Stunning AP Article Sympathetic to Israel

September 5th, 2007 7:43 AM
Although it isn't a blue moon, it might as well be. In this September 3 article, the AP ditched the generally obvious anti-Israel bias and gave rare insight into what it is like to be on the receiving end of Gaza's rockets in Israel. Not only did the AP describe the difficulties and fears the Sderot townspeople endure, but the wire service even made available a photo of Israeli school children…

Saturday Cartoons, Hamas Style

August 25th, 2007 4:07 PM
From the same jolly Hamas folks who brought Palestinian children Farfur, the murderous mouse, comes another delightful production, this time aimed at indoctrinating Palestinian children against rival political group Fatah.After having ripped off Mickey Mouse, Hamas has chosen a different Disney character for its children's propaganda, "The Lion King," creating a story in which a lion portraying…

USA Today Ignores Hamas Ties in Profile of Islamic Society President

August 22nd, 2007 1:55 PM
"How in the world could anyone write a lengthy article about the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), without mentioning once that the group has been named an unindicted co-conspirator in the nation’s largest terrorism trial?"That's what Charles Johnson at Little Green Footballs is wondering about USA Today's gauzy August 21 profile of Islamic convert and ISNA president Ingrid Mattson.In June…

Hamas Mouse Murdered On-Air by 'Jew

June 29th, 2007 3:23 PM
Remember the Palestinian children's show starring the Mickey Mouse ripoff, "Farfur?" Yeah, the one preaching global Islamic supremacy and shooting Jewish people with an AK-47. The show got canceled, but not for the right reasons and far, far from the right way.In the latest Hamas outrage, the show, "Tomorrow's Pioneers," featured Farfur being beaten to death by an actor playing the role of an…