Silent Success: Nov. US Troop Deaths from Hostile Action in Iraq Tie A

December 2nd, 2008 8:44 PM
How can you tell that the news from Iraq about American casualties continues to be good? You barely hear about it. It would be better to report no deaths, of course. But according to, 17 US soldiers died in Iraq during November. Only seven of those deaths were the result of hostile enemy action, tying an all-time low: And here's another "surprise," considering how we were told…

CBS’s Schieffer Talks Obama With Fawning Left-Wing Authors

December 2nd, 2008 1:33 PM
On Sunday’s CBS Face the Nation, host Bob Schieffer discussed the challenges President-elect Barack Obama will face with liberal authors: "Today we ask the authors of four of the year's most important books to assess the problems the new administration will face." Schieffer asked the Washington Post’s Bob Woodward, author of ‘The War Within: A Secret White House History,’ about Obama picking…

Walters Put Bush on Defense in 2001, But Tosses Softballs to Obama

November 30th, 2008 10:07 PM
In the interview for Wednesday’s Barbara Walters Special on ABC with Barack and Michelle Obama, excerpts of which were also shown on Wednesday’s World News with Charles Gibson, Walters asked few questions that put the Obamas on the defensive, in contrast with her January 2001 interview, aired on 20/20, with then-President-elect Bush in which she challenged him on a number of fronts. Most notably…

Friedman: Iraq Could Positively Tilt Arab World...Thanks to Obama

November 30th, 2008 8:40 PM
He was against the 2003 invasion of Iraq, and largely won the Democrat presidential nomination as a result. He was also against the 2007 surge, and still has a hard time admitting it worked.But now that things are going well there, Iraq "has the potential to eventually tilt the Arab-Muslim world in a different direction."As a result, according to New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman, "Obama…

Turner: KGB 'Honorable,' Iraq 'Naked Aggression' Like Soviets in Afgha

November 30th, 2008 1:24 PM
“The KGB, I think, was an honorable place to work” with “worthwhile” achievements, CNN founder Ted Turner contended in an interview aired on Sunday's Meet the Press in which he blamed the U.S. for starting the battles with Vladimir Putin “by putting the Star Wars system in Czechoslovakia and Poland” and, when host Tom Brokaw recalled that Leonid Brezhnev reacted to Jimmy Carter's outreach by…

Iraqis Break Bread With Americans This Thanksgiving

November 27th, 2008 5:00 PM
I'm shocked this is a CBS report. Nevertheless, I hope it touches you as it did me, and makes your day as it did mine:

Visions of Saigon Redux Dance in Rachel Maddow's Head

November 24th, 2008 5:00 PM

LAT Writer: Obama Defense Picks are 'Centrists'; Peace Activist: You

November 20th, 2008 2:25 PM
Well, isn't this a hoot?As Barack Obama appears to be appointing less than totally pro-surrender officials to his inner circle, far leftists are feeling constrained in their criticism by Obama Mania.A Los Angeles Times article by Paul Richter with an amusing title ("Antiwar groups fear Barack Obama may create hawkish Cabinet") notes that Obama has appointed or is considering many people who…

Philly PBS Outlet Hires Inquirer Editor Who Wanted to Cancel 4th of Ju

November 20th, 2008 2:21 PM
Former Philadelphia Inquirer editorial page editor Chris Satullo, who in a July 1, 2008 editorial suggested that “America doesn't deserve to celebrate its birthday” on Independence Day due to the “waterboarding, the snarling dogs, the theft of sleep” used on some enemy combatants since 9/11, has been hired to become the director of news operations for WHYY, the PBS affiliate in the Philadelphia…

Anatomy of a Biased Headline: Part IV

November 14th, 2008 10:03 AM
How is it that in this time of historic change and euphoria, the media can remain so pessimistic? The messiah has been elected, ACORN and Democratic Secretary of State Mark Ritchie are stealing an election in Minnesota, conservatives are going to be silenced via the Fair-Less Doctrine, and gay marriage activists are assaulting the elderly. It is a time of hope and optimism in this, our…

Kalb Suggests Wartime President Bush ‘Avoided Military Service,’ F

November 12th, 2008 8:24 AM
On Tuesday’s The O’Reilly Factor, FNC host Bill O’Reilly showed clips from the Kalb Report show in which moderator Marvin Kalb, a veteran of both CBS and NBC News, interviewed O’Reilly. During the interview, which was recorded on September 27, O’Reilly managed to embarrass Kalb as the liberal host seemed to criticize President Bush for ordering American troops into war after the President himself…

CBS ‘Early Show’ Promotes Obama’s Foreign Policy

November 11th, 2008 12:31 PM
On Tuesday’s CBS Early Show, co-host Maggie Rodriguez discussed Barack Obama’s foreign policy goals with foreign correspondent Lara Logan and asked about Logan’s July interview with the president-elect: "...he said many times during the campaign, that Afghanistan, and not Iraq, needs to be our central focus in this war on terrorism. And this morning in the Washington Post we're seeing that's he's…

Media and Academia, Historical Illiterates du Jour

November 9th, 2008 8:26 AM
To show how foolishly hyperbolic the Old Media and the ignorati in our universities are, the Associated Press issued a dire report that breathlessly informed us all that Barack Obama is facing a "nation in crisis" and it's all "just like Lincoln and FDR." The AP even gets an historically illiterate university professor to sonorously declare how Obama is "one step away" from Lincoln and FDR. But…

Have Fun For Now, Frank

November 9th, 2008 6:51 AM
I don't begrudge Obama supporters a celebration.  After eight years in the presidential wilderness and an election that was, yes, historic, it's natural to whoop it up.Even so, if Frank Rich were an NFL player [willing suspension of disbelief required], his end-zone dance of a column today would earn him a 15-yard penalty for unsportsmanlike conduct.Annotated excerpts: