Bush, Iraq, and Global Warming at Center of Bangladesh Cyclone

November 24th, 2007 5:11 PM
On Monday, NewsBusters asked, "How soon before someone in the media blames the cyclone in Bangladesh on global warming, the war in Iraq, President Bush, or all of the above?" On Saturday, the Boston Globe's Derrick Z. Jackson came very close. In his column entitled "Hesitance on the Warming Front," Jackson was quick to blame everything but nature for the planet's most recent natural disaster (…

Global Warming Hysteria Could Make Gore Richest VP in History

November 19th, 2007 10:50 PM
Is the press beginning to see through Al Gore's global warming scam? A brief article posted at Newsweek's website offers hope that the media might finally be recognizing the former Vice President could be this decade's Ken Lay. For those that have forgotten, Lay was the CEO of Enron (h/t NBer well99, emphasis added):

ABC Again Ignores Liberal Connections of Global Warming Alarmists

November 19th, 2007 12:37 PM
Sam Champion hyperventilated about the threat of extreme weather on Monday's "Good Morning America" and, once again, ignored the leftist connections of two cited experts. Scientists Michael Oppenheimer and Daniel Schrag, both of whom have vigorously slammed Republicans in the past, appeared in the segment to warn that global warming would only continue to cause unusual weather patterns as long as…

'Manmade Global Warming Myth' Shockingly Refuted by ABC Affiliate

November 10th, 2007 1:06 PM
You'd better strap yourself in tightly before proceeding, for the following story and video will likely shock you more than anything you've seen in quite some time. On Thursday, in the middle of NBC's "Green is Universal" campaign, an ABC affiliate in Tyler, Texas, broadcast a segment during one of its news programs focusing exclusively on positions skeptical of man's role in climate change.In…

California Wildfires: Media Blame Another Natural Disaster on Bush

October 24th, 2007 2:49 PM
As wildfires rage throughout Southern California, media have predictably begun to blame this awful natural disaster on President George W. Bush much as they did almost exactly two years ago when Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans. On Tuesday evening, MSNBC's Dan Abrams set up an interview with California Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-Cal.) thusly:But the fire storms in California`s raising…

CNN's O'Brien Defends Gore Movie, Global Warming Debate Over

October 15th, 2007 1:24 AM
CNN viewers on Friday saw a relatively rare acknowledgement of those who are skeptical of Al Gore's film "An Inconvenient Truth," including a British judge who recently ruled that there are nine inaccuracies in the movie. But CNN's Miles O'Brien dismissed the views of dissenters, and downplayed the importance of the errors cited by the judge. As he made several appearances on various CNN shows on…

CNN Feels More Heat from Global Warming Report

October 5th, 2007 9:18 AM
How dare CNN Meteorologist Rob Marciano say Al Gore was wrong in his movie "An Inconvenient Truth?" Apparently, his comments from yesterday that "There are definitely some inaccuracies" in the film generated a lot of controversy and e-mails for the network.Today was Round Two. And Marciano excelled by showing both sides of a debate Gore says doesn't exist and by pointing out even more of what…

ABC Recycles Story Blaming Global Warming for Recent Hurricane Intensi

September 4th, 2007 2:16 AM

AccuWeather's Bastardi Argues Against Blaming Global Warming for Hurri

August 26th, 2007 12:52 AM