
Nets Tee Up Lin-Manuel Miranda to Trash Trump on Puerto Rico

October 6th, 2017 11:59 AM
On Friday, all three network morning shows invited on Hamilton creator Lin-Manuel Miranda to promote a new song he produced with other celebrities to raise funds for hurricane relief in Puerto Rico. However, the conversation quickly turned political and nasty as the hosts of each broadcast highlighted Miranda’s Twitter attack on President Trump in which he claimed the commander-in-chief was “…

Morning Joe on Trump's Puerto Rico Visit: He's a Sociopathic Dictator

October 4th, 2017 5:25 PM
On Wednesday’s Morning Joe, both the hosts and the rest of the panel spent a significant amount of time covering President Trump’s visit yesterday to Puerto Rico. In so doing, they repeatedly and shamelessly suggested that Trump was a sociopath who would not help Puerto Rico if its leaders did not bow down to him.

ABC/CBS Discredit Trump’s Visit to Puerto Rico as Photo-Op

October 3rd, 2017 10:02 PM
President Trump was in Puerto Rico on Tuesday to tour the storm-ravaged capital city of San Juan and some of the surrounding suburbs. He met with local officials and residents while helping to hand out much-needed supplies. But that didn’t seem to be good enough for the liberal networks of ABC and CBS. Both bemoaned Trump’s visit and touted those who called it an elaborate photo-op.

Carmen Yulín Cruz, la nueva querendona de los medios en EEUU

October 3rd, 2017 6:52 PM
Tardó unos días, pero la prensa estáblishment finalmente encontró el rostro alrededor del cual pudiese enmarcar su cobertura anti-Trump del impacto devastador del Huracán María sobre Puerto Rico. Ese rostro corresponde a Carmen Yulín Cruz, la alcaldesa izquierdista de San Juan. Sin embargo, uno siempre tiene que estar pendiente a lo que se omiten de los reportes, y la elevación repentina de Cruz…

CNN’s John King Slams Trump Press Conference as ‘Love Fest'

October 3rd, 2017 6:19 PM
John King, host of CNN’s Inside Politics, began the show on Tuesday by criticizing the press conference Donald Trump had just concluded in Puerto Rico as “a love fest” for the Republican president and his staff. “You saw the president sitting around a table,” King began. “You heard the president give himself high grades for what happened in Puerto Rico in the response effort that is still…

Leftist Mayor of San Juan Is New 'Darling' of Liberal Media

October 2nd, 2017 2:58 PM
After a week's worth of scrambling, the establishment media finally found a face around which to frame their anti-Trump political coverage of the aftermath of Hurricane Maria's devastating impact upon the island of Puerto Rico. That face, of course, is San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz. But as always, one must be watchful for what is missing from a report - and this sudden lionization of Mayor…

ABC Touts Actor Saying Trump Is ‘Going to Hell’ in Golf Cart

October 1st, 2017 10:20 AM
Over the weekend, instead of reporting on the Puerto Rico relief efforts and how they were crippled by circumstance, the liberal media chose to champion the anti-Trump criticism from Democratic San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz. After President Trump pushed back against the criticism, the media sensed blood in the water and went all in. On Sunday’s Good Morning America, ABC Correspondent David…

Puerto Rico: Lin-Manuel Miranda Deletes Tweet Thanking Trump

September 30th, 2017 12:58 PM
Before "Hamilton" creator Lin-Manuel Miranda was slamming President Donald Trump he was thanking him on Twitter as recently as September 26.  Since that very politically inconvenient tweet does not now fit into the current mainstream media and Democrat agenda to paint Hurricane Maria relief efforts in Puerto Rico as Trump's Katrina, Miranda found it necessary to send it down the memory hole via…

CNN/MSNBC Push Accusation Trump Treating Puerto Rico Poorly

September 29th, 2017 12:08 AM
On Thursday, the federal government stepped up its hurricane relief effort in Puerto Rico by dispatching three-star Army general, Lt. Gen. Jeff Buchanan to oversee all operations. The move came as the sheer devastation from Hurricane Maria continued to cripple relief efforts and supply distribution. Instead of recognizing the unique and difficult challenge of trying to aid Puerto Rico, both CNN…

ABC Finally Spends Time on Puerto Rico, Uses it to Slam Trump

September 26th, 2017 9:41 PM
As the Media Research Center documented on Monday, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) had buried the devastation of the humanitarian crisis in Puerto Rico underneath a mountain of coverage of President Trump’s spat with the NFL. Come Tuesday, they finally got around to giving the crisis the airtime that it deserved as all of them started they evening programs with it. But for ABC, it was…

Big Three Elevate Trump/NFL Spat over Dire Puerto Rico Crisis

September 25th, 2017 9:59 PM
Hurricane Maria hit the U.S. island territory of Puerto Rico last Wednesday and since then, there has been an ever-worsening humanitarian crisis. Most of the island was still without power, supplies slow to arrive, and the threat of a failing dam as of Monday. Despite the terrible news coming from the island, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) have dedicated far more time since Sunday to…

Naomi Klein: Fossil Fuel Companies Should be ‘In the Dock’ for Warming

September 22nd, 2017 10:25 AM
Liberal activist Naomi Klein blamed oil and coal companies for the devastation of Hurricane Harvey and Hurricane Irma and called for their prosecution in a recent interview. Klein appeared on the left-wing Democracy Now! program on Sept. 18, and complained about the supposed “world of extremes” she says is taking place because of a “warmer world.” Democracy Now! is funded by liberal donors…

DeGrasse Tyson: Climate Deniers ‘Unraveling’ ‘Informed Democracy’

September 21st, 2017 9:00 AM
During a wild segment of MSNBC Live on Wednesday morning, astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson railed against climate change skeptics. He questioned their education, intelligence, and claimed they were participating in “the unraveling of an informed democracy.” And it was all said to the glee of MSNBC co-hosts Ali Velshi and Stephanie Ruhle.

AP Enters the Florida-Bashing Frenzy Over Irma, 'Climate Change'

September 20th, 2017 1:10 AM
Tuesday afternoon, Clay Waters at NewsBusters noted how two September 18 items in the New York Times ridiculed Texas and Florida, two recently hurricane-ravaged states whose governors and legislatures are pro-growth and Republican. Josh Boak, an economics writer at the Associated Press, was actually a day ahead of them on Florida, filing a Sunday item which claimed that "Irma's destructive…