On Failure To Reduce Deficit, NYT Writer Blames Everyone But Obama
January 6th, 2010 2:07 PM
In the eyes of many in the liberal media, President Obama can do no wrong. If he does, it's not his fault; he is simply a victim of circumstance, or he made the best decision he could given the options. One can tell news items portraying Obama in this light by their descriptions of problems in the passive voice.Take yesterday's New York Times article by Jackie Calmes, for instance. The piece…
CBS Commentator: 00’s Brought ‘Intellectual’ President, Also
January 3rd, 2010 11:54 PM
CBS’s Sunday Morning featured a commentary in which New Yorker magazine staff writer Rebecca Mead looked back at the past decade and hailed the “remarkable...election of a certified intellectual as President” before she cited “unforeseen blights of the era,” listing: “Small plates, Sarah Palin, Chinese dry wall, jeggins.” A fine encapsulation how the New York-based media elite’s view the world.In…
CNN's Sanchez: 'The Terrorists Weren't in Iraq. We Know That Now
December 28th, 2009 6:28 PM
On CNN Newsroom today, anchor Rick Sanchez talked about terrorism with Octavia Nasr, CNN senior editor for Arab Affairs:SANCHEZ: And good, good, good, good, good, good. You see, this is a point that I'm trying to make, Octavia.The terrorists weren't in Iraq. We know that now. There was really a small band of them along with the mujahedeen which became al Qaeda in Afghanistan, as we know. But we…
Former CNN Reporter Threatens Suit After Bloggers Accuse Him of 'Fake
December 15th, 2009 3:03 PM
A former war correspondent for CNN is threatening legal action against bloggers who suggest that video of him reporting the first Gulf War from a television studio is "fake news." The video shows Charles Jaco and another correspondent dramatically recounting events from the Persian Gulf, and later shows Jaco and the camera crew joking around in what appears to be a television studio (video…
CBS: ‘Anti-Muslim Propaganda’ To Blame for U.S. Homegrown Terroris
December 14th, 2009 6:15 PM
On the CBS Evening News on Saturday, correspondent Kimberly Dozier reported on a recent rise in homegrown Islamic extremism in the United States and explored the motivation behind it: “... terrorism experts agree militant Islam is becoming an American problem....the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan make potent recruiting tools. They’re portrayed by the militants as America’s war on Islam.” Dozier…
Helen Thomas Laments 'War President' Obama, Apparently Forgetting Camp
December 10th, 2009 1:50 PM
Despite all the campaign assurances that he would see the Afghan war effort through, liberals are incensed that Obama is following through on his pledge to, you know, win. The latest lefty to excoriate the president for pursuing America's enemies abroad is veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas, who today lamented that Obama must now be dubbed a "war president.""Obama should remember his…
NBC's Vieira: Jessica Lynch a 'Pawn' Used to Sell a War 'Hard Up for A
December 7th, 2009 4:20 PM
As part of an ongoing series called Today's Buzziest Stories of the Decade, NBC's Meredith Vieira, on Monday's Today, featured a segment with former Iraq war POW Jessica Lynch, and with it brought back some of the "Buzziest" bias of the decade as Vieira declared Lynch's story was "exaggerated to sell a war hard up for appealing heroes," and described Lynch as a "pawn of the military that was…
Jon Stewart Rips Obama's Surge Speech: Sounds Like Bush in
December 3rd, 2009 11:27 AM
Comedy Central's Jon Stewart on Wednesday absolutely tore apart President Obama's speech on Afghanistan for being a virtual rehashing of former President George W. Bush's 2007 address concerning a troop surge in Iraq. In the opening segment of "The Daily Show," Stewart asked, "[I]s 30,000 troops the military equivalent of two Advil?"From there, Stewart used videoclips to show just how much Obama…
Disgraced Anchor Dan Rather Names Abu Ghraib ‘Startling Scoop’ of
December 1st, 2009 4:03 PM
Writing for Newsweek magazine’s feature on the top ten “startling scoops” of the past ten years, ex-CBS Evening News anchor Dan Rather identified the most shocking: “Abu Ghraib has opened our eyes, serving as a dark icon that reminds us our fiercest enemies – hubris, cruelty, and ignorance – wage war from within.”Rather went on to proclaim that the prisoner abuse scandal “is still the subject of…
Rove Fires Back at Lauer Charge That Bush Administration 'Took Its Eye
December 1st, 2009 11:05 AM
Previewing the President's speech tonight, NBC's Matt Lauer invited on Karl Rove, on Tuesday's Today show, and pressed the former White House senior adviser if the reason Afghanistan still required the U.S.'s attention is because the previous administration "took its eye off the ball in Afghanistan," and "concentrated too heavily on Iraq." Rove hit back, accusing Lauer and Bush administration…
Jesse Ventura: MSNBC Canceled My Show For Opposing Iraq War
November 29th, 2009 12:02 PM
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura says that MSNBC canceled his cable program "Jesse Ventura's America" back in 2003 because he was opposed to the Iraq war.According to the former professional wrestler, the network continued to pay his salary despite his termination in order to prevent him from speaking his antiwar views elsewhere.Such was reported by the Los Angeles Times in an interview…
FNC Reports Plight of Navy SEAL Heroes Charged with Prisoner Abuse
November 29th, 2009 7:25 AM
In the past several days, FNC has given attention to the plight of three Navy SEALs who helped capture one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq – a man named Ahmed Hashim Abed who is believed to have planned the savage murder of four Blackwater security guards in Fallujah in 2004. Due to accusations of prisoner abuse by Abed, these American troops are now facing the possibility of court-martial…
Cal Thomas: Media Eager to Criticize Bush for Abu Ghraib Now Reluctant
November 28th, 2009 11:55 PM
It's a night and day difference between the media's scrutiny of former President George W. Bush and the current command-in-chief, President Barack Obama. And the coverage of three Navy SEALs now facing a court martial that captured one of the most wanted terrorists in Iraq, who allegedly was the mastermind of the murder of four Blackwater contractors in Fallujah in 2004, is proof. John Scott,…
CBS: NY Daily News Reporter Hails Obama’s Arlington Visit
November 16th, 2009 6:09 PM
On CBS’s Sunday Morning, New York Daily News Washington correspondent James Meek related President Obama’s visit to the graves of Iraq and Afghanistan war dead at Arlington National Cemetery: “Now, cynics may say this was just an Obama photo-op. But they weren’t there looking him in the eye. I saw a man fully carrying the heavy burden of command on a weighty day.”In an article Meeks wrote for the…