Susan Crawford and the Media: Torture is as Torture Does

January 16th, 2009 2:08 AM
Susan Crawford's recent assertions of torture simply do not add up, and your main stream media isn't going to investigate anytime soon.  Had Crawford made an assertion that there was unequivocally no torture to speak of at Guantanamo, the media would be sifting meticulously through her statements with a fine-toothed comb, smearing her reputation at every turn.  Instead, her arguments seemingly…

Philly PBS Outlet Hires Inquirer Editor Who Wanted to Cancel 4th of Ju

November 20th, 2008 2:21 PM
Former Philadelphia Inquirer editorial page editor Chris Satullo, who in a July 1, 2008 editorial suggested that “America doesn't deserve to celebrate its birthday” on Independence Day due to the “waterboarding, the snarling dogs, the theft of sleep” used on some enemy combatants since 9/11, has been hired to become the director of news operations for WHYY, the PBS affiliate in the Philadelphia…

George Clooney to Make Film About Bin Laden's Driver

August 10th, 2008 10:20 PM
With all the topics out there to make a movie about, would you ever want to spend money on and appear in a film focusing on Osama bin Laden's personal driver and bodyguard?If you're one of the most liberal actor/director/producers in Hollywood, and your name is George Clooney, the answer is apparently "Yes."As reported by the British Guardian Sunday (emphasis added, h/t Ace, photo courtesy Daily…

Nick Kristof: Chop Off Body Parts = 'Torment'; Interrogation = 'Tortur

July 11th, 2008 9:29 AM
You would be hard-pressed to find a "better" example of a walking, talking, typing Old Media double standard-bearer than New York Times columnist and International Herald Tribune (IHT) contributor Nicholas Kristof.Keep in mind as you read this post that Kristof infamously wrote the following in a 2005 New York Times book review about the person who was "the worst monster in world history," China…

Karl Rove Schools Alan Colmes on Rights of Enemy Combatants

July 4th, 2008 6:16 PM
One of the more astounding post-9/11 liberal media affectations has been the extraordinary concern press members have for how terrorists looking to kill innocent Americans are treated at detention centers. A fine example of this occurred on Thursday's "Hannity & Colmes" when the left-leaning part of Fox News's successful duo debated former White House adviser Karl Rove about the recent…

Philly Inquirer: No 4th For You, America is Evil, WOT is a 'Scam

July 1st, 2008 7:41 PM
You know, I was wondering when this was going to happen, when someone in the MSM would say Bush has ruined July Fourth? The Philadelphia Inquirer didn't disappoint by wallowing in the worst example of blame-America-above-all as well as the most extreme case of BDS that I've seen outside the kind of nutroot sites like Daily Kos and the Democratic Underground. A mainstream paper has now gone that…

Olbermann Names Dem 'Worse Person' Without Saying He's Dem

June 28th, 2008 2:20 PM

LA Times Tacitly Admits Boumediene Wrong

June 24th, 2008 1:41 PM
Remember the Boumediene decisions? The one where the Supreme Court ignored Congress' orders to strip them of jurisdiction? One of the major issues in this case was the fact that the Court trampled all over Congress' ability to determine the limits of judicial oversight. And virtually no mainstream 'news' organ picked up on that fact- nstead they universally trumpeted how the eeevil Bush…

Obama on Terrorist Rights: Joe Calls Out Mika on 'Moral Choices

June 18th, 2008 8:58 AM
It would be hard to overstate the significance of Barack Obama's blunder. As a certain junior senator from New York said during the primary season, while John McCain has obviously passed the Commander-in-Chief threshold, it's not clear Obama has. If there is one fundamental challenge facing the Dem candidate in this campaign, it is to prove that he has the values and the toughness necessary to…

Edwards Endorses . . . Worldview of USA as 'Bully

May 14th, 2008 7:46 PM
It wasn't just Barack Obama's candidacy that John Edwards endorsed tonight. It was also the worldview that sees the United States as a "bully." Consider these lines from Edwards just-completed speech.JOHN EDWARDS: There's also a wall that's divided our image in the world. The America as the beacon of hope is behind that wall. And all the world sees now is a bully. They see Iraq, Guantanamo,…

One of NYT's Guantanamo Bay 'Innocents' Turned Suicide Bomber on Relea

May 8th, 2008 5:30 PM
Nicholas Kristof's Sunday column on Guantanamo prisoners, "A Prison of Shame, and It's Ours," makes the case, in typically arch prose, that his New York Times colleague Barry Bearak got off easy. The Mugabe regime in Zimbabwe imprisoned Bearak in disgusting conditions for four days, but Kristof thought it could have been worse:  It could have been Guantanamo Bay.My Times colleague Barry Bearak…

Daily Mail Reporter Outraged Over Gitmo Gift Shop Souvenirs

May 5th, 2008 8:33 AM
Oh the outrage! The gift shop at Guantamo Bay sells a T-shirt that features a guard tower and barbed wire with wording that says: "The Taliban Towers at Guantanamo Bay, the Caribbean's Newest 5-star Resort." Another T-shirt from the same gift shop dares to praise, "the proud protectors of freedom". And yet another T-shirt shows an iguana with this "heartless" wording: "Greetings from paradise…

Gloomy Oscars = Gloomy Bush Years

February 25th, 2008 9:11 AM

Journalism 101 Continued

February 9th, 2008 3:29 PM