
Oh Dear: Nets Fret as ‘Buckling’ Dems ‘Blasted By Left-Wing' Liberals

January 23rd, 2018 12:00 PM
ABC, CBS and NBC on Tuesday spun the end of the government shutdown from the perspective of angry liberals, hyping that Democrats are being “blasted by left-wing,” “progressives” who are unhappy about how the party bungled the impasse. 

CBS/NBC Downplay GOP Victory in Shutdown, ABC Guilts Democrats

January 22nd, 2018 9:21 PM
Congressional Republicans and President Trump declared victory on Monday over the Democrats in the government shutdown, as the Resistance could hold out no longer and voted on the continuing resolution to fund the government. In exchange, they received a promise to negotiate and vote on DACA in the next few weeks. The three major network news outlets were notably disappointed and frustrated that…

Awww: CNN's Jim Acosta Suffers Serial Self-Humiliation During Shutdown

January 22nd, 2018 6:11 PM
CNN's Jim Acosta has had a rough four days. It's hard not to take some pleasure in that situation, given the Chief White House Correspondent's habitual rudeness and petulance with President Trump, and with his representatives during White House press briefings.

Nets Ignore Schumer Shutdown Hypocrisy, Trash Trump Instead

January 22nd, 2018 4:21 PM
After Democrats shut down the government on Friday over their demand to protect illegal immigrants from deportation, all three broadcast networks spent the weekend reaching back to 2013 to accuse Donald Trump of changing his mind on the legislative tactic. At the same time, NBC, ABC and CBS completely ignored the stunning hypocrisy of Democratic leader Chuck Schumer.

Meghan McCain to Navarro: Why Do You Consider Yourself a Republican?

January 22nd, 2018 3:10 PM
The View’s “Republican” co-hosts Meghan McCain and Ana Navarro had a spitfire exchange over who was to blame for the government shutdown during the January 22 show. After Navarro continued to attack the GOP’s response to the shutdown, McCain called her out as a hypocrite for still identifying as a Republican, yet defending Democrats at every chance she was given.

Matthews: ‘Hard Left’ Hates Trump, Wants Government Closed

January 22nd, 2018 1:21 PM
The government reopened on Monday after Democrats reversed course, apparently failing to get their demands met on “ironclad commitments” about DACA. This prompted an admission from an unlikely source on the state of liberalism: Chris Matthews denounced some on the “hard left” who “don’t care” about the impact of the shutdown. 

Cuomo Lobbies for Illegals in WH Interview; GOP Doesn’t Have 'Heart'

January 22nd, 2018 1:12 PM
On Monday morning before the government shutdown ended, CNN’s New Day co-host Chris Cuomo sided with illegal immigrants and specifically DREAMers, arguing to White House director of legislative affairs Marc Short that addressing both border security and DACA shows that Republicans don’t truly care about these supposedly maligned group.

CBS Lobbies Trump to ‘Do More’ on Shutdown, Skips Schumer Hypocrisy

January 22nd, 2018 11:50 AM
The journalists at CBS This Morning on Monday placed the blame for the government shutdown on Donald Trump and the Republicans. Co-host Gayle King pressured the President to “do more” on ending the stalemate. The journalists failed to point out that Chuck Schumer in 2013 vowed not to shut down the government over immigration. 

Stephanopoulos Snaps at Sanders ‘Questioning’ Schumer’s ‘Knowledge'

January 22nd, 2018 10:30 AM
ABC led its Good Morning America coverage on day three of the government shutdown by sympathizing with Democrats over their plan to hold the government hostage until Republicans pass a spending bill with protections for DACA. Touting Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer (N.Y.) blaming President Trump for not “negotiating” on the legislation, anchor George Stephanopoulos snapped at Sarah Sanders for…

MSNBC's Joy Reid Admonishes Guest for Saying 'Illegal Alien'

January 21st, 2018 10:11 PM
On Sunday's AM Joy, as Joy Reid assembled a panel of mostly typical MSNBC-type Republicans to agree with her that GOPers are being "racist" on immigration, the MSNBC host at one point admonished one of her liberal Republican guests for uttering the word "illegal alien" as she pushed for the politically correct "undocumented immigrants" instead. For her part, MSNBC contributor and phony…

MSNBC Likens Negotiating with GOP to Hostage Terror Situation

January 21st, 2018 9:51 PM
On Saturday's AM Joy on MSNBC, host Joy Reid actually held a panel discussion in which the group likened Democrats negotiating with Republicans over the DACA and CHIP programs to having to negotiate with terrorists in a hostage situation. After MSNBC terrorism analyst Malcolm Nance recalled that the situation resembles one in which the outlook is so hopeless that a SWAT team would be used, MSNBC…

Sen. Cotton Slams Media for Buying Schumer’s ‘Ridiculous’ Border Offer

January 21st, 2018 2:16 PM
On day one of the 2018 government shutdown, Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) came out and claimed that he offered President Trump funding for his border wall in exchange for protection for so-called Dreamers via the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) and he turned it down. Since then, the liberal media have been running around claiming that Trump was the reason an agreement couldn’t be…

Shutdown Day 2: ABC Trashes Trump/GOP, Blamed by a ‘Wide Wide Margin’

January 21st, 2018 10:53 AM
ABC kicked off Sunday’s Good Morning America with five minutes dedicated to the government shutdown. And despite the fact that Democrats were bragging that they had the votes to do it, the liberal network trashed Republicans and touted how President Trump would take all the blame.

David Brooks: 'Ruinous for the Party' If Republicans Cut Immigration

January 19th, 2018 8:46 PM
During the regular "Shields and Brooks" segment on Friday's PBS NewsHour, David Brooks again hit Republicans from the left as the alleged right-leaning New York Times columnist predicted that, if Republicans side with Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton and push to cut immigration, it would be "ruinous for the party." His analysis came after liberal columnist Mark Shields fretted that Democratic Senators…