again Misleads on Bush's Iraq and Afghanistan Policies

September 26th, 2008 1:19 PM
"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts" the late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan, a Democrat, once said. Apparently, the ladies of "The View" disagree. Debating which presidential nominee has better judgment, Whoopi Goldberg once again forwarded the myth that the Bush administration completely ignored Afghanistan and focused instead on Iraq."President Bush came over here…

Schieffer: Paulson Pleaded for McCain to Save Bailout

September 25th, 2008 7:53 AM
So much for a "stunt."John McCain got involved in the bailout negotiations after Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson told Sen. Lindsey Graham yesterday that the bailout plan would fail unless McCain came in and brought balky Republicans aboard.  That's what Bob Schieffer reported on this morning's Early Show.  Schieffer's account stands in stark contrast with the allegation by Dems like Barney Frank…

McCain Calls Mika Out: 'I Know You're a Supporter of Senator Obama

September 16th, 2008 9:11 AM
It might not do John McCain any good politically.  But once in a while, it's refreshing to hear an MSMer called out on political bias.  It happened this morning when John McCain told Mika Brzezinski "I know you're a supporter of Senator Obama."  Mika resorted to her favorite defense to the bias charge, mentioning that she has a brother who works on the McCain campaign and asking the Arizona…

Brokaw's Pauline Kael Moment

September 9th, 2008 8:35 AM
Tom Brokaw had his Pauline Kael moment on MSNBC this morning.  Though the story might be apocryphal, the late New Yorker film critic is famously credited with saying she was shocked by Nixon's 1972 victory, since everybody she knew had voted for McGovern.Here's Brokaw on today's "Morning Joe," discussing the importance of the upcoming debates.TOM BROKAW: Debates should be judged on two big counts…

Biden Contradicts Himself on MTP; Unchallenged By Brokaw

September 7th, 2008 9:39 AM

Brokaw Asks Pelosi About Obama’s Abortion ‘Above My Pay Grade

August 25th, 2008 4:16 PM

Maher to King: Religion is 'Detrimental' and 'the Ultimate Hustle

August 21st, 2008 10:00 AM
It’s no secret that Bill Maher, the host of the HBO show "Real Time with Bill Maher," loathes religion. He came under fire earlier this year for slandering Pope Benedict XVI. On Tuesday night, CNN’s Larry King gave Maher another chance to smack Christianity, which Maher called “detrimental” and “the ultimate hustle.”  Maher was on "Larry King Live"  to promote his latest vehicle, the film "…

Matthews: Obama Dukakis Redux

August 20th, 2008 11:04 PM
H/t FReeper hotshu.Billed as a roundtable, it played more like a group therapy session for distraught Dems on the verge.  Obama's polls dropping. An inchoate sense this might all be slipping away.  Chris Matthews and his guests for the show-ending "Politics Fix" on this evening's Hardball were united in bemoaning Barack's plight. The host himself was the ultimate downer, analogizing Obama's…

Shuster: Obama Lucky People Watched Phelps, Not Saddleback

August 18th, 2008 9:38 PM
Not that there was any doubt that McCain walked away the winner from Rick Warren's forum, but when David Shuster cracks that Obama was lucky not too many people were watching . . . Subbing for Chris Matthews on this evening's Hardball, Shuster kibitzed Saddleback with Dem Steve McMahon and Republican Todd Harris. Shuster made his surprising remark at segment end.DAVID SHUSTER: I think it also…

Mitchell Also Circulated Obama's Conspiracy Theory Over Cancelled Troo

August 18th, 2008 6:07 AM
Andrea Mitchell's floating of the Obama-camp accusation that John McCain cheated by overhearing Obama's responses at the Saddleback forum, as NewsBuster D.S. Hube reported, isn't the first time the NBC correspondent has made herself propagator-in-chief of Obama's conspiracy theories.  As NewsBuster Noel Sheppard has noted, McCain campaign manager Rick Davis has now written NBC to protest Mitchell…

The NYT's Most Anti-McCain, Misleading Headline of the Week

August 18th, 2008 5:08 AM
Many of you are aware of the kerfuffle surrounding the "cone of silence" complaint being ginned up by the Obama campaign after the recent Saddleback Civil Forum on the Presidency on Saturday, August 16. The claim made by Obama and his willing accomplices in the Old Media (like Andrea Mitchell, not to mention the DailyKos) is that John McCain "cheated" by hearing the questions proffered to Obama,…

NBC's Andrea Mitchell Floats Idea McCain Cheated

August 17th, 2008 2:58 PM
Think John McCain did pretty well in last evening's Saddleback Civil Forum on Presidency hosted by the Rev. Rick Warren? You're not the only one. The Obama campaign thinks he did well too -- so good, in fact, that they think he might have cheated. And on this morning's "Meet the Press," Andrea Mitchell wasted no time floating the Obama campaign's "private" concern:(Videotape)SEN. JOHN McCAIN (R-…