CNN’s Dobbs Confronts Rubin Over ‘Hypocrisy’ Charge Against McCa

May 20th, 2008 1:55 PM
Lou Dobbs, during an interview on Monday evening with James Rubin, challenged the Clinton campaign advisor over his accusation that John McCain was a "hypocrite" and a "flip-flopper" in terms of dealing with Hamas, noting that CNN’s own interview of McCain contradicted Rubin’s charge. Dobbs chastised, "I would not have taken it as far. I would not put it as forward-leaning as you on the issue."…

NBC's Engel to Bush: War on Terrorism Has Not Made World Safer

May 19th, 2008 11:52 AM
During an exclusive interview with George W. Bush, on Monday's "Today" show, NBC's Richard Engel seemed to blame all of the Middle East's problems on the President's policies as he charged that, "Iran's position in the world is rising because of your actions in Iraq," and that the war on terrorism "has not made the world safer."This exchange was typical of the tone of the entire interview where…

Matching CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC Distort McCain on Hamas in

May 16th, 2008 9:15 PM
The ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts on Friday conveyed Barack Obama's charge of hypocrisy by John McCain on dealing with Hamas, all based on one January 28, 2006 soundbite fed to them by the Obama campaign via the Huffington Post -- “They're the government, and sooner or later we're going to have to deal with them in one way or another” -- though, in fact, in an interview that same day with…

CNN Lets Clintonista Denounce McCain’s ‘Hypocrisy’ on Hamas, But

May 16th, 2008 4:56 PM
Twenty-four hours after CNN started giving covering fire for Barack Obama in response to President Bush’s "appeasement" remark, the network has now aided the Democratic spin machine in attacking John McCain as a hypocrite with regards to Hamas, based on a 2006 video clip provided by Clinton adviser James Rubin. In the excerpt, the Arizona Senator appeared to be endorsing negiotiations with the…

CNN’s Hypersensitive Reaction to Bush ‘Appeasement’ Comments

May 15th, 2008 12:48 PM
Minutes after President Bush began his speech to the Israeli Knesset, CNN quickly channeled outraged Democratic reaction to his "false comfort of appeasement" remark. "American Morning" co-host John Roberts, in a brief on the speech, claimed the President was "suggesting that Senator Barack Obama and other Democrats are in favor of appeasing terrorists in the same way that U.S. leaders appeased…

ABC Suggests Most Israeli Cities 'More Militant' Than Tel Aviv

May 11th, 2008 1:55 PM

Wolf Blitzer Plays Softball With Barack Obama

May 9th, 2008 1:47 PM
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer tossed mostly softball questions at Senator Barack Obama on Thursday’s "The Situation Room." Besides his attempt to minimize his record as a liberal and as being the Hamas-endorsed candidate, Blitzer, for 22 minutes, skipped the Rev. Wright issue and both began and ended his interview with feel-good topics -- Obama’s appearance on the cover of Time magazine, and asking the…

CNN’s Blitzer to Obama: ‘You Ready to Handle’ the ‘Assault

May 8th, 2008 6:54 PM
CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, during a much hyped interview of Barack Obama on Thursday’s "The Situation Room," tried to dismiss facts about the Illinois Senator’s as mere opinions. First, the CNN host made a prediction about the upcoming general election campaign: "You know they're going to paint you -- the McCain camp, Republicans -- as a classic tax and spend liberal Democrat, that you are going to…

Yanquis for Chavez

March 8th, 2008 2:20 AM
Question: What do you get when you help terrorists seek dirty bombs, give sanctuary to Hezbollah and Hamas, taunt America, and threaten war on U.S. ally Colombia? Answer: Hugs and kisses from members of Congress like Senator Chris Dodd and Congressman Dennis Kucinich, academics like Cornel West, and Hollywood celebrities like Danny Glover - and a pass from the press.And what's there not to love…

The Media's Nauseating Approach to Terror Reporting

March 7th, 2008 3:25 PM
The Media, as Sisyphus, Unwinding its Terror TaleThere is a push by the Jurassic Press -- in two directions at once -- to frame just-so their presentation of the murder and murderers engaged in the attempted global implementation of political Islam. One such shove was again demonstrated by the New York Times this past February 13th. The Media attempt to present these bits of human flotsam -- and…

Netroots Equate Religious US Soldiers to Hamas Homicide Bombers

December 23rd, 2007 8:03 PM
How much do you have to hate your country, Christianity, and the military to actually believe that religious United States soldiers are similar to Hamas homicide bombers?Regardless of the answer, such was the case made by Truthout Senior Editor Jason Leopold Friday, as well as in a recommended diary at the liberal website Daily Kos Sunday.*****Update at end of post: Daily Kos FAQ section cautions…

Imam Ahmed Alzaree and the Islamic Center of Cleveland Follow-up: Part

October 26th, 2007 8:39 AM
UPDATE, Oct. 26, 10 p.m.: A Plain Dealer report by David Briggs entitled "New Cleveland imam hopes to ease Muslim-Jewish relations" went up today (Oct. 26) at 1:56 PM. I am deferring comment on it until sometime Monday, as new info has become available that requires vetting (original plan to respond Saturday was moved to Sunday, and has now been moved again).…

Colmes: Offensive to Call Terrorists 'Islamic,' Use 'Books Not Bombs

October 14th, 2007 4:13 AM
If you thought the proper way to refer to terrorists who commit violence in the name of Islam was by using such terms as "Islamic terrorists," "Islamic militants," or even "Islamic extremists," be on notice that you may be offending Alan Colmes. In fact, even if you refer to the terrorist group "Islamic Jihad" by that name, which is the name the group uses to refer to itself, you're still not in…

Janeane Garofalo: 'Bush is a War Criminal,' 'O'Reilly Can Kiss My Fat

September 22nd, 2007 2:33 AM