Maureen Dowd Bares Bitter-Ending Bush- and Cheney-Despising Fangs, Onl
January 11th, 2009 8:35 PM
When historians look back in wonder at how a long-established publication like the New York Times could have declined from its virtual king-of-the-world status in mid-2002 to its Bush-deranged, 85%-devalued shadow of its former self, they will surely make a few stops at Maureen Dowd's twice-weekly, lost-in-another-world columns (the Dowd picture is from the Times's web site).Today's offering from…
CNN Frets Over No 'Room at the Inn' at Blair House For the Obamas
January 8th, 2009 12:57 PM
On Thursday’s Newsroom program, CNN correspondent Jim Acosta indirectly compared the Obama family to the pregnant Virgin Mary and St. Joseph looking for a place to stay in Bethlehem during a report about the unavailability of the Blair House: “...[I]t’s still not clear why there wasn’t enough room at the inn for the Obamas. The 70,000 square foot complex is actually bigger than the White House.…
Vanity Fair Attempts Comprehensive Bush Hit Piece, Misfires Badly
December 29th, 2008 11:26 PM
Well, it seems that the folks at Vanity Fair realized that they won't have George W. Bush to kick around any more. So they decided to launch the journalistic equivalent of thermonuclear war against him in an attempt to get its shot at a "draft of history." In a 14 web-page tome (the photo at the top right is at its beginning) that fancies itself an "oral history," the magazine hauls out every…
As U.S. Succeeds In Iraq, Network TV Pulls the Plug
December 29th, 2008 2:49 PM
Nearly two years after reporters such as NBC's Tom Brokaw derided President Bush's troop surge as "a folly" and suggested the war itself was a "lost cause," American troop deaths are at their lowest level since the Iraq war began in March 2003, and the death toll among Iraqi civilians is also down sharply in 2008.So right on cue, Monday's New York Times reports that ABC, CBS and NBC have all…
McClatchy Employees Cheer Iraqi Shoe Tosser as Stock Plunges
December 25th, 2008 6:25 PM
Employees of McClatchy publishing in Iraq were in an unusually good mood recently. The occasion was the aftermath of the Iraqi journalist who tossed his shoes at President Bush at a press conference in Baghdad as you can see in these quotes from Inside Iraq, a blog for McClatchy journalists working in that country. The first quote was from McClatchy employee, "Laith," who was talking about his…
Shoe Tossing Media Darling Also Improves Bleak Shoe Economy
December 22nd, 2008 12:16 PM
CNN, which long ago abandoned the concept of credible journalism, ran a story today regarding the attack by Iraqi journalist Muntadhar al-Zaidi on our nation's President as a feel good story about the shoe industry.The title itself reveals that CNN reporters simply can't contain their giddiness when it comes to covering someone attacking the President:Bush assailant kick-starts sales for…
Will Media Report Baghdad's First Public Christmas Celebration
December 22nd, 2008 11:43 AM
An astonishing thing happened in Baghdad on Saturday: Christians, apparently for the first time in the city's history, publicly celebrated Christmas.CNN's Jill Dougherty published an article about this extraordinary event at the network's website Sunday which included a video of her interviewing Iraqis of varied religious beliefs at the scene.However, from what I can tell, this extremely charming…
Euro Journo Sides With Muslim Hate Over BDS Shoe Toss
December 22nd, 2008 4:58 AM
Mitch Potter of the Toronto Star is the quintessential example of a self-hating European, I must say. He is a journalist that sides with those who advocate the destruction of his own culture just so he can puff himself up that he "gets it" and he does this willingly ala the useful idiots of old. In his latest pretense at journalism, Potter takes such glee indulging his Bush derangement syndrome…
LAT Sunday Conversation: MSM 'Reverence' For Bush 'Only Recently Lifte
December 21st, 2008 8:38 PM
The MSM has been too reverential towards George W. Bush. Yeah, that's the ticket. The only thing more absurd than that assertion was Arianna Huffington's willingness to accept it as a fact in answering a question. Here was the exchange between Huffington and Choire Sicha, writing for the LA Times, in today's "Sunday Conversation" feature [emphasis added]:CHOIRE SICHA: It was only recently that…
AP Parrots Henry Waxman's Lie About the Still-True 'Sixteen Words
December 21st, 2008 12:52 AM
It seems that some in Congress are so upset that our troops and their president have achieved what looks like victory in Iraq to seasoned, on-the-ground observers like Michael Yon that they feel compelled to get in their final digs to somehow discredit the war's legitimacy.One such congressman is Democrat Henry Waxman of California (image originally found at the Washington Post), whose Committee…
ABC's Terry Moran Touts Iraqi Shoe Throwing: 'Instant Pop Culture Clas
December 18th, 2008 2:49 PM
On Wednesday's "Nightline," co-anchor Terry Moran could barely restrain his amusement over the shoe throwing incident on Sunday involving an Iraqi journalist and President Bush, asserting that it had become an "instant pop culture classic." He later touted the shoe attack, which occurred at a press conference in Baghdad, as "a dramatic act of contempt and disapproval." [audio available here]…