
Congresista Luis Gutiérrez difama al Ejército, alega no entró a PR

September 17th, 2018 1:15 PM
El congresista saliente Luis Gutiérrez (D-IL) compareció en la edición más reciente del semanario político Al Punto, de la cadena Univisión, para hablar de temas de inmigración y de la respuesta del gobierno del presidente Donald Trump ante el embate del huracán María sobre Puerto Rico. Pero en el transcurso de anotarse un punto contra el gobierno de Trump, resulta que Gutiérrez difamó a las…

Rep. Luis Gutierrez Smears U.S. Military as AWOL in Hurricane

September 17th, 2018 8:00 AM
Retiring Congressman Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) went on the most recent edition of Univision's weekly political talker Al Punto, in order to discuss immigration and the Trump administration's response to the devastation that Hurricane Maria wrought upon Puerto Rico. But in the process of scoring a point against the administration, he smeared the United States Armed Forces.

CBS, NBC Tout Fears Global Warming Making Hurricanes Worse

September 16th, 2018 11:06 PM
On Saturday morning, CBS and NBC both ran predictable reports arguing that human activity is causing global warming, which is causing hurricanes like Florence to be worse, while those who are skeptical are derided as "climate change deniers." By contrast, global warming skeptic Joe Bastardi appeared on both Friday's Fox News at Night and Thursday's Hannity show on FNC. He argued that, while it is…

Jennifer Rubin: Trump 'Killed' the Puerto Rico Hurricane Victims

September 15th, 2018 4:52 PM
On Joy Reid's MSNBC show, commenting on President Trump's disputing of the Puerto Rico death toll, Washington Post columnist Jennifer Rubin says: "Donald Trump has killed those people twice. Once through neglect in oversight, and secondly, disgracing [sic] that they died at all."

ACTUALIZACIÓN: Jorge Ramos insiste en desacreditar ayuda de Trump a PR

September 14th, 2018 5:50 PM
Fiel a su trillado estilo de "entrevistar", en el que el anfitrión del programa Al Punto de Univisión, Jorge Ramos, en lugar de permitir que sus invitados respondan a sus preguntas intenta coaccionarlos, hizo lo habitual en su más reciente entrevista a la congresista Jenniffer González (R), la representante de Puerto Rico sin voto en el Congreso.

CNN Touts Harvard Study Claiming Trump's Policies Could Kill Thousands

September 14th, 2018 4:15 PM
While the coverage of Hurricane Florence has increased  as the storm’s landfall on the Carolina coast became imminent, that did not necessarily mean that the media rolled back their negative coverage of the Trump administration.  On CNN’s New Day, John Avlon cited two Harvard scientists who argued that President Trump’s environmental policies will cause 80,000 unnecessary deaths every decade.

MSNBC: ‘Understand’ Illegal Immigrants ‘Scared’ of Hurricane Shelters

September 14th, 2018 3:44 PM
During a live report from Wilmington, North Carolina on Friday morning about the impact of Hurricane Florence, MSNBC’s Kate Snow noted that some people refused to evacuate to local storm shelters, including illegal immigrants afraid of deportation. Moments later, anchor Ali Velshi sympathized with the non-fact-based concern, alluding to immigration policies under the Trump administration.

UPDATE:Jorge Ramos Insists on Disparaging Trump’s Billions in PR Aid

September 14th, 2018 2:03 PM
As is his signature “interview” style, rather than allowing his guests on Univision's Al Punto program to answer his questions, host Jorge Ramos tries to coerce them, as in the case of his most recent interview with Congresswoman Jenniffer González (R), Puerto Rico’s sole non-voting representative in Congress.

Sarah Silverman Labels Trump 'D*ck,' 'F**ing Crappy President' on Hulu

September 13th, 2018 11:08 PM
Only two episodes into its return and Sarah Silverman’s I Love You America is already probably the most obnoxious show of 2018. After a lousy hate-fest last week, the Hulu series continues to promote its hatred for all things right-wing. This week is no different, except with more profane jabs at President Trump.

MSNBC Guest Jokes About Using Time Machine to Change Trump, Not Hitler

September 13th, 2018 10:54 PM

Likely still bitter after having wasted millions trying to make Jeb Bush president, Republican strategist and frequent MSNBC guest Mike Murphy quipped on Thursday’s Deadline: White House that he wouldn’t have used to a time machine to go back in time to stop Hitler but instead change Donald Trump.


Toobin: Trump Doesn’t Care About ‘Not White’ Puerto Ricans

September 13th, 2018 2:10 PM
During Wednesday’s edition of CNN’s New Day, co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman and their panel complained about President Trump’s description of the federal government’s handling of Hurricane Maria as a “success.” Camerota described that assertion as “hurtful,” while Berman described it as “not true.” CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin, on the other hand, suggested President Trump had a much…

Hostin: 'Pillaging, Raping' U.S. Govt. to Blame for Puerto Rico's Woes

September 13th, 2018 1:20 PM
For a second day in a row, The View host Sunny Hostin went on a tirade against President Trump for his comments touting the government aid given to Hurricane Maria hitting Puerto Rico last September. After media backlash, Trump doubled down and claimed the media had exaggerated the death toll. On Thursday's show, Hostin was irate at the President’s comments, saying this made him an “illegitimate…

WashPost: ‘Trump Is Complicit’ in Florence’s Possible Destruction

September 12th, 2018 11:07 PM
Over inside the home of the “Democracy Dies in Darkness” slogan on Wednesday, The Washington Post’s lead editorial argued that President Donald Trump “is complicit” in the destruction being caused by hurricanes, including the forecasted pain set to be inflicted in Georgia, North Carolina, and South Carolina by Hurricane Florence. 

MSNBC: How Can ‘Climate Change Deniers’ Respond to Hurricane?

September 12th, 2018 6:32 PM
On her 2:00 p.m. ET hour show on Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Katy Tur predictably exploited Hurricane Florence to push the left’s climate change agenda and condemn “deniers” in the Trump administration. She brought on liberal environmental activist Bill Nye and ex-Clinton administration official Paul Bledsoe to provide even more alarmist rhetoric.