ABC Upset 'Chilling' Memos Reveal Zubaydah 'Tortured with an Insect

April 16th, 2009 8:48 PM
ABC's Charles Gibson, Jan Crawford Greenburg and George Stephanopoulos all stressed Thursday night how, Bush administration Justice Department memos clarifying what techniques interrogators could use with suspected terrorists, included what Stephanopoulos described as “torture with an insect” -- a method ABC failed to note was not ever employed. “Tonight, secret memos,” anchor Charles Gibson…

Olbermann Defends Former Left-Wing Terrorist, Compares to George Washi

April 7th, 2009 11:15 PM
On Monday’s Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann seemed to rationalize the actions of the Chile-based Marxist terror group MIR, as he compared one of the group’s followers who helped kidnap a Spanish businessman, and who is currently attempting to have Bush administration members indicted in a Spanish court on war crimes charges, to George Washington.In response to FNC’s Bill O’Reilly, who…

O’Reilly Reports Anti-Bush Lawyer’s Terror Connection as Olbermann

April 7th, 2009 11:03 PM
On the Monday, March 30, The O’Reilly Factor, FNC host Bill O’Reilly slammed the New York Times for not reporting that an attorney in Spain, Gonzalo Boye, who is trying to have Bush administration members charged with war crimes in a Spanish court, himself has served eight years in prison for "collaborating with terrorists," referring to the Chile-based MIR, and the Spain-based ETA, both left-…

ABC Jumps to Publicize Spanish Judge's Quest to Charge Bush Officials

March 29th, 2009 11:57 PM
ABC on Sunday night jumped to beat the other networks with the news that a judge in Spain may issue arrest warrants charging several former Bush administration officials with violating the Convention Against Torture. World News Sunday anchor Dan Harris announced: “Six former high level officials of the Bush administration are being targeted tonight by a court in, of all places, Spain. This court…

All Three Morning Shows Skip Cheney Jab That Obama Has Made U.S. Less

March 16th, 2009 4:07 PM
All three morning shows on Monday skipped a rather serious charge made by former Vice President Dick Cheney that Barack Obama, through his actions as president, has made America less safe and more susceptible to terrorist attack. Speaking to CNN host John King on Sunday's "State of the Union," Cheney criticized some of Obama's actions, including giving the order to close Guantanamo Bay. The ex-…

Olbermann Frets Obama ‘Acting Disturbingly Like Bush

February 24th, 2009 6:55 PM
It’s not even April 1 yet, and Keith Olbermann is already expressing fears that President Obama "is acting disturbingly like President Bush," because of a number of recent decisions by the Obama administration to continue policies similar to those of President Bush, which Olbermann recounted on Monday's Countdown while the words "Four More Years?" displayed at the bottom of the screen. The MSNBC…

Rachel Maddow Oversells Former Gitmo Guard's Allegations of Abuse

February 19th, 2009 3:01 PM

CBS Defends Guantanamo Closing; Dismisses Cheney Criticism

February 6th, 2009 3:27 PM
Offering a defense of President Obama’s decision to close Guantanamo Bay within the year, on Thursday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent David Martin argued: "During his final years in office, President Bush said repeatedly he wanted to close the prison at Guantanamo, where suspected terrorists were being held indefinitely without trial. Turns out it was his own vice president who stood in the way…

Majority Oppose Obama's Decisions on Gitmo and Abortion

February 3rd, 2009 10:17 AM
Americans aren't pleased with President Barack Obama's decisions to close Guantanamo Bay and to fund overseas abortions.Will media notice?Such seems an important question given press fascination with virtually any poll showing how popular the new president is. Will they report when his decisions aren't? Consider the following data released by Gallup Monday:

CNN’s Jack Cafferty Slams Limbaugh as 'Corpulent Oxycontin Aficionad

January 27th, 2009 6:51 PM
CNN commentator Jack Cafferty, who had bashed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for “starting to sound a little like Chairman Mao” the previous day, labeled Rush Limbaugh “that corpulent Oxycontin aficionado of right-wing talk radio” during his usual “Cafferty File” segment on Tuesday’s Situation Room. The slam came during as Cafferty launched a mild criticism of President Obama’s first week in office…

Olbermann Suggests Gitmo Inspired Innocent Ex-Detainee to Become Al-Qa

January 26th, 2009 9:22 PM
If we are to believe Keith Olbermann’s latest wild theory, an innocent, mild mannered furniture salesman and humanitarian from Riyadh may have been inspired to become an al-Qaeda leader because he was falsely imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay, courtesy of Olbermann’s favorite target, the Bush administration, who "created [his] reason for hating us."Even for Keith Olbermann, this takes the cake, and…

CNN's Rick Sanchez 'Making News' on Supposed Torture Case Against Rums

January 26th, 2009 5:55 PM
On Monday’s Newsroom program, anchor Rick Sanchez trumpeted a United Nations investigator’s apparent finding against Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld concerning torture: “...[W]e’re making news here, because I just heard you on the record say that there does seem to be enough evidence to be able to make a case against Donald Rumsfeld specifically.” He also asked why Rumsfeld had been “…

CBS’s Rodriguez Cites NYT to Criticize Obama Gitmo Decision

January 23rd, 2009 3:17 PM
In a rare instance of critical coverage of the Obama administration on Friday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez asked Democratic Congresswoman Jane Harman about Obama’s decision to close Guantanamo Bay: "I'm not sure if you've seen the New York Times this morning. On the front page there is an article that reveals that a terror suspect released from Guantanamo a few months now…

Olbermann Calls for Prosecution of Bush, Invokes Nazis and Slavery

January 19th, 2009 10:46 PM
On Monday’s Countdown show, MSNBC host Keith Olbermann delivered his latest "Special Comment," in which he called on President-elect Barack Obama to prosecute President Bush and administration members on a charge of torturing prisoners, and invoked extreme examples such as slavery leading to the Civil War, and the handling of Germany after World War I leading to the rise of Nazism and World War…