Study: TV News Is Rigged Against Brett Kavanaugh

September 26th, 2018 10:27 AM
During the twelve days since Democratic Senator Dianne Feinstein publicly announced the existence of an unspecified allegation against Brett Kavanaugh, the ABC, CBS and NBC morning and evening news shows have spent nearly six hours (344 minutes) regurgitating various unproved allegations against the Supreme Court nominee. But only a tiny percentage of that coverage — a measly eight percent — has…

Barnicle Frets Over Damage to 'Revered' Presidency and Senate

September 26th, 2018 9:49 AM
On Morning Joe, Mike Barnicle claims that "everyone so revered" the Presidency and the U.S. Senate not that long ago, and wonders how long it will take to repair the damage to those institutions that is now being done on a daily basis.

Todd Slams Kavanaugh as ‘Partisan Warrior’ for Defending Himself

September 26th, 2018 12:12 AM
There is nothing Judge Brett Kavanaugh can do to clear his name in the eyes of the ravenous liberal media. Even after his interview on Fox News in which he defended himself and his reputation from the dubious allegations, it drew the ire of those who wanted his nomination to fail. During Tuesday’s MTP Daily on MSNBC, host Chuck Todd slapped the Supreme Court nominee with a “partisan warrior”…

Four Scorching Kavanaugh Hot Takes from Tuesday’s ‘Hardball’

September 25th, 2018 11:17 PM
Tuesday’s Hardball saw host Chris Matthews and a few of his guests come locked and loaded for battle, illustrating the left’s rabid desire to convict Supreme Court pick Brett Kavanaugh in the court of public opinion and perhaps a future court of law based on, at best, wobbly evidence. With cameos from SiriusXM’s Zerlina Maxwell and everyone’s favorite fake Republican in The Washington Post’s…

Bozell & Graham Column: The Vast Anti-Kavanaugh Conspiracy

September 25th, 2018 11:14 PM
Washington Post media reporter Paul Farhi wrote a September 25 article on liberal media bias headlined “Kavanaugh supporters see a conspiracy afoot.” The Post painted this as a little crazy, like a UFO was involved. Can anyone imagine the idea of the Democrats and liberal reporters working hand in glove to torpedo a Republican nomination? Yes, we've seen it over and over again. 

Whiplash: ABC Now Opposed to Senate GOP Hiring Outside Lawyer for Ford

September 25th, 2018 9:28 PM
It’s truly amazing to witness how fast the liberal narrative changes in a week. Last Tuesday, ABC’s World News Tonight was deeply frightened by the idea that the 11 Republican men on the Senate Judiciary Committee would be asking the questions to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser, Dr. Christine Blasey Ford. This Tuesday, they did a complete 180 and were huffing about the panel hiring a female…

Time to End the Judiciary Circus

September 25th, 2018 4:37 PM
The Ringling Brothers & Barnum and Bailey Circus announced last year it was closing after a 146-year run, largely because of high operating costs, costly legal battles with animal rights groups and declining ticket sales, especially after elephants were retired from the show. Brett Kavanaugh's embattled nomination for the Supreme Court has become a circus, and it's time for the Senate…

NYT Front: Kavanaugh Faces ‘Growing Doubts...Kegs and Innuendo'

September 25th, 2018 4:21 PM
Tuseday's New York Times featured co-lead stories on the accusations against Brett Kavanaugh: "Judge Brett M. Kavanaugh, facing new allegations of sexual impropriety and growing doubts over his confirmation to the Supreme Court..." The Times reveled in the unsubstantiated left-wing sliming of Kavanaugh’s “clean-cut” image." More dubiously sourced “innuendo” against Kavanaugh appeared in the other…

New York Times Goes Full Avenatti over Kavanaugh Yearbook

September 25th, 2018 3:47 PM
Despite the fact that even Senate Democrats remain quite wary of embracing Michael Avenatti's wild charges against Brett Kavanaugh based on bizarre extrapolations of seemingly innocent comments in his high school yearbook, the New York Times is now following his lead in debased speculation.

WHAT? CNN, MSNBC Compare Kavanaugh to Convicted Sexual Predator Cosby

September 25th, 2018 3:24 PM
Reacting to Tuesday’s sentencing of Bill Cosby for sexual assault, CNN and MSNBC guests were allowed without pushback by CNN Newsroom host Brooke Baldwin and MSNBC Live’s Katy Tur to compare Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh to the sexually violent celebrity who’s had 60 women accuse him of sexual misconduct.

Jim Carrey: ‘ENTITLED LITTLE SH*T’ Kavanaugh Doesn’t Deserve SC Spot

September 25th, 2018 2:15 PM
It’s hard to recall that there was a time when Jim Carrey was funny. These days, all that comes from Carrey is ugly artwork and hateful politics. On Sept. 25 Huffington Post’s Ed Mazza spotlighted Carrey’s freshest addition to his portfolio: a grinning man in flowing black robes wearing a ski mask over his head like a burglar.

Kelly Blasts Avenatti: ‘You Don’t Tease Allegations of Rape'

September 25th, 2018 12:55 PM
On her 9:00 a.m. ET hour show on Tuesday, NBC anchor Megyn Kelly slammed Stormy Daniels attorney and prospective 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Michael Avenatti for making unsubstantiated “outrageous allegations” against Brett Kavanaugh. The morning show host thought the claims were so irresponsible that she told viewers “they will not be repeated here.”

Conservative Leaders Respond to Media Madness on Kavanaugh

September 25th, 2018 12:46 PM
As America watches the confirmation proceedings for Judge Kavanaugh, it’s not just the Democratic Senators who have been hammering the Supreme Court nominee. Liberal journalists have engaged in nothing less than a smear campaign. The nomination process has been hindered by wild claims that it’s “illegitimate” because Republicans held up Merrick Garland. Since then, the conversation has been…

Killing Kavanaugh: The Worst Media Smears Against the Nominee

September 25th, 2018 10:45 AM
The Democrats and their allies in the media have spent the last few weeks laying the groundwork to destroy the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. First, they tried to say the process was “illegitimate” because Republicans held up Merrick Garland. When that didn’t work, they brought forth an uncorroborated decades-old allegation of sexual assault. The following is a look at some…