My Explosive Revelation for Thursday

September 27th, 2018 1:28 AM
WASHINGTON -- My crack team of investigative journalists is sitting on an explosive revelation about a senior Democrat in the United States Senate. When we will publish this story I have not yet decided, but it could come as early as Thursday, when Supreme Court Justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh and professor Dr. Christine Blasey Ford will supposedly tell their stories in open-door hearings.

CNN’s Cuomo Misleads Viewers On Content of Kavanaugh Calendars

September 27th, 2018 1:08 AM
You know, for someone whose cable network has a mantra of “#FactsFirst”, CNN host Chris Cuomo has a really difficult time telling the truth. During Wednesday’s edition of Cuomo PrimeTime, he ran a segment he purported was to examine the 1982 calendar pages Judge Brett Kavanaugh submitted to the Senate Judiciary Committee ahead of the hearing on Thursday. But Cuomo decided the lie and fabricate…

Devil in the Details: Nets Ignore the Massive Holes in Kavanaugh Tales

September 26th, 2018 11:13 PM
Journalistic standards and ethics no longer exist. That has become painfully obvious as the Kavanaugh confirmation process has dragged on. Wednesday saw a third outlandish accusation (a fourth and fifth by nightfall) that the liberal media pounced on with a blatant disregard for the facts and no curiosity for the truth. During their evening newscasts, the major broadcast networks (ABC, CBS, and…

CNN Panel: Kavanaugh Backers Are Racist, Sexist Conspiracy Theorists

September 26th, 2018 10:23 PM
In the 40 minutes since President Trump’s early Wednesday evening press conference, CNN’s The Situation Room did nothing to combat the notion that the liberal media is the opposition party. All told, the assembled analysts and journalists accused Brett Kavanaugh supporters of being racist and sexist conspiracy theorists who are being spoon-fed their talking points from Fox News.

Steve Schmidt: Grassley, Hatch Look Like 'Handmaid's Tale' Commanders

September 26th, 2018 9:34 PM
Appearing this afternoon on MSNBC's Deadline: White House program hosted by Nicolle Wallace -- his sidekick on the McCain presidential campaign -- Steve Schmidt broke out the tired liberal claim that Republicans somehow resemble the villains of 'The Handmaid's Tale.' The show has been described as portraying "a dystopian future  . . . wherein a totalitarian society subjects fertile women, called…

NYT Gleeful Over Kavanaugh’s Fallen Reputation, Hails ‘Fiery’ Hirono

September 26th, 2018 6:32 PM
New York Times congressional reporter Carl Hulse, always eager for signs of Republican trouble, gleefully piled on to the Kavanaugh scrum with “Resume Glittered, but the Reality Was Something Else Again” in Wednesday’s edition. Not to be outdone, Sydney Ember filed a fan letter in the guise of an interview with “fiery” Democratic Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii, infamous for saying Kavanaugh’s…

Cable News Worried by Porn Lawyer's Role in Kavanaugh 'Circus'

September 26th, 2018 5:54 PM

A handful of cable pundits were less than thrilled to see highly political porn star lawyer Michael Avenatti injecting himself into the Judge Brett Kavanaugh controversy.


Anti-Kavanaugh Writer’s History of Hit Pieces Against Conservatives

September 26th, 2018 5:16 PM
Jane Mayer made the network rounds, this week, promoting her New Yorker hit piece on Brett Kavanaugh, but a look at her past demonstrates why her work should be taken with biggest grains of salt as she has become a go-to author for partisan attack stories.   

KABOOM! Kavanaugh Attorney Schools Katy Tur on Presumption of Guilt

September 26th, 2018 4:59 PM
Seeking to push back against the liberal media’s rush to convict Supreme Court Brett Kavanaugh of being a serial, sexually violent criminal, Kavanaugh attorney Beth Wilkinson spent Wednesday on a media tour across broadcast and cable news, but none were as tense as her battle with MSNBC’s Katy Tur. As usual, Tur only brought the proverbial knife to a gun fight when it comes to the facts and…

Kimmel: We Should 'Cut That Pesky Penis' of Kavanaugh's Off

September 26th, 2018 3:54 PM
During Monday’s edition of Jimmy Kimmel Live, the eponymous host weighed in on the 11th hour sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.  The conversation turned quite graphic at one point, with Kimmel suggesting that Kavanaugh should sacrifice his penis in exchange for his Supreme Court seat.

NYT's Guilt By Association With Kavanaugh on Page One: 'Heavy Drinker'

September 26th, 2018 3:37 PM
The front page of Wednesday’s New York Times swallowed whole Democratic talking points in the fast-moving barrage of allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. The paper is moving on from the original accusation of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford and is now moving on to paranoid guilt by association, having fully embraced the shoddy New Yorker story regarding his latest…

VIDEO: CNN, MSNBC Find Kavanaugh Guilty on All Counts

September 26th, 2018 12:01 PM
The hearings have yet to begin, but the liberal cable networks have already banged the gavel in the case of sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, finding the defendant guilty in a court of public opinion. Despite the insistence of both Democrats and liberal cable pundits that the magic of an FBI investigation is the only way to ascertain the truth, hosts and…

Ruhle: GOP 'Insulting' Dr. Ford by Getting a 'Girl' to Question Her

September 26th, 2018 11:22 AM
On Wednesday's MSNBC Live, host Stephanie Ruhle demonstrated that Senate Republicans will be attacked by liberal journalists no matter how they handle the questioning of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford as the MSNBC anchor charged that it is "an insult to Dr. Ford" for Republicans Senators to "pedal in a girl" to question her.

GMA Uses High Schoolers to Shame, Lecture Kavanaugh In '#MeToo Era'

September 26th, 2018 10:48 AM
After spending four reports on the sexual assault allegations surrounding Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh Wednesday, ABC continued trying to elevate the accusers and shame the conservative judge in a fifth report on Good Morning America, where high schoolers lectured adults for not “believing the women” who’ve raised dubious and discounted claims about Kavanaugh.