CBS’s Schieffer to Biden: Doesn’t George Bush ‘Also Need a Littl

February 14th, 2010 5:27 PM
Words never spoken before by a CBS News journalist: “Do you think also that George Bush would also need a little thanks for that? I mean, does he share in the credit or not?” That very unusual quest to credit former President Bush came from Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation, since even for him Vice President Joe Biden’s claim -- “Iraq, I think, is going to be one of the great achievements of this…

HuffPo Reporter Backs Biden Claim Iraq Will Be Obama’s ‘Great Achi

February 12th, 2010 3:58 PM
Conservative talk radio and political blogs all jumped on Vice President Joe Biden’s claim on CNN’s Larry King Live Wednesday night that the successful resolution of the Iraq war “could be one of the great achievements of this administration.” Biden and President Obama, then both Senators, strongly opposed President Bush’s 2007 troop surge that marked the turning point in the war.On his Thursday…

Bloomberg News Calls Jack Murtha 'Supporter of Troops', Doesn't Mentio

February 9th, 2010 6:41 PM
Bloomberg News managed to pen a full obituary of the late Congressman Jack Murtha today, calling him a "Supporter of Troops" in the headline, without once mentioning his incendiary--and unfounded--claims that a group of Marines had murdered 24 Iraqis in cold blood (h/t Washington Examiner's Mark Hemingway).Murtha, himself a former Marine, said in 2005 after two dozen Iraqis were killed in the…

NY Times Plays Up John Murtha's Anti-War Turn in Obit, Omits Smear of

February 9th, 2010 1:46 PM
John Murtha, who represented the 12th district of Pennsylvania for 35 years, died Monday. David Stout's obituary in Tuesday's edition of the New York Times, "Representative John P. Murtha Dies at 77; Ex-Marine Was Iraq War Critic," focused on Murtha's influential anti-war turn and "history of hawkishness," but omitted Murtha's smear of the military -- his preemptory claim that Marines in the town…

Politico Glosses Over Murtha's Haditha Smear

February 9th, 2010 10:14 AM
David Rogers glossed over the late Rep. Jack Murtha's (D-Pa.) Haditha Marines smear in an obituary published yesterday and updated this morning at Politico:Rather than lie low, Murtha further made himself a target with public comments in the spring of 2006 pressuring the Marine command to investigate allegations of civilian casualties at Haditha, Iraq. This infuriated many Marines, and critics…

UPDATED: Post Acknowledges Oversight, Adds Graf | WaPo Publishes Obit

February 8th, 2010 4:29 PM
Updated: Washington Post adds mention about Murtha's Haditha comments, thanks me for me pointing out omission (see bottom of post). Rep. Jack Murtha (D-Pa.) passed away earlier today, and the Washington Post has already published a 26-paragraph obituary. Post staffers Martin Weil and Carol Leonnig don't gloss over some of Murtha's political controversies, such as his penchant as a pork barrel…

Obama Continues to Break Promises, Media Ignores

January 31st, 2010 1:05 AM
Watching the media's inability to find relevant investigative news during the Obama era is like watching a bald-headed fellow named Fudd hunting for ‘wabbit'.  Such is the case of the main stream media's complete and utter ignorance involving the administration recently steering a $25 million no-bid contract to a Democratic campaign contributor.  While Fox News reporter James Rosen did an in-…

AP Video Teases Give Away Attitude Toward Tony Blair's UK Iraq War Inq

January 29th, 2010 9:26 PM
Based on the two pictures seen at the right, it doesn't exactly take Sherlock Holmes to figure out that the people at the Associated Press who decide on what pictures to use to tease the wire service's assorted video clips are not all favorably inclined towards Tony Blair. Rather than show a picture of the former UK Prime Minister, the AP chose pics of a demonstrator outside where the inquiry…

Alan Colmes Questions Death Penalty for 'Chemical Ali

January 28th, 2010 6:34 AM

Media Came Down Hard on Pro-Iraq War 'Ellie Light'-like Tactic in

January 27th, 2010 6:02 PM
Managing Editor's Note: The following was originally published at Greyhawk's Mudville Gazette blog on January 25, 2010. Wow - growing evidence that multiple identical letters appearing in multiple different newspapers under multiple names implies some sort of astroturf campaign. I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, at this development. The story of "Ellie Light" was exposed in the Cleveland Plain-…

Helen Thomas Asks Why U.S. Fighting ‘So-Called Terrorism,’ Hints M

January 15th, 2010 5:43 AM
On Thursday’s The O’Reilly Factor, FNC host Bill O’Reilly used the show’s regular "Reality Check" segment to highlight comments made by Hearst columnist Helen Thomas in which she questioned whether terrorists really should be called "terrorists," and seemed to express a view of moral equivalence between the United States and the terrorists with which America is at war. When asked in an interview…

Stewart Apologizes for Not Attacking Ex-Bush Official in Interview

January 13th, 2010 5:51 PM

Regular viewers of the Daily Show with Jon Stewart are accustomed by now to the verbal battles that ensue when Stewart brings conservative guests on his show. The guests usually leave with a bit of egg on their faces, and Stewart comes off as the hard hitting, divisive and sarcastic critic. But viewers were treated to a rare dose of sincerity and intelligent debate on Monday, when Stewart…

FNC Highlights 'Deranged' Lefty Heckling Bush 41 as 'Zionist Piece of

January 13th, 2010 5:20 AM
On Tuesday's The O'Reilly Factor on FNC, during the show's regular "Pinheads and Patriots" segment, host Bill O'Reilly highlighted an example of left-wing hatred from a man who appears to be part of the anti-war left, as O'Reilly showed video of the unidentified "deranged" man who started shouting at former President George H.W. Bush in a Houston restaurant. The heckler used obscenities and…

NBC's Mitchell: Iraq and Afghan Wars Have 'Hurt' Us in Terrorism Fight

January 11th, 2010 3:42 PM
NBC's Andrea Mitchell, on the syndicated Chris Matthews Show over the weekend, claimed that the United States' wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have not helped in the fight against terrorism, going as far as to say "They've hurt," and "we have inspired more Jihadis against us." Mitchell also played defense for Barack Obama on his terrorism policy as she hailed the President's recent speeches on the…