Woody Harrelson: Chevron Behind Afghanistan War, Jimmy Carter 'Pretty

November 16th, 2009 3:24 PM
In an interview published November 11 at Salon.com, titled, "Woody Harrelson on war, death, LBJ and Obama," by Andrew O'Hehir, actor Woody Harrelson, who stars in the new film, The Messenger, recounts his conspiracy theory that America invaded Afghanistan not because of the 9/11 attacks, but because Chevron wanted to overthrow the Taliban and build an oil pipeline. Harrelson:The guys from Chevron…

Oops: NY Times Claims Biden Never Supported Partition of Iraq

November 14th, 2009 5:52 PM

On War Policy, Comparisons to Lincoln Only Favorable for Democrats

November 12th, 2009 4:40 PM
On last night's "Rachel Maddow Show", the New Yorker's Seymour Hersh commended President Obama for taking the reins in Afghanistan. Hersh stated that Presidents must decide their own war strategies. But in the early stages of the war in Iraq, Hersh was a leading critic of similar actions by the Bush administration. Hersh's hypocrisy suggests he is more concerned with the political implications of…

Did Gen. David Petreaus Utter the Forbidden Word

November 12th, 2009 7:44 AM
(The following is satire -- I hope) Forget Ford Hood and investigating the so-called "terror" connections of Nidal Hasan. Yours truly has come across something the current crowd running our government might see as even more sinister. The Obama administration, the FBI, the Justice Department, and, most importantly, the White House's speech police simply have to get on this right away. You see,…

CBS’s Smith: Iraq and Afghanistan Wars to Blame for Ft. Hood Shootin

November 11th, 2009 12:32 PM
Interviewing Veteran Affairs Secretary Eric Shinseki on Wednesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Harry Smith cited a cause of the shooting at Ft. Hood: “...the Iraq war, the escalation in number of cases of post traumatic stress disorder...the more people go back to these fields, these theaters of war, either in Iraq or Afghanistan, it multiplies the incidence of these kinds of things occurring.”Smith…

LAT Jumps on PC Bandwagon, Ignores Islamic Beliefs of Ft. Hood Shooter

November 6th, 2009 2:59 PM
As reports of the Fort Hood shooting began to pour in yesterday, numerous news outlets neglected to mention that the shooter is a Muslim. Either the potential import of this fact was completely lost on these journalists, or they omitted the shooter's Muslim affiliations out of a concern for political correctness.CBS and NBC both omitted the shooter's faith in their East Coast feeds last night, as…

Matthews: 'What G--D--- Award' Does Dick Cheney Deserve

October 23rd, 2009 7:04 PM
Is Chris Matthews feeling pressure to keep up with the Olbermanns when it comes to flinging invective at conservatives?  On this evening's Hardball, discussing Dick Cheney's statement—-made at a dinner at which he received an award—that Pres. Obama is dithering on Afghanistan, an apparently incensed Matthews spluttered [unexpurgated in the original]:"What G--D--- award . . . are they giving these…

Year-end Deficit Report, Part 1: AP's Crutsinger Ignores Effect of Acc

October 19th, 2009 11:17 PM
Though its $1.4 trillion red-ink result was mostly known well ahead of its final issuance, the Treasury Department either conveniently got its year-end accounting work done in time for a Friday afternoon release of the final Monthly Treasury Statement, or held it until that time. Last year's report was released on Wednesday, October 15. The final statement shows receipts of $2.105 trillion, "…

CBS: U.S. Turning Attention to Iraq from Afghanistan the 'Gravest Erro

October 6th, 2009 9:26 PM
For the second night, CBS devoted time in its “Afghanistan: The Road Ahead” series -- which consumed the entirety of Tuesday's CBS Evening News -- to stressing how the decision to go into Iraq undermined success in Afghanistan. Lara Logan, CBS's chief foreign correspondent, rued “the U.S. allowed Osama bin Laden to escape from the Tora Bora mountains” and then, in endorsing the view she credited…

Why It's Okay to Laugh at Obama's Olympic Fail

October 6th, 2009 12:56 PM
So while chuckleheads like Jesse Jackson and Senator Roland Burris hilariously blame George Bush for Chicago losing the 2016 Olympics, whiny columnists like Mike Lupica are up in arms that conservatives might be gloating over President Obama’s big screw-up. Apparently laughing at all this is somehow anti-American, because Obama is our President, and he was doing this for all of us.You know… kind…

Couric Relies on Albright to Blame Obama's Afghanistan Conundrum on Bu

October 5th, 2009 8:42 PM
On Monday's CBS Evening News, Katie Couric delivered a “How We Got Here” review of Afghanistan after eight years of U.S. troops on the ground, culminating with Couric conveying as fact -- based on the view of Clinton administration Secretary of State Madeleine Albright -- the relatively simplistic liberal critique of how Iraq distracted the U.S. from the more important battle in Afghanistan. “…

With Obama as President, Media Not Interested in Casket Coverage

September 29th, 2009 8:54 AM

Rick Sanchez Blasts Fox News, But Glosses Over CNN's Own Bias

September 18th, 2009 7:15 PM
On Friday’s Newsroom, CNN’s Rick Sanchez correctly pointed out that a full-page color ad by the Fox News Channel incorrectly claimed that his network missed the massive September 12 Tea Party rally in Washington, DC, but went on to paper over CNN’s own double-standard on covering left-wing protests versus conservative protests. Sanchez also accused Fox News of trying to “promote” the Tea Parties.…

New York Times' Tanenhaus: Bill Clinton 'The Last Conservative Preside

September 18th, 2009 5:52 PM
There is an inside joke for the veteran viewers of MSNBC’s morning show, ‘Morning Joe,’ which refers back to a time when Joe Scarborough was in a heated debate with Zbigneiw Brzezinski (Mika’s father) over the behind-the-scenes content of President Clinton’s Camp David accords.  The elder Brzezinski grew rather frustrated with being out-shouted by Scarborough, and delivered the following zinger:“…