
CNN’s Harlow Encourages De Niro to Bash ‘Disgusting’ Divisive Trump

September 15th, 2017 3:46 PM
During a Friday morning exclusive interview with Robert De Niro, CNN’s Poppy Harlow prodded the politically outspoken, liberal actor to bash President Trump. While the premise of the interview was based of the actor’s charitable work rebuilding the Caribbean island of Barbuda, which was devastated by Hurricane Irma last week, Harlow quickly turned the conversation to politics, inviting the actor…

Hurricane Devastation Gives Firms Chance to Show Capitalism Has Heart

September 13th, 2017 3:10 PM
Horrible disasters like the recent Category-4 Hurricanes Harvey and Irma focus attention on heart-wrenching stories of lost lives, near misses and property destroyed in the storm or ravaged by looters. They also have an uncanny way of illustrating the many people who will pull together in a crisis and how the benefits of capitalism are often used to help those in need.

CNN, MSNBC Bash ‘Climate Deniers’ for Not Hyping Hurricane Connection

September 12th, 2017 12:10 PM
The journalists on MSNBC and CNN on Tuesday continued to be annoyed that Donald Trump hasn’t connected Hurricanes Harvey and Irma to global warming. MSNBC’s Stephanie Ruhle offered a snide aside in a story on Pope Francis: “ In the wake of Hurricane Irma, Pope Francis is criticizing climate change deniers.” 

Jim Carrey: Americans Should ‘Struggle’ Like ‘People Did With Czar'

September 11th, 2017 5:25 PM
One has to wonder: Are some celebrities promoting communism in their anti-Trump rants? According to Jim Carrey, the hurricanes and politics are linked, “Trump is a fucking imbecile,” and Americans are going to “struggle” like “people did under the czar,” which, unless Carrey doesn’t know, means that his idea of “progress” is the tyrannical communism brought to Russia by Stalin.

Of Course: ABC, CBS Freak Over Climate Change During Irma Coverage

September 11th, 2017 4:36 PM
As Hurricane Irma coverage dominated network news coverage on Monday, it was inevitable that the journalists would embrace climate change during the reporting. Both ABC’s Good Morning America and CBS This Morning suggested that Hurricanes Harvey and Irma prove global warming. 

Acosta Lobbies WH to Believe 'Climate Change Thing’ Caused Hurricanes

September 11th, 2017 4:09 PM
CNN senior White House correspondent Jim Acosta thought it was time during Monday’s White House press briefing to make a fool of himself, partnering with his fellow journalists in lobbying the Trump administration to both believe that global warming caused Hurricanes Harvey and Irma and rejoin the Paris climate deal to stop them.

Dan Rather Uses Irma to Push Vox Claim Florida Will be Uninhabitable

September 11th, 2017 4:05 PM
Even as Hurricane Irma prepared to strike Florida after devastating the Caribbean, discredited former news anchor Dan Rather promoted a Vox story worrying about how climate change is making parts of the state “uninhabitable.” Climate alarmists seize every opportunity to complain about what they fear will be the impacts of manmade climate change. Hurricane Irma’s potential cost to lives and…

Spirit of Charity: Celebs Use Irma To Promote Climate Change

September 11th, 2017 3:28 PM
Kicking someone when they are down is never a good thing. It’s even less tasteful when wealthy, entitled Hollywood uses national tragedies to preach to the public about climate change. But while Hurricane Irma threatened Florida over the weekend, many celebrities did just that.

Lyin' Brian Tells Viewers to Steal Storm Photo, 'Pretend It's Yours'

September 11th, 2017 11:26 AM
MSNBC's The 11th Hour host Brian Williams is probably regretting a flippant comment he made during the network’s live coverage of Hurricane Irma on Sunday afternoon, after it earned him mockery online. While discussing a photo reporters in Tampa, Florida had taken of the intense winds, Williams instructed Florida viewers to not take similar photos of their own. Instead, he suggested they steal…

MSNBC Hosts Fret There's Not Enough 'Climate Change' Discussion

September 10th, 2017 11:09 PM
Between Friday and Saturday, as Ali Velshi hosted some of MSNBC's live coverage of Hurricane Irma hitting Florida, the MSNBC host repeatedly pushed for there to be more discussion of "climate change" and how the U.S. government might try to effect it in the future. Ironically, on Saturday night, as Craig Melvin hosted MSNBC for a couple of hours, he fretted that there had not been enough…

MSNBC's Sam Champion Stumped By Katy Tur While Touting Global Warming

September 9th, 2017 2:44 PM
On Friday's MTP Daily, as MSNBC weather contributor and former ABC News meteorologist Sam Champion talked up his belief that global warming is exacerbating hurricane activity, substitute host Katy Tur managed to throw him off with a predicable question that the liberal weather forecaster nevertheless had difficulty mustering up a response to. Champion was stumped for an answer when Tur wondered…

PBS Guests Fret 'Dangerous' Trump, Sessions, FNC Jabbing Al Gore

September 8th, 2017 9:47 PM
Twice this week, PBS's Tavis Smiley show has hosted guests from the far-left The Nation magazine, giving them an unchallenged forum to promote their views of the Trump administration and Republicans. On Tuesday, John Nichols -- promoting his book Horsemen of the Trumpocalypse -- fearmongered about "militant anti-immigration" Attorney General Jeff Sessions having a "nefarious" record on civil…

Actress: Hurricanes Are Nature’s Punishment for Voting for Trump

September 7th, 2017 5:31 PM
In an interview with Channel 4, a British public service television network, American actress Jennifer Lawrence blamed the recent hurricanes on Donald Trump’s voters, because they don't believe in man-made climate change. During the lengthy interview on her new movie Mother!, the conversation turned political about halfway through. After discussing the alleged pay gap between men and women, the…

Media Insist Harvey, Irma Are Time For 'Talking' Climate Alarmism

September 7th, 2017 9:48 AM
Even with Texans still recovering from Hurricane Harvey and Florida residents fearing the worse ahead of Hurricane Irma, journalists seized the moment to promote climate change alarmism. New York Times, ProPublica and Newsweek journalists have been calling for Harvey, which made landfall in Texas on Aug. 25, and Irma, currently predicted to reach Florida by Sept. 9, to be blamed on or linked to…