Scientist Demands Apology From ABC for Global Warming Hit Piece

March 28th, 2008 11:40 AM
As NewsBusters reported, ABC's "World News" aired a disturbing global warming hit piece on Sunday that disrespectfully attacked an esteemed scientist and emeritus professor, referring to his work as "fraudulent nonsense" that is "going to cost lives, and cause us lost species, and cost major economic damage around the world."The subject of the report, Dr. S. Fred Singer, has been receiving well…

ABC's Global Warming Hit Piece "Welcome to 'The Denial Machine

March 23rd, 2008 10:21 PM
*****Critical update: Dr. Singer responds at end of post.Climate alarmism reached a new low Sunday as ABC's "World News" featured a hit piece on Dr. S. Fred Singer, the esteemed Professor Emeritus of environmental science at the University of Virginia.In a segment disgracefully entitled "Welcome to 'The Denial Machine,'" anchor Dan Harris disparaged Singer at every turn.With a picture of Singer…

Global Warming Update: Ann Arbor Has Snowiest Year on Record

March 23rd, 2008 10:11 AM
This certainly hasn't been the winter climate alarmists wanted to prove that global warming is destined to destroy the planet if we don't immediately cease and desist emitting that awful carbon dioxide into the air. After all, not only has the cooling trend continued, but despite warnings that America was going to have so little snow that ski resorts across the fruited plain would all go bankrupt…

Sci-Fi Classic Goes Green: Klaatu Returns to Warn Us About Global Warm

March 22nd, 2008 2:50 PM
Hollywood is about to release a remake of the science fiction classic "The Day the Earth Stood Still."This time, rather than coming to earth to warn us about our dangerous foray into the nuclear age, Klaatu and Gort have returned to caution us about -- wait for it -- global warming!Honestly, you can't possibly make this stuff up! As marvelously reported Friday by Vic Holtreman of Screen Rant (his…

Ad Council Uses Children in Horrific Global Warming Commercials

March 15th, 2008 1:05 PM
Since 1942, the Ad Council has been creating important public service announcements that have ranged from Smokey Bear's "Only You Can Prevent Forest Fires," The Crash Test Dummies, McGruff the Crime Dog, "A Mind is a Terrible Thing To Waste," and "Friends Don't Let Friends Drive Drunk."Sadly, this non-profit organization has not only decided to take on the most recent liberal bogeyman known as…

Climate Propaganda Works: 'Global Warming Equals More Snowfall

March 6th, 2008 11:11 AM
One of the biggest concerns of media analysts and press watchers is the brainwashing effect bad reporting has on the public.No finer example of this propagandist power exists than with the liberal bogeyman known as global warming, for the constant climate alarmism being spewed 24 hours a day, seven days a week has tremendously and demonstrably impacted the views of the citizenry. Of course, that'…

Media Proclaim Seasonally Cold Temperatures Aren't Climate Trend Indic

March 6th, 2008 10:26 AM

Weather Channel Founder: Sue Al Gore to Expose Global Warming Fraud

March 4th, 2008 10:22 AM
By now most people are aware that the founder of The Weather Channel, John Coleman, said global warming is "the greatest scam in history" last November.On Monday, while speaking at the 2008 International Conference on Climate Change being held in New York City, Coleman took his criticisms further by advocating that all those involved in the sale and marketing of carbon credits, including Al Gore…

Is Winter 2008 Making Climate Alarmists Question Global Warming

March 2nd, 2008 6:37 PM
For years, climate realists have been wondering how the global warming alarmists would react when the planet actually cooled, albeit for an unknown amount of time.With the winter of 2008 ushering in record-cold temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere -- following similar, albeit mostly unreported, weather in the Southern Hemisphere's 2007 winter -- it seems the resolve of the believers has been a…

NOAA: Global Warming Not Causing More Destructive Hurricanes

February 21st, 2008 5:30 PM
One of the cornerstones of climate alarmism is that global warming is causing stronger, more destructive tropical storms.If you don't believe me, just ask the Global Warmingist-in-Chief Al Gore.Well, on Thursday, the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration issued a press release that should make the Nobel Prize committee demand Gore immediately return his award and their money.As…

Hollywood Style Weather Reports Incite Global Warming Fears

January 12th, 2008 5:28 PM
In the midst of all the recent global warming alarmism, have you considered the role that the "Hollywoodation" of weather reporting has played? After all, much as news reporting has become more and more geared towards titillation in the past couple of decades, so has the media's presentation of climate events, especially extreme ones like Hurricane Katrina. With this in mind, it only seems…

First ‘Kill all the Lawyers

January 7th, 2008 10:37 AM
It's unfair to say all lawyers are greedy scum robbing our nation of needed wealth and destroying the things that made America great. OK, not all the lawyers. But USA Today gives a good place to start with its front-page piece on the money sought by trial lawyers and "victims" of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. According to the paper, there were 247 individual filings against the Army Corps of…

NYT Takes on Al Gore and Climate Alarmists...Happy New Year

January 1st, 2008 10:29 AM
The new year is beginning with some very serious shots being fired across the bow of the manmade global warming myth and at alarmists using it to advance their deplorable agendas. Moments after Investor's Business Daily presaged that "2008 just might be the year the so-called scientific consensus that man is causing the Earth to warm begins to crack," the New York Times of all entities published…

Scientists Send Letter to UN: Give Up Futile Climate Change Battle

December 14th, 2007 10:02 AM
If a former vice president with absolutely no formal scientific training in climatology or meteorology makes a statement about the world coming to an end due to rising temperatures, media will fawn over him like teenyboppers in the presence of Elvis Presley. Yet, if more than 100 scientists from around the world send a letter to the Secretary General of the United Nations urging him and his…